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Discrete Math Using a Computer: Chapter 7 Review Exercises Solutions
#+TITLE: DiscreteMathComputer 07-Predicate Logic
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{fullpage}
#+OPTIONS: H:3 toc:nil
* Introduction: Why Predicates Logic
- Want to make the statement that everything has a certain property
+ e.g. "All men are mortal"
- Propositional Logic doesn't provide us any structure to express this
+ e.g. could say "P = all men are mortal"
+ but P is atomic, and we can't make any use of the fact that the property is supposed to hold everywhere
- Predicate Logic is propositional logic with quantifiers
* Language of Predicate Logic
** Predicates
- A statement that an object has a property
+ e.g. x is even
- We write predicate names with capital letters and variables in lowercase
+ e.g. $F(x)$
*** Definition: Predicate
- Any term in the form $F(x)$, where F is a predicate name and $x$ is a variable name is a well formed formula
- Similarly, $F(x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_k)$ is a well formed formula and represents a predicate with $k$ variables
*** Definition: Universe
- Defines the set of values that variables can have
- e.g. for "x is even", we can define the universe as the natural numbers
- Universe usually written $U$
** Quantifiers
*** Definition: Universal Quantification $\forall$
- Suppose $F(x)$ is a WFF involving the variable $x$
- Then, $\forall x. F(x)$ is a WFF called *universal quantification*
- It says that every item in the universe has the property $F$
*** Examples of Universal Quantification
- $\forall x. E(x), U = \{x \in \mathbb{N} | even(x)\}$ where $E(x)$ means $x$ is even
- This says that every item in the set of even natural numbers is even.
- It is true.
- $\forall x \in \mathbb{N}. E(x)$
- This says that every natural number is even.
- It is false. Counterexample: 1
*** Definition: Existential Quantification $\exists$
- Suppose $F(x)$ is a WFF involving the variable $x$
- Then, $\exists x. F(x)$ is a WFF called *existential quantification*
- It says that at least one item in the universe has the property.
*** Examples of Existential Quantification
- $\exists x \in \mathbb{N}. 2 * x = 6$
- Says that there is a natural number which when multiplied by 2 gives 6.
- This is true (x = 3)
- $\exists x \in \mathbb{Q}. x * x = 2$
- Says that there is a rational number which when multiplied by itself gives 2
- This is false ($\sqrt{2}$ is irrational)
*** Nesting Quantifiers
- Want to say: for every integer, there is another one that is larger
- $\forall x \in \mathbb{Z}, \exists y \in \mathbb{Z}, x < y$
- Note that order is significant
- $\exists x \in \mathbb{Z}, \forall y \in \mathbb{Z}, x < y$ says that there is an integer that is smaller than every other integer. This is false.
** Expanding Quantified Expressions
*** Expansions
- $\forall x. F(x) = F(c_1) \wedge F(c_2) \wedge \cdots \wedge F(c_n)$
- $\exists x. F(x) = F(c_1) \vee F(c_2) \vee \cdots \vee F(c_n)$
*** Exercise 1
- $U = \{1,2,3\}$
- Remove the quantifiers in the following
- $\forall x. F(x)$
+ $F(1) \wedge F(2) \wedge F(3)$
- $\exists x. F(x)$
+ $F(1) \vee F(2) \vee F(3)$
- $\exists x. \forall y. G(x, y)$
- $(G(1,1) \wedge G(1,2) \wedge G(1,3)) \vee (G(2,1) \wedge G(2,2) \wedge G(2,3)) \vee (G(3,1) \wedge G(3,2) \wedge G(3,3))$
*** Exercise 2
- $U = \mathbb{Z}$
- Expand: $\forall x \in \{1,2,3,4\}. \exists y \in \{5,6\}. F(x,y)$
- $(F(1,5) \vee F(1,6)) \wedge (F(2,5), F(2,6)) \wedge (F(3,5), F(3,6)) \wedge (F(4,5) \vee F(4,6))$
** Scope of Variable Bindings
- Use parentheses to clarify scope
- Assume smallest scope is smallest subexpression otherwise
** Translating Between English and Logic
*** Example: "Some birds can fly"
- Assume universe is all animals
- $B(x)$ is true if x is a bird
- $F(x)$ is true if x can fly
- Then, $\exists x. B(x) \wedge F(x)$ expresses "some birds can fly"
- *NOTE*: $\exists x. B(x) \Rightarrow F(x)$ is wrong
+ If $B(x)$ is false, then the implication is true
+ Then, if x is a horse, the implication is true
+ Suppose all the birds in the universe can't actually fly
+ Since we've found something that makes the implication true, by existential quantification, the implication is true
+ This is a contradiction
*** Exercise 3: Express the statements formally
- Given: $E(x)$ means x is even, $O(x)$ means x is odd, Universe is natural numbers
- There is an even number.
+ $\exists x. E(x)$
- Every number is either even or odd.
+ $\forall x. E(x) \vee O(x)$
- No number is both even and odd.
+ $\forall x. \neg(E(x) \wedge O(x))$
- Sum of two odd numbers is even
+ $\forall x,y. O(x) \wedge O(y) \Rightarrow E(x + y)$
- Sum of an odd number and an even number is odd
+ $\forall x,y. O(x) \wedge E(y) \Rightarrow O(x + y)$
- We don't have the same bug as "some birds can fly" with the implication because we're doing a universal quantification and not an existential one. So, if there is a single pair of odd numbers whose sum is not even, the implication would be false, which is what we want.
*** Exercise 4: Animal Logic 193
- Given: predicates for Bird, Dove, Chicken, Pig, Fly, Wings, $M(x,y)$ means x has more feathers than y
- Chickens are bird
+ $\forall x. C(x) \Rightarrow B(x)$
- Some doves can fly
+ $\exists x. D(x) \wedge F(x)$
- Pigs are not birds
+ $\forall x. P(x) \Rightarrow \neg B(x)$
- Some birds can fly, some can't
+ $\exists x. B(x) \wedge F(x)$
- An animal needs wings in order to fly
+ $\forall x. F(x) \Rightarrow W(x)$
- If a chicken can fly, then pigs have wings
+ $\exists x, \forall y. (C(x) \wedge F(x)) \Rightarrow (P(y) \wedge W(y))$
- Chickens have more feathers than pigs do.
+ $\forall x, \forall y. C(x) \wedge P(y) \wedge M(x,y)$
- An animal with more feathers than any chicken can fly.
- $\forall x, \forall y. C(y) \wedge M(x,y) \Rightarrow F(x)$
*** Exercise 5: Back to english
- $\forall x. (\exists y. wantsToDanceWith (x, y)$
+ everyone has someone they would like to dance with
- $\exists x. (\forall y. wantsToPhone(y,x))$
+ everyone has someone they would like to phone
- $\exists x. (tired(x) \wedge \forall y. helpsMoveHouse(x,y))
+ there is someone who will help anyone move despite being tired
* Computing with Quantifiers
- Predicate is just a function that returns a boolean
- Quantifiers built into haskell
+ all : a -> Bool -> [a] -> Bool
+ any : a -> Bool -> [a] -> Bool
+ and : [Bool] -> Bool
+ or : [Bool] -> Bool
** Exercise 6: Haskell expression to Logic, compute value
- Note: using haskell's builtin functions instead of equivalent Stdm ones
- all (== 2) [1,2,3]
+ $\forall x \in \{1,2,3\}. x = 2$
+ False: counterexample is '1'
- all (< 4) [1,2,3]
+ $\forall x \in \{1,2,3\}. x < 4$
+ True
** Exercise 7: Haskell expressions to Logic, compute values
- any (== 2) [0,1,2]
+ $\exists x \in \{1,2,3\}. x = 2$
+ True
- any (> 5) [1,2,3]
+ $\exists x \in \{1,2,3\}. x > 5$
+ False
** Example 7: $\forall x \in \{1,2}. (\exists y \in \{1,2\}. x = y)$
- Convert to haskell
- every (\ x -> any (== x) [1,2]) [1,2]
- (any (== 1) [1,2]) && every (\ x -> any (== x) [1,2]) [ 2]
- ((== 1) 1 || any (== 1) [ 2]) && every (\ x -> (== x) [1,2]) [ 2]
- (True || any (== 1) [ 2]) && every (\ x -> (== x) [1,2]) [ 2]
- True && every (\ x -> (== x) [1,2]) [ 2]
- every (\ x -> (== x) [1,2]) [ 2]
- True && every (\ x -> (== x) [1,2]) []
- True
** Exercise 8: Calculate values of expressions
- $p x y$ means $x = y + 1$
- $U = \{1,2\}$
- $\forall x. (\exists y. p(x,y))$
+ $(\exists y. p(1,y)) \wedge (\exists y. p(2,y))$ (by removing forall)
+ $(p(1,1) \vee p(1,2)) \wedge (p(2,1) \vee p(2,2)$ (by removing exists)
+ $(False \vee False) \wedge (True \vee False)$
+ $False \wedge True$
+ $False$
+ (Haskell verification: all (\ x -> any (p x) [1,2]) [1,2] gives False)
- $\exists x, y. p(x,y)$
+ $(\exists x. \exists y p(x, y)$
+ $((\exists y. p(1,y)) \vee (\exists x. p(2, y))$ (by removing exists x)
+ $((p(1,1) \vee p(1,2)) \vee (p(2,1) \vee p(2,2))$
+ Since $p(2, 1)$ is true, the whole expression is True
+ (Haskell verification: any (\ x -> any (p x) [1,2]) [1,2] gives True)
- $\exists x. (\forall y. p(x,y))$
+ $(\forall y. p(1,y)) \wedge (\forall y. p(2,y))$ (by removing exists)
+ $(p(1,1) \vee p(2,1)) \wedge (p(1,2) \vee p(2,2))$ (by removing forall)
+ $(False \vee True) \wedge (False \vee False)$
+ $True \wedge False$
+ (haskell verification: any (\ x -> all (p x) [1,2]) [1,2] gives False)
- $\forall x, y. p(x,y)$
+ $(\forall y. p(1,y)) \wedge (\forall y. p(2,y))$ (removing forall)
+ $(p(1,1) \wedge p(1,2)) \wedge (p(2,1) \wedge p(2,2))$ (removing forall)
+ Since $p(1,1)$ is false, the whole thing becomes false
+ (haskell verification: all (\ x -> all (p x) [1,2]) [1,2] gives False)
* Logical Inference with Predicates
** Introduction
- Can view inference rules of predicate logic as generalizations of rules from propositional logic
- If universe is finite, then the rules might not be necessary
+ e.g. $\forall x. F(x)$ could be replaced by $F(x_1), \cdots F(x_n)$, $n$ is the size of the universe
+ But, propositional inference rules allow us to do deductions when the universe is infinite
- Assume universe is nonempty
+ e.g. forall elimination is invalid when the universe is empty
** Universal Introduction
- If you can prove an element about an arbitrary element of the universe, you have a statement about all elements of the universe.
*** Append Example
**** Definition
#+begin_src haskell
(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
[] ++ ys = ys
(x:xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys)
**** Theorem: $Let x :: a, xs :: [a]. Then, x:xs = [x] ++ xs$
- Proof follows directly from the definition of append
- RHS = [x] ++ xs = x : xs = LHS
**** Theorem: $\forall x :: a. \forall xs :: [a]. x:xs = [x] ++ xs$
- This theorem makes the same claim as the previous
- Style is different:
+ Previous one talked about arbitrary elements from the universe
+ This makes claim about all elements in the universe
*** Universal Introduction Definition
- $F(x), {x arbitrary} \vdash \forall x. F(x)$
*** Example: $\vdash \forall x. E(x) \Rightarrow (E(x) \vee \neg E(x))$
- Proof Idea:
+ We need an implication, which means we have to do Imply Introduction
+ To do an imply introduction, we need to prove the sequent $E(x) \Rightarrow E(x) \vee \neg E(x)$
+ $E(x) \vee \neg E(x)$ can be shown just by assuming either $E(x)$ or $\neg E(x)$ to be true
- Proof
+ Assume $E(p)$, $p$ is an arbitrary value
+ By _Or introduction_, we have $E(p) \vdash E(p) \vee \neg E(p)$
+ This sequent doesn't rely on any more assumptions, and in particular, we can discharge the $E(x)$ assumption
+ By _Introduce Implication_, we have $E(p) \Rightarrow E(p) \vee \neg E(p)$
+ Since $p$ is arbitrary, by _introduce forall_, we have $\forall x. E(x) \Rightarrow E(x) \vee \neg E(x)$
*** Anti-Example: All natural numbers are even
- Let $E(x)$ mean that $x$ is even
- $E(2) \vdash \forall x. E(x)$ [WRONG]
- Problem is that we didn't show that it works for an arbitrary natural number; we just showed that it works for a particular one.
** Universal Elimination
*** Definition
- $\forall x. F(x) \vdash F(p)$
- If you have established a property for everything in the universe, you can assume it holds for a particular element of the universe.
*** Example: $F(p), \forall x. F(x) \Rightarrow G(x) \vdash G(p)$
- By _forall elimination_, $\forall x. F(x) \Rightarrow G(x) \vdash F(p)$ where $p$ is the same variable as in $F(p)$
- Now we have $F(p), F(p) \Rightarrow G(p)$
- By _Modus Ponens_, we have $G(p)$
*** Example: $\forall x. F(x) \Rightarrow G(x), \forall x. G(x) \Rightarrow H(x) \vdash \forall x. F(x) \Rightarrow H(x)$
- By _forall elimination_, $F(p) \Rightarrow G(p)$ for an arbitrary $p$
- By _forall elimination_, $G(p) \Rightarrow H(p)$
- By _implication chain_, $F(p) \Rightarrow G(p), G(p) \Rightarrow H(p) \vdash F(p) \Rightarrow H(p)$
- Since this is for an arbitrary $p$, we can use _forall introduction_ to get $\forall x. F(x) \Rightarrow G(x), \forall x. G(x) \Rightarrow H(x) \vdash \forall x. F(x) \Rightarrow H(x)$
*** Example: $\forall x. \forall y. F(x, y) \vdash \forall y. \forall x. F(x,y)$
- By _forall elimination_, we have $\forall y. F(p, y)$ where $p$ is arbitrary
- By _forall elimination_, we have $F(p,q)$ where $q$ is arbitrary
- By _forall introduction_, we have $\forall x. F(x, q)$
- By _forall introduction_, we have $\forall y. \forall x. F(x, q)$
- So, we have just shown that the order of forall quantifiers does not matter.
*** Example: $\forall x. P \Rightarrow f(x) \vdash P \Rightarrow \forall x. f(x)$
- By _forall elimination_, we have $\forall x. P \Rightarrow f(x) \vdash P \Rightarrow f(c)$, $c$ is arbitrary
- Assume P. Then, we have $P, P \Rightarrow f(c)$
- By _modus ponens_, we have $f(c)$.
- By _forall introduction_, we have $\forall x. f(x)$
- By _introduce implication_, we have $P \Rightarrow \forall x. f(x)$
*** Exercise 9: Prove $\forall x. F(x), \forall x. F(x) \Rightarrow G(x) \vdash \forall x G(x)$
- By _forall elimination_, we have $F(c)$, c is arbitrary.
- By _forall elimination_, we have $F(c) \Rightarrow G(c)$
- By _modus ponens_ on $F(c), F(c) \Rightarrow G(c)$, we have $G(c)$
- Since $c$ was arbitrary, we can _introduce forall_ to get $\forall x. G(x)$
** Existential Introduction
*** Definition
- If $f(p)$ has been established for a particular $p$, then you can infer $\exists p. f(p)$
*** Example: $\forall x. F(x) \vdash \exists x. F(x)$
- By _forall elimination_, we have $F(c)$ for an arbitrary $c$
- By _exists introduction_, we have $\exists x. F(x)$
** Existential Elimination
*** Definition
- Recall _or elimination_:
+ If you have $a \vee c$, and $a \vdash c$ and $b \vdash c$ then you have $c$
+ This was proof by cases
- Existential Elimination is a generalization of this idea
- If you have $\exists x. F(x), F(c) \vdash A \{c arbitrary \}$ then you can infer $A$
*** Example: $\exists x. P(x), \forall x. P(x) \Rightarrow Q(x) \vdash \exists x. Q(x)$
- By _forall elimination_, we have $P(c) \Rightarrow Q(c)$, $c$ is arbitrary.
- Assume $P(c)$. This is allowed because we have $\exists x, P(x)$
- By _modus ponens_ on $P(c), P(c) \Rightarrow Q(c)$, we have $Q(c)$.
- By _existential introduction_ on $Q(c)$, we have $\exists x. Q(x)$
*** Example: $\exists x. \forall y F(x, y) \vdash \forall y. \exists x. F(x, y)$
- By _forall elimination_ on $\forall y F(x,y)$, we have $F(x,q)$, $q$ arbitrary
- So we have $\exists x. F(x,q)$
- By _forall introduction_, we have $\forall y \exists x. F(x, y)$
*** Exercise 10: Prove $\exists x. \exists y. F(x, y) \vdash \exists y. \exists x. F(x, y)$
- Assume $F(a,b)$. This is allowed because there must be atleast one $a$ and one $b$ for which $F$ holds.
- By _existential elimination_, we have $\exists y. F(a, y)$, $a$ arbitrary
- By _existential elimination_, we have $F(a, b)$, $b$ arbitrary
- By _existential introduction_, we have $\exists x. F(x, b)$
- By _existential introduction_, we have $\exists y, \exists x. F(x, y)$
- (This proof might be incorrect)
*** Exercise 11: Find a counterexample for: $\forall y, \exists x. F(x, y) \vdash \exists x. \forall y F(x,y)$
- Let $F(x,y)$ mean that $x$ is greater than $y$
- Suppose the universe is the natural numbers
- Then, $\forall y, \exists x. F(x, y)$ says that the natural numbers is unbounded, which is correct
- But, $\exists x. \forall y. F(x, y)$ says that there is some natural number that is larger than all others, which is incorrect.
*** Exercise 12: Prove: $\forall x, (F(x) \wedge G(x)) \vdash (\forall x F(x)) \wedge (\forall x. G(x))$
- By _forall elimination_, we have $F(c) \wedge G(c)$, $c$ arbitrary
- By _and elimination_, we have $F(c)$ as well as $G(c)$
- By _forall introduction_, we have $\forall x. F(x)$ as well as $\forall x. G(x)$
- By _and introduction_, we have $(\forall x F(x)) \wedge (\forall x. G(x))$
* Algebraic Laws of Predicate Logic
** Law: Introducing and removing quantifiers
- $\forall x. f(x) \Rightarrow f(c)$
- $f(c) \Rightarrow \exists x. f(x)$
- Note that these are implications and only work in one direction
** Example: $\forall x. f(x) \Rightarrow \exists x. f(x)$
- $\forall x. f(x)$
- $f(c)$, for arbitrary $c$
- $\exists x. f(x)$
** Law: Quantifiers and Negations
- $\forall x. \neg f(x) = \neg (\exists x. f(x))$
- $\exists x. \neg f(x) = \neg (\forall x. f(x))$
** Law: Combining Propositions
- In all of the following, $q$ does not contain $x$ as a variable
- $(\forall x. f(x)) \wedge q = \forall x (f(x) \wedge q)$
- $(\forall x. f(x)) \vee q = \forall x (f(x) \vee q)$
- $(\exists x. f(x)) \wedge q = \exists x. (f(x) \wedge q)$
- $(\exists x. f(x)) \vee q = \exists x. (f(x) \vee q)$
- Summary: we can push in propositions inside quantifiers if they don't have the quantified variable
** Laws: Combining Quantifiers
- $\forall x. f(x) \wedge \forall x. g(x) = \forall x (f(x) \wedge g(x))$
- $\forall x. f(x) \vee \forall x. g(x) \Rightarrow forall x (f(x) \vee g(x))$
+ we're going from a strong statement to a weak one
+ Strong statement: both properties $f$ and $g$ hold for all x
+ Weak statement: atleast one of $f$ and $g$ hold for all x
- $\exists x. (f(x) \vee g(x)) \Rightarrow \exists x. f(x) \wedge \exists x. g(x)$
+ Also going from strong to weak
+ Strong: there's atleast one element which has both properties $f$ and $g$
+ Weak: there is atleast one element which has $f$, and atleast one which has $g$. The two elements don't have to be the same.
- $\exists x. f(x) \vee \exists x. g(x) = \exists x. (f(x) \vee g(x))$
** Example: $\forall x. (f(x) \wedge \neg g(x)) = \forall x. f(x) \wedge \neg \exists. g(x)$
- Direct proof starting from the left side
- $\forall x. (f(x) \wedge \neg g(x))$
- $(\forall x. f(x)) \wedge (\forall x. \neg g(x))$
- $(\forall x. f(x)) \wedge \neg (\exists x. g(x))$
** Example: $\exists x. (f(x) \Rightarrow g(x)) \wedge (\forall x. f(x)) \Rightarrow \exists x. g(x)$
- Direct proof starting from the left side
- First, _rename variable_ to get $\forall y. f(y)$
- Now, push the forall inside the exists to get $\exists x. ((f(x) \Rightarrow g(x)) \wedge \forall y. f(y))$
- _Remove the forall_ to get: $\exists x. ((f(x) \Rightarrow g(x)) \wedge f(x))$
- Use _modus ponens_ to get $\exists x. g(x)$
* Further Reading
- See references at end of chapter 6
- *Mathematical Writing* by Knuth, larrabee, and Roberts
- *Proofs from THE BOOK* by Aigner and Ziegler
* Review Exercises
** Exercise 13
*** Problem
- Universe has 10 elements
- Expression: $\forall x. \exists y. \forall z F(x, y, z)$
- want to express it in a quantifier free form.
*** How many times will $F$ occur in that form?
- Eliminating $\forall z$, we have this innermost expression: $F(x, y, n_1) \wedge F(x, y, n_2) \wedge \cdots \wedge F(x, y, n_10)$
- This has 10 items
- Eliminating the $\exists y$ replaces $F(x, y, n_1)$ with $F(x, n_1, n_1) \vee F(x, n_2, n_1) \vee \cdots \vee F(x, n_10, n_1)$
- So, 10 terms per term from before. (Total: 100)
- Eliminating the $\forall x$ replaces each $F(x, n_1, n_1)$ with $F(n_1, n_1, n_1) \vee F(n_2, n_1, n_1) \vee \cdots \vee F(n_10, n_1, n_1)$
- So, 10 terms per term from before. (Total: 1000)
- In general, we have $N^k$ terms where $N$ is size of universe, $k$ is the number of quantifiers we're removing
** Exercise 14: Prove $(\exists f(x)) \vee (\exists g(x)) \vdash \exists x. (f(x) \wedge g(x))$
- By _exists elimination_, we get $f(c)$ for some $c$
- By _exists elimination_, we get $g(d)$ for some $d$
- By _or introduction_, we get $f(c) \vee g(d)$
- By _exists introduction_, we get $\exists x. (f(x) \vee g(d))$
- By _exists introduction_, we get $\exists y \exists x. (f (x) \vee g(y))$
- Since the existence of either $x$ or $y$ makes the whole statement true, we can combine them to get $\exists x. f(x) \vee g(x)$
** Exercise 15: Prove $(\forall x. f(x)) \vee (\forall x. g(x)) \vdash \forall x (f(x) \vee g(x))$
- By _forall elimination_, we get $f(c)$ for arbitrary $c$
- By _forall elimination_, we get $g(c)$
- By _or introduction_, we have $f(c) \vee g(c)$
- Since the above holds true for arbitrary $c$, by _universal introduction_, $\forall x. (f(x) \vee g(x))$
** Exercise 16: Prove converse of Theorem 63
- Theorem 63: $\forall x. P \Rightarrow f(x) \vdash P \Rightarrow \forall x. f(x)$
- The converse of this is: $P \Rightarrow \forall x. f(x) \vdash \forall x. P \Rightarrow f(x)$
- Assume $P$. Then by _modus ponens_ on $P, P \Rightarrow \forall x. f(x)$, we have $\forall x. f(x)$
- By _forall elimination_, we have $f(c)$
- By _implies introduction_, we have $P \Rightarrow f(c)$
- By _forall introduction_, we have $\forall x. P \Rightarrow f(x)$
** Exercise 17: Provide Counterexamples
- In "combining quantifiers", we had two laws that were implications not equalities.
- Provide counterexamples that show why the laws don't hold in the opposite direction
- Counterexample for $\forall x. (f(x) \vee g(x)) \Rightarrow \forall x. f(x) \vee \forall x. g(x))$
+ Suppose $f(x)$ means x is even
+ Suppose $g(x)$ means x is odd
+ Universe is natural numbers.
+ Then, left side is true because every number is either even or odd
+ But on the right side we also claim that every number is even, and every number is odd. Both of which are false.
- More concrete counterexample:
+ Universe is: $\{Shrek, Donkey\}$
+ $f(x)$ means $x = Shrek$
+ $g(x)$ means $x = Donkey$
+ Left Side:
+ $\forall x. (f(x) \vee g(x))$
+ $(f(Shrek) \vee g(Shrek)) \wedge (f(Donkey) \vee g(Donkey))$
+ $(True \vee False) \wedge (False \vee True)$
+ $True$
+ Right Side:
+ $(\forall x. f(x)) \vee (\forall x. g(x))$
+ $(f(Shrek) \wedge f(Donkey)) \vee (g(Shrek) \wedge g(Donkey))$
+ $(True \wedge False) \vee (False \wedge True)$
+ $False \vee False = False$
+ So, we're trying to do a $True \Rightarrow False$, which is $False$
- Counterexample for $\exists x. f(x) \wedge \exists x. g(x) \Rightarrow \exists x. (f(x) \wedge g(x))$
+ Again using the Shrek, Donkey example
+ Left side:
+ $\exists x. f(x) \wedge \exists x. g(x)$
+ $(f(Shrek) \vee f(Donkey)) \wedge (g(Shrek) \vee g(Donkey))$
+ $(True \vee False) \wedge (False \vee True)$
+ $True$
+ Right side:
+ $\exists x. (f(x) \wedge g(x))$
+ $(f(Shrek) \wedge g(Shrek)) \vee (f(Donkey) \wedge g(Donkey))$
+ $(True \wedge False) \vee (False \wedge True)$
+ $False \vee False$
+ $False$
+ So, we're trying to do a $True \Rightarrow False$, which is $False$
** TODO: Exercise 18: Prove $(\forall x. f(x) \Rightarrow h(x) \wedge \forall x. g(x) \Rightarrow h(x)) \Rightarrow \forall x. (f(x) \vee g(x) \Rightarrow h(x))$
- By using the laws on combining quantifiers, we can get $\forall x. ((f(x) \Rightarrow h(x)) \wedge (g(x) \Rightarrow h(x))$
- TODO: Now we need to do some kind of or elimination and combine.
** Exercise 19
- Universe is natural numbers
- predicate: "if a number occurs in either of the sequences that are arguments to append, it occurs in the final series as well"
- (The proof is easy by induction, but they want something else)
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