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Discrete Math Using a Computer: Chapter 04 Induction notes and exercise solutions
#+TITLE: DiscreteMathComputer 04 - Induction
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* Introduction
- Want to prove that every element $x$ of a set $X$ has a property $P$
- i.e. $\forall x \in X, P(x)$
- Direct proof for each element doesn't work because we want finitely long proof even for an infinite set
- We'll use:
+ *Mathematical Induction*: Proving properties about natural numbers
+ *Structural Induction*: Proving properties about lists
* Principle of Mathematical Induction
- We'll focus on induction on natural numbers
- Strategy:
+ Prove P(0). This is the *base case*
+ Prove that P(i) implies P(i + 1). This is the *inductive case*
- Since every element in the set of natural numbers can be reached by starting at 0 and repeatedly adding 1, we have a finitely long proof that the property holds for each natural number
** Theorem: Principle of Mathematical Induction
*** Statement
- Let $P(x)$ be a predicate on the natural numbers
- If $P(0)$ is true and $P(n) \rightarrow P(n + 1)$ holds $\forall n \geq 0$ then $\forall x \in N, P(x)$ is true
*** Proof
- Using axiomatic set theory
- "beyond the scope of this book"
* Examples of Induction on Natural Numbers
** Sum of natural numbers
*** Theorem: Statement
- $\forall n \in N, \sum_{i = 0}^n i = \frac{n (n + 1)}{2}$
*** Theorem: Proof
- Proof is by induction on $n$
**** Base case, n = 0
- Left side = $\sum_{i = 0}^0 i = 0$
- Right side = $\frac{0(0 + 1)}{2} = \frac{0}{2} = 0$
**** Inductive case, n = k + 1
- Inductive hypothesis: $\sum_{i = 0}^k i = \frac{k (k + 1)}{2}$
- Add $k + 1$ to both sides of the inductive hypothesis
- Left side: $\sum_{i = 0}^k i + (k + 1) = \sum_{i = 0}^{k + 1} i$ by definition of $sum$
- Right side: $\frac{k (k + 1)}{2} + (k + 1) = (k + 1)(\frac{k}{2} + 1) = \frac{(k + 1) (k + 2)}{2}$
** Exercise 1: Exponentiation
*** Problem Statement
- Suppose $a \in \mathbb{R}$
- $\forall m, n \in \mathbb{N}, a^{mn} = (a^m)^n$
*** Proof
- Proof is by induction on $n$
**** Base case, $n = 0$
- Left side: $a^{m0} = a^0 = 1$
- Right side: $(a^m)^0 = 1$
**** Inductive case, $n = k + 1$
- Inductive hypothesis: $a^{mk} = (a^m)^k$
- If $a = 0$, trivially true because $\forall x \in \mathbb{N}, 0^x = 0$ (what about $0^0$ ??)
- Assume $a \neq 0$, multiply both sides by $a^m$
+ Left side: $a^{mk} * a^k = a^{mk + m} = a^{m(k + 1)}$
+ Right side: $(a^m)^k * a^m = (a^m)^{k +1}$
** Exercise 2: Sum of first n odd numbers
*** Problem Statement
- Sum of first $n$ odd positive numbers is $n^2$
*** Proof
- Proof is by induction on $n$
**** Base case, $n = 0$
- Left side: 0
- Right side: 0
**** Inductive case, $n = k + 1$
- Inductive hypothesis: sum of first $k$ odd numbers is $k^2$
- The $k+1$ th odd number is $2k + 1$
- Add it to both sides
- Left side: becomes sum of first $k + 1$ odd numbers
- Right side: $k^2 + 2k + 1 = (k + 1)^2$
** Exercise 3: Geometric Sum
*** Problem Statement
- Suppose, $a \in \mathbb{R}, a\neq 1$
- $\sum_{i=0}^n a^i = \frac{a^{n+1} - 1}{a - 1}$
*** Proof
- Proof is by induction on n
**** Base case, $n = 0$
- Left side: $\sum_{i = 0}^0 a^1 = a^0 = 1$
- Right side: $\frac{a^1 - 1}{a - 1} = 1$
**** Inductive case, $n = k$
- Inductive hypothesis: $\sum_{i=0}^k a^i = \frac{a^{k+1} - 1}{a - 1}$
- add $a^{k + 1}$ to both sides
- Left side is now $\sum_{i = 0}^{k + 1} a^i$
- Right side is $a^{k + 1} * \frac{a^{k + 1} - 1}{a - 1} = \frac{a^{k + 2} - a^{k + 1} + a^{k + 1} - 1}{a - 1} = \frac{a^{k + 2} - 1}{a - 1}$
* Induction and Recursion
- Common technique for proving the properties of a recursively defined function
** Theorem: Factorial
*** Problem Statement
- $factorial(n) = \prod_{i = 1}^n \forall n \in \mathbb{N}$
*** Proof
- Proof is by induction on n
**** Base case: n = 0
- $factorial 0 = 1$ by definition of factorial
- $\prod_{i = 1}^0 i = 1$ (by definition of $\prod$)
**** Inductive case: n = k + 1
- Inductive hypothesis: $factorial k = \prod_{i = 1}^k i$
- $factorial (k + 1) = (k + 1) * factorial k = (k + 1) *\prod_{i = 1}^k = \prod_{i = 1}^{k + 1} i$
** Exercise 4: Fibonacci
*** Problem Statement
- $\sum_{i = 1}^n fib(i) = fib (n + 2) - 1 \forall n \in \mathbb{N}$
*** Proof
- Proof is by induction on $n$
**** Base case, n = 0
- Left side = $\sum_{i = 1}^0 fib(i) = 0$ (by definition of $\sum$)
- Right side = $fib(0 + 2) - 1 = fib(2) - 1 = fib(0) + fib(1) - 1 = 0 + 1 - 1 = 0$
**** Inductive case, n = k + 1
- Inductive hypothesis: $\sum_{i = 1}^k fib(i) = fib (k + 2) - 1$
- Add $fib(k + 1)$ to both sides
- Left side: $\sum_{i = 1}^{k + 1} fib(i)$
- Right side: $fib (k + 2) + fib(k + 1) - 1 = fib(k + 3) - 1$
* Induction on Peano Numerals
** Theorem: Self-equality
*** Problem Statement
- $\forall$ x type Nat, equals x x = True
- Where equals is the function we defined earlier
*** Proof
- Proof is by structural induction on Peano
**** Base case: Zero
- equals Zero Zero is True (by pattern matching)
**** Inductive case: (Succ x) == (Succ x)
- Inductive hypothesis: equals x x = True
- equals (Succ x) (Succ x) = equals x x = True
** Theorem: Subtraction in Peano
*** Statement
- sub (add y x) x = y
- x and y are of type Peano
*** Proof
- by structural induction on x
**** Base case, x = Zero
- Left side:
+ sub (add y Zero) Zero
+ add y Zero
+ y
- Right side:
+ y
**** Inductive case, x = (Succ a)
- Inductive hypothesis: sub (add y a) a = y
- Left side: sub (add y (Succ a)) (Succ a)
+ sub (Succ (add y a)) (Succ a) (lemma)
+ sub (add y a) a
+ y (by inductive hypothesis
**** Proof of the lemma
- Statement: add y (Succ a) = Succ (add y a)
- Proof is by induction on a
***** Base case: a = Zero
- Left Side
+ add y (Succ Zero)
+ add (Succ y) Zero
+ Succ y
- Right Side
+ Succ (add y Zero)
+ Succ y
***** Inductive case: a = (Succ b)
- Inductive hypothesis: add y (Succ b) = Succ (add y b)
- Left Side
+ add y (Succ a)
+ add y (Succ (Succ b))
+ add (Succ y) (Succ b)
+ Succ (add (Succ y) b) by inductive hypothesis
- Right side
+ Succ (add y a)
+ Succ (add y (Succ b))
+ Succ (add (Succ y) b)
* Induction on Lists
- Suppose $P(xs)$ is a predicater on lists of type $[a]$
- Suppose $P([])$ is true (base case)
- Suppose that if $P(xs)$ holds for an arbitrary xs, then $P(x:xs)$ is also true
- Then, $P(xs)$ holds for every list of type $[a]$
** Theorem: sum (xs ++ ys) = sum xs + sum ys
- Proof is by induction over xs
*** Base Case, xs = []
- Left side
+ sum ([] ++ ys)
+ sum ys
- Right side
+ sum [] + sum ys
+ 0 + sum ys
+ sum ys
*** Inductive case, xs = k:ks
- Inductive hypothesis: sum (ks ++ ys) = sum ks + sum ys
- Left side
+ sum (k:ks ++ ys)
+ sum (k:(ks ++ ys)) by the relation between cons and append
+ k + sum (ks ++ ys) by definition of sum
+ ks + sum ks + sum ys
- Right side
+ sum xs ++ sum ys
+ sum (k:ks) ++ sum ys
+ k + sum ks + sum ys
** Theorem: length (xs ++ ys) = length xs + length ys
- Proof is by induction over xs
*** Base Case, xs = []
- Left Side: length ([] ++ ys) = length ys
- Right Side: length [] + length ys = 0 + length ys = length ys
*** Inductive case, xs = k:ks
- Inductive hypothesis: length (ks ++ ys) = length ks + length ys
- Left Side:
+ length (xs ++ ys)
+ length (k:ks ++ ys)
+ length (k:(ks ++ ys))
+ 1 + length (ks ++ ys)
+ 1 + length ks + length ys
- Right Side:
+ length xs + length ys
+ length (k:ks) + length ys
+ 1 + length ks + length ys
** Theorem: length (map f xs) = length xs
- Proof is by induction on xs
*** Base case, xs = []
- Left side: length (map f []) = length [] = 0
- Right side: length [] = 0
*** Inductive case, xs = k:ks
- Inductive hypothesis: length (map f ks) = length ks
- Left Side
+ length (map f xs)
+ length (map f k:ks)
+ length ((f k) : (map f ks))
+ 1 + length (map f ks)
+ 1 + length ks
- Right Side
+ length xs
+ length k:ks
+ 1 + length ks
** Theorem: map f (xs ++ ys) = (map f xs) ++ (map f ys)
- Proof is by induction on xs
*** Base case, xs = []
- Left side: map f ([] ++ ys) = map f ys
- Right side: (map f []) ++ (map f ys) = [] ++ (map f ys) = map f ys
*** Inductive case, xs = k:ks
- Inductive hypothesis: map f (ks ++ ys) = (map f ks) ++ (map f ys)
- Left Side
+ map f (xs ++ ys)
+ map f (k:ks ++ ys)
+ map f (k:(ks ++ ys))
+ (f k) : (map f (ks ++ ys))
+ (f k) : ((map f ks) ++ (map f ys))
+ (f k):(map f ks) ++ (map f ys)
+ map f (k:ks) ++ (map f ys)
+ (map f xs) ++ (map f ys) (which is the right side)
** Theorem: (map f . map g) xs = map (f . g) xs
- Proof is by induction on xs
*** Base Case, xs = []
- Left side: (map f . map g) [] = map f (map g []) = map f [] = []
- Right side: map (f . g) [] = []
*** Inductive Case, xs = k:ks
- Inductive Hypothesis: (map f . map g) ks = map (f . g) ks
- Left Side
+ (map f . map g) xs
+ map f (map g (k:ks))
+ map f ((g k) : (map g ks))
+ (f (g k)) : (map f (map g ks))
+ ((f . g) k) : ((map f . map g) ks) i.e. change from bracket form back to point form
+ ((f . g) k) : (map (f . g) ks) by inductive hypothesis
+ map (f . g) (k:ks) by definition of map
+ map (f . g) xs
** Theorem: sum (map (1+) xs) = length xs + sum xs
- Proof is by induction on xs
*** Base case, xs = []
- Left side: sum (map (1+) []) = sum [] = 0
- Right side: length [] + sum [] = 0 + 0 = 0
*** Inductive case, xs = k:ks
- Inductive hypothesis: sum (map (1+) ks) = length ks + sum ks
- Left Side
+ sum (map (1+) xs)
+ sum (map (1+) k:ks)
+ sum ((1 + k) : (map (1+) ks))
+ (1 + k) + sum (map (1+) ks)
+ 1 + k + length ks + sum ks [by inductive hypothesis]
+ 1 + length ks + k + sum ks
+ length (k:ks) + sum (k:ks) [since length (k:ks) = 1 + length ks, and k + sum ks = sum (k:ks)]
+ length xs + sum xs
** Theorem: foldr (:) [] xs = xs
- Proof is by induction on xs
*** Base case, xs = []
- Left side: foldr (:) [] xs = foldr (:) [] [] = []
- Right side: xs = []
*** Inductive case, xs = k:ks
- Inductive hypothesis: foldr (:) [] ks = ks
- Left side
+ foldr (:) [] (k:ks)
+ k : (foldr (:) [] ks) [by applying foldr]
+ k : ks [by inductive hypothesis]
+ xs
** Theorem: map f (concat xss) = concat (map (map f) xss)
- Where xss is list of lists
- Proof is by induction on xss
*** Base case: xss = []
- Left side:
+ map f (concat xss)
+ map f (concat [])
+ map f []
+ []
- Right side:
+ concat (map (map f) [])
+ concat []
+ []
*** Inductive case: xss = ks:kss
- Inductive hypothesis: map f (concat kss) = concat (map (map f) kss)
- Left Side:
+ map f (concat (ks:kss))
+ map f (ks ++ concat kss)
+ (map f ks) ++ map f (concat kss)
+ (map f ks) ++ (concat (map (map f) kss)) [by induction hypothesis]
+ concat ((map f ks):(map (map f) kss)) [ by definition of concat]
+ concat (map (map f) (ks:kss))
+ concat (map (map f) xs)
** Theorem: length (xs ++ (y:ys)) = 1 + length xs + length ys
- Direct Proof
- Left Side:
+ length (xs ++ (y:ys))
+ length xs + length (y:ys)
+ length xs + 1 + length ys
** Exercise 9
- (Exercises 5,6,7,8 are about proving theorems that I proved while reading)
- Theorem: sum (map (k +) xs) = k * length xs + sum xs
- Proof is by induction on xs
*** Base case: xs = []
- Left side: sum (map (k +) []) = sum [] = 0
- Right side: k * length [] + sum [] = k * 0 + 0 = 0
*** Inductive case: xs = y:ys
- Inductive Hypothesis: sum (map (k +) ys) = k * length ys + sum ys
- Left side:
+ sum (map (k +) xs)
+ sum (map (k +) (y:ys))
+ sum ((k + y) : (map (k +) ys))
+ k + y + sum (map (k +) ys)
+ k + y + k * length ys + sum ys
+ k * 1 + k * length ys + y + sum ys
+ k (1 + length ys) + sum (y:ys)
+ k * length xs + sum xs
* Functional Equality
** Definition
- Equality: If you give two functions/algorithms the same input, they provide the same output
*** Intensional Equality
- f and g are intensionally equal if definitions are identical
- i.e. go through the source and it is exactly identical
*** Extensional Equality
- f and g are extensionally equal if
+ Have the same type a -> b
+ f x = g x for all well typed arguments
- "we are almost always interested in extensional equality"
** Theorem: foldr (:) [] = id
- earlier we proved by induction that foldr (:) [] xs = xs for all lists xs
- If we can prove that id xs = xs for all xs (trivial, by definition of id)
- then we know that foldr (:) [] = id
** Theorem: map f . concat = concat (map (map f))
- Proved earlier by induction on xss, i.e. list of lists
- Note that "concat (map (map f))" is not well typed!
- same dealio
** Exercise: Prove that ++ is associative
- i.e. xs ++ (ys ++ zs) = (xs ++ ys) ++ zs
- Proof is by induction on xs
*** Base case, xs = []
- Left side: [] ++ (ys ++ zs) = ys ++ zs
- Right side: ([] ++ ys) ++ zs = ys ++ zs
*** Inductive case, xs = k:ks
- Inductive hypothesis: ks ++ (ys ++ zs) = (ks ++ ys) ++ zs
- Left Side:
- xs ++ (ys ++ zs)
- (k:ks) ++ (ys ++ zs)
- k:(ks ++ (ys ++ zs))
- k:((ks ++ ys) ++ zs) by inductive hypothesis
- k:(ks ++ ys) ++ zs (relation between : and ++)
- ((k:ks) ++ ys) ++ zs
- (xs ++ ys) ++ zs
** Exercise: Prove that sum . map length = length . concat
- To prove that the two functions are equivalent, we consider arbitrary argument xss of type [ [ a ] ]
- Proof is by inductio on xss
*** Base case, xss = []
- Left Side:
+ sum . map length []
+ sum []
+ 0
- Right Side:
+ length . concat []
+ length []
+ 0
*** Inductive case, xss = ks:kss
- Inductive Hypothesis: sum (map length kss) = length (concat kss)
- Left Side:
+ sum (map length xss)
+ sum (map length (ks:kss))
+ sum ((length ks) : (map length kss)
+ (length ks) + sum (map length kss)
+ (length ks) + length (concat kss)
+ length (ks ++ (concat kss))
+ length (concat ks:kss)
+ length (concat xss)
* Pitfalls and Common Mistakes
** Exercise: All horses have the same color faulty proof
- Tricky problem!
- The problem arises in inductive step with n = 2
- the two sets each have one horse
- proof asks us to pick a horse that is in both sets
- there is no horse that is in both sets
* Limitations of Induction
- set must be countably infinite
- *ordinary induction cannot prove the properties of infinite objects, it just proves the properties of an infinite number of objects*
- i.e. you don't prove something about P(infinity), you just show that for any P(n), n is finitely large, P holds
- e.g. proving that reverse (reverse) = id is only true for finite lists
- for infinite lists, reverse returns bottom
- problem is that infinite lists cannot be constructed in a finite number of steps, which is the key to making induction work
** Exercise 14: Length constraint in concat xss = foldr (++) [] xss
- xss must be finite for concat to yield a meaningful value
** Exercise 15: show reverse (reverse [1,2,3]) = [1,2,3]
- reverse [3,2,1] = [1,2,3]
** Exercise 16: Prove reverse (xs ++ys) = reverse ys ++ reverse xs
- Proof is by induction on xs
*** Base case, xs = []
- Left Side: reverse (xs ++ ys) = reverse ([] ++ ys) = reverse ys
- Right Side: reverse ys ++ reverse [] = reverse ys ++ [] = reverse ys
*** Inductive case, xs = k:ks
- Inductive Hypothesis: reverse (ks ++ ys) = reverse ys ++ reverse ks
- Left Side:
+ reverse (xs ++ ys)
+ reverse (k:ks ++ ys)
+ reverse (k:(ks ++ ys))
+ reverse (ks ++ ys) ++ [k]
+ reverse ys ++ reverse ks ++ [k] [by inductive hypothesis]
+ reverse ys ++ reverse (k:ks)
+ reverse ys ++ xs
** Exercise 17: Prove that reverse (reverse xs) = xs
- Proof is by induction on xs
*** Base case, xs = []
- Left Side: reverse (reverse []) = reverse [] = []
- Right Side: []
*** Inductive case, xs = k:ks
- Inductive Hypothesis: reverse (reverse ks) = ks
- Left Side:
+ reverse (reverse (k:ks))
+ reverse (reverse ks ++ [k])
+ reverse [k] ++ reverse (reverse ks) [result from ex 16]
+ [k] ++ ks [by inductive hypothesis]
+ k:ks
+ xs
** Exercise 18: Why doesn't Ex 17's result hold for infinite lists
- reverse never terminates
* Suggestions for Further Reading
- Concrete Mathematics
- Problem Solving Strategies by Engel
- Bird-Meertens calculus
* Review Exercises
** Ex 19: length (concat xss) = sum (map length xss) for finite xss
- Proof is by induction on xss
*** Base case, xss = []
- Left side: length (concat []) = length [] = 0
- Right side: sum (map length []) = sum [] = 0
*** Inductive case, xss = ks:kss
- Inductive hypothesis: length (concat kss) = sum (map length kss)
- Left Side:
+ length (concat (ks:kss))
+ length (ks ++ concat kss)
+ length ks + length (concat kss)
+ length ks + sum (map length kss)
+ sum ((length ks) : (map length kss))
+ sum (map length (ks:kss))
** Ex 20: Or
- Problem statement: "or" defined over an argument that has an arbitrary number of elements delivers True if True occurs as one of the elements of its argument
- Long-winded way of saying if or is passed a list that has a True in it, then it returns True
- Proof is by induction on the list argument, xs
*** Base Case: xs = [True]
- or [True]
- True || or []
- True (because || short circuits)
*** Inductive Case: xs = y:ys, xs is of length n + 1
- Inductive hypothesis: On lists of length n containing "True", or works correctly
- or [y:ys]
- y || (or ys)
- If y is true, then return True immediately by short-circuit
- otherwise, the True must be in ys so we have to evaluate (or ys)
- but ys is a list of length n containing True so, by inductive hypothesis, we return True
** Ex 21: And
- And returns true if all the elements in its argument are True
- Proof is by induction on the list argument, xs
- (Actually, it's on n, which is the size of the list)
*** Base Case: xs = [True]
- and [True] = True && and [] = True && True = True
*** Inductive Case: xs = y:ys, xs is of length n + 1
- Inductive Hypothesis: For lists sized n containing all True, "and" returns True
- Left Side:
+ and (y:ys)
+ y && (and ys)
+ (and ys) [since xs is a list of all True, and y is an element of xs]
+ True [inductive hypothesis]
** Ex 22: Using max, write maximum
#+begin_src haskell
maximum :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a
maximum = foldr1 max
** Ex 23: Prove that maximum, written in Ex22 has a property
- Property: (maximum xs) >= x, x is an arbitrary element of xs
- Proof is by contradiction
- Suppose (maximum xs) = y, and y < x for some x in xs
+ if y occurred ahead of x then max x y returned y
+ if x occurred ahead of y then max y x returned x
+ neither is possible if y < x assuming that max is correct
** Ex 24: Function that givem a sequence of non-empty sequences, delivers the sequence made up of the first elements of those non-empty sequences
#+begin_src haskell
firstElts :: [[a]] -> [a]
firstElts = map head
** Ex 26: Prove that concat = foldr (++) [], assuming that lists are finite
- Proof is by induction on the argument to concat, xss which is a list of lists
*** Base case: xss = []
- Left side: concat [] = []
- Right side: foldr (++) [] [] = []
*** Inductive case: xss = ks:kss
- Inductive hypothesis: concat kss = foldr (++) [] kss
- Left side:
+ concat (ks:kss)
+ ks ++ concat kss [by definition of concat]
+ ks ++ (foldr (++) [] kss)
+ foldr (++) [] (ks:kss) [by definition of foldr]
+ foldr (++) [] xss
** Ex 27: Define and using && and foldr
#+begin_src haskell
and :: [Bool] -> Bool
and = foldr (&&) True
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