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Created March 13, 2011 04:18
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Solutions to exercises from Chapter 1 of "Discrete Mathematics with a Computer"
{- Discrete Mathematics with a Computer
Chapter 01: Introduction
module Introduction where
import Data.Maybe
-- Ex 1 are the following true or false
ex11 = True && False -- False
ex12 = True || False -- True
ex13 = not False -- True
ex14 = 3 <= 5 && 5 <= 10 -- True
ex15 = 3 <= 20 && 20 <= 10 -- False
ex16 = False == True -- False
ex17 = 1 == 1 -- True
ex18 = 1 /= 2 -- True
ex19 = 1 /= 1 -- False
-- Ex 2 understanding list comprehensions
ex21 = [x | x <- [1,2,3], False] -- [] because False means all tests fail
ex22 = [not (x && y) | x <- [False, True], y <- [False, True]]
-- [True, True, True, False]
-- we consider the following tuples: (False, False), (False, True), (True, False),
-- (True, True)
-- the operation we're doing is NAND
ex23 = [x || y | x <- [False, True], y <- [False, True], x /= y]
-- tuples considered: (False, True), (True, False)
-- we do the Or of these so [True, True]
ex24 = [(x,y,z) | x <- [1..50], y <- [1..50], z <- [1..50], x ** 2 + y ** 2 == z ** 2]
-- Pythagorean Triples that are less than 50
-- generated in a very naive manner.
ex24faster = [(x,y,z) | z <- [1..50], y <- [1.. z], x <- [1..y], x ** 2 + y ** 2 == z ** 2]
ex24l limit = [(x,y,z) | x <- [1..limit], y <- [1..limit], z <- [1..limit], x ** 2 + y ** 2 == z ** 2]
ex24fl limit = [(x,y,z) | z <- [1..limit], y <- [1.. z], x <- [1..y], x ** 2 + y ** 2 == z ** 2]
-- For limit = 100, ex24l takes 5.85 seconds while ex24fl takes 1.10 seconds
-- ex24faster doesn't generate all permutations but would that really affect the runtime?
ex24allperms limit = concat [[(a,b,c),(b,a,c)] | (a,b,c) <- ex24fl limit]
-- takes about .05 seconds more to do the concatenation on 100.
-- Ex 3: write a function that takes a character and returns true if the character is 'a'
-- and false otherwise
isA, isApatmatch, isAH :: Char -> Bool
isA = (== 'a')
isApatmatch 'a' = True
isApatmatch _ = False
-- higher-level, although it's doing exactly what isA was doing
isChar :: Char -> (Char -> Bool)
isChar x = (== x)
isAH = isChar 'a'
-- Ex 4: write a function that takes a string and returns true if the string is "hello"
isHello :: String -> Bool
isHello = (== "Hello")
isHelloP "Hello" = True
isHelloP _ = False
-- higher level although it's doing exactly what isHello was doing
isWord :: String -> (String -> Bool)
isWord w = (== w)
isHelloH = (isWord "Hello")
-- Ex 5: Write a function that takes a string and removes a leading space if it exists
removeLeading :: String -> String
removeLeading (' ':rest) = rest
removeLeading x = x
removeAllLeading :: String -> String
removeAllLeading (' ':rest) = removeAllLeading rest
removeAllLeading x = x
-- Ex 6: You've read in a list of Ints where is supposed to mean False, 1 means True
-- any other number is invalid input
readBools :: [Int] -> [Bool]
readBools = map int2bool
where int2bool :: Int -> Bool
int2bool 0 = False
int2bool 1 = True
int2bool _ = error "Invalid Input"
-- Ex 7 : return true if atleast one of the chars is '0'
-- good ol'fashioned recursive style
member0 :: String -> Bool
member0 [] = False
member0 ('0':_) = True
member0 (_:xs) = member0 xs
-- using filter
member0f = (> 0) . length . filter (== '0')
-- using fold
member0fold = foldr (\ a b -> (a == '0') || b) False
-- using Haskell library functions
member0has = elem '0'
{- Folds
foldr = fold from the right . i.e. values are built from the left
e.g. foldr (+) 0 [1,2,3]
1 + (2 + (3 + 0))
foldl = fold from the left.
e.g. foldl (+) 0 [1,2,3]
(((0 + 1) + 2) + 3)
concatFold :: [[a]] -> [a]
concatFold = foldr (++) []
myAnd :: [Bool] -> Bool
myAnd = foldr (&&) True
{- myAnd [True, False, True]
= True && (False && (True && False))
= (False && (True && False))
= False
False && undefined => False proves that it is lazy with second argument
-- myAnd was initially defined incorrectly. Thanks to norriscm pointing out the mistake.
myMax1 :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a
myMax1 = foldr1 max
-- Ex 8: Expand the following application
{- foldr max 0 [1,5,3]
= max 1 (max 5 (max 3 0))
= max 1 (max 5 3)
= max 1 5
= 5
-- Ex 9: Write a function that takes in two lists of type [Maybe Int] and examines
-- the pair of list heads before lookinga t rest of the lists.
-- It returns a list in which the Ints of each pair have been added if both are of
-- the form Just n, preserving any Just n value otherwise.
justAdd :: (Num a) => Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
justAdd Nothing Nothing = Nothing
justAdd (Just x) (Just y) = Just (x + y)
justAdd x Nothing = x
justAdd Nothing y = y
addJust :: [Maybe Int] -> [Maybe Int] -> [Maybe Int]
addJust = zipWith justAdd
-- book's test
-- addJust [Just 2, Nothing, Just 3] [Nothing, Nothing, Just 5]
-- [Just 2,Nothing,Just 8]
-- Ex 10: Define a data type that represents six different metals
-- and automatically creates versions of (==) and show
data Metals = Lithium
| Sodium
| Potassium
| Rubidium
| Cesium
| Francium
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Ex 11: Suppose coins have been sorted into piles, each of which contains only
-- one type of coin. Define a data type to represent piles of coins.
data Coin = Penny Integer
| Dime Integer
| Nickel Integer
| Quarter Integer
| Dollar Integer
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Ex 12: Define a universal type that contains Booleans, characters and integers
data Universal = BOOL Bool
| INT Integer
| CHAR Char
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Ex 13: Define a type that contains tuples of upto four elements
data Tup4 a b c d = Tuple0
| Tuple1 a
| Tuple2 a b
| Tuple3 a b c
| Tuple4 a b c d
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Ex 14: Function that finds real solution sof quadratic equation and reports failure
discriminant :: (Floating a) => a -> a -> a -> a
discriminant a b c = b ^ 2 - 4 * a * c
realSqrt :: (Ord a, Floating a) => a -> a -> a -> Maybe (a,a)
realSqrt a b c = case (compare disc) 0 of
LT -> Nothing
EQ -> Just (prefix, prefix)
GT -> Just (prefix + sqdisc, prefix - sqdisc)
where disc = discriminant a b c
sqdisc = sqrt disc / (2 * a)
prefix = - b / (2 * a)
-- ==============================================================================
-- Review Exercises Begin here
-- Ex 15: showMaybe
showMaybe :: (Show a) => Maybe a -> String
showMaybe Nothing = "Nothing"
showMaybe (Just x) = show x
{- Note that saying showMaybe Nothing = show Nothing is a compiler error
<kanakola> roelvandijk: So you're saying since Nothing is a part of any type,
"showMaybe Nothing" is still ambiguous? because the Nothing could
be of any Maybe type right? like it could be a nothing from Maybe
Int or it could be a nothing from Maybe Char. And that's where the
ambiguity comes from?
thanks to the people on the haskell channel :)
-- Ex 16: Bit = integer that is either 0 or 1
data Bit = Zero
| One
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Ord, Bounded)
-- deriving Enum gives me a fromEnum:: Bit -> Int so fromEnum Zero is 0
-- deriving Ord gives me Zero < One, One > Zero
-- deriving Eq gives me Zero == Zero and One == One
-- deriving Bounded tells me that (minBound :: Bit) = Zero
-- and (maxBound :: Bit) = One
-- Show lets me print things
type Word = [Bit] -- [1,0] means 2
bitOr :: Bit -> Bit -> Bit
bitOr Zero Zero = Zero
bitOr _ _ = One
bitAnd :: Bit -> Bit -> Bit
bitAnd One One = One
bitAnd _ _ = Zero
{- bitwiseAnd [1,0,0] [1,0,1] => [bitAnd 1 1, bitAnd 0 0, bitAnd 0 1] = [1,0,0]
bitwiseAnd = zipWith bitAnd
bitwiseOr = zipWith bitOr
{- Extra credit: converting a word to the integer it represents
[1,0,0] = 1 * 2 ^ 2 + 0 * 2 ^ 1 + 0 * 2^ 0
fromWord :: Word -> Int
fromWord = foldl (\ acc new -> 2 * acc + fromEnum new) 0
-- Ex 17: Fix type errors
{- [1, False] lists are homogeneous
'2' ++ 'a' : append is for lists
[(3, True), (False, 9)] should be [(3, True), (9, False)]
2 == False : == requires homogeneous types
'a' > "b" : should be 'a' > 'b'
[[1],[2],[[3]]] should be [[1],[2],[3]]
-- Ex 18
{- f :: Num a => (a, a) -> a
f (x,y) = x + y
f (True, 4) is an error because True is not a number
-- alternate definition
f :: Num a => (a, a) -> a
f = uncurry (+)
-- Ex 19
{- f :: Maybe a -> [a]
f Nothing = []
f (Just 3) is an error because we didn't define a pattern for just
-- Ex 20
-- write a list comprehension that takes [Just 3, Nothing, Just 4] and produces
-- [3, 4]
fromJusts :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
fromJusts xs = [a | Just a <- xs]
-- Monochrom's problem on the IRC
-- Using only add1, subtract1 and compare to zero, write a function that checks
-- if a number is odd or even
isEven :: (Integral a) => a -> Bool
isEven x = case compare x 0 of
EQ -> True
GT -> isEvenHelper (\ y -> y - 1) x
LT -> isEvenHelper (+ 1) x
isEvenHelper _ 0 = True
isEvenHelper f n = not $ isEvenHelper f (f n)
-- Discussion on IRC: can we do this if only thing we can check is eq to 0 (not compare)
-- The solution is to have one "thread" keep decrementing, and another keep incrementing
-- return the answer of the one that terminates first
-- of course we don't need real threads, just something that simulates two computation lines
-- Ex 21
-- using list comprehensions, write a function that takes a list of int values and an int value n and returns those that are greater than n
filterSmaller :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
filterSmaller n xs = [x | x <- xs, x > n]
-- another way:
filterSmaller2 :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
filterSmaller2 n = filter (> n)
-- Ex 22
-- Take in a list of Int values and an Int and return a list of indexes at which that int appears
-- actually why does input have to be Int?
indices :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [Int]
indices xs x = [b | (a, b) <- zip xs [1..], a == x]
-- Ex 23
-- List comprehension that produces a list of all positive integers that are not squares in the range 1 to 20
notSquares :: [Integer]
notSquares = [e | e <- [1..20], null [x | x <- [1..e], x * x == e]]
-- Ex 24
-- foldr to count the number of times a letter occurs in a string
countOccur, countOccur2 :: Char -> String -> Int
countOccur c = foldr (\ new acc -> (if new == c then 1 else 0) + acc) 0
countOccur2 c = length . filter (== c)
-- Ex 25
-- "write a function using foldr that takes a list and removes each isntance of a given letter
-- doing what they want
removeChar :: Char -> String -> String
removeChar c = foldr (\ x acc -> if x == c then acc else x:acc) []
-- but if i can write filter...
filterF :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filterF p = foldr (\ x acc -> if p x then x:acc else acc) []
removeChar' :: Char -> String -> String
removeChar' c = filterF (/= c)
-- Ex 26
-- write reverse using foldl
rev :: [a] -> [a]
rev xs = foldl (\ acc elt -> elt:acc) [] xs
-- Ex 27
-- using foldl, write a function MaybeLast that returns the last element if there is one
-- otherwise returns nothing
takeLast :: Maybe a -> a -> Maybe a
takeLast _ x = Just x
maybeLast :: [a] -> Maybe a
maybeLast = foldl takeLast Nothing
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kanak commented Mar 13, 2011

norriscm, thanks for pointing that out. I've fixed the problem.

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