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Last active March 8, 2019 20:52
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  • Save kanaka/10ca021e355b2bdf2cab9503bfe95623 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kanaka/10ca021e355b2bdf2cab9503bfe95623 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Filter loccount output to show misidentified mal files
#!/usr/bin/env node
const VERBOSE = process.argv.indexOf('-v') > 0
const fs = require('fs')
const re_ignore = /^$|^[^\/]+ |^docs\/|^tests\/|\.css CSS|\.h C-header|\.md Markdown/
//const re_ignore = /^$|^[^\/]+ |^docs\/|^tests\//
const re_loc = /([^\/]+)\/([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)/
const lines = fs.readFileSync(0, 'utf-8').split('\n')
// implementation directory to file type mapping
const impl_kind = {
'bash': 'shell',
'common-lisp': 'Lisp',
'cs': 'C#',
'cpp': 'C++',
'es6': 'Javascript',
'fsharp': 'F#',
'guile': 'Scheme',
'js': 'Javascript',
'make': 'makefile',
'miniMAL': 'JSON',
'nasm': 'asm',
'objc': 'Objective-C',
'objpascal': 'Pascal',
'ocaml': 'ML',
'perl6': 'Perl',
'picolisp': 'Lisp',
'plpgsql': 'SQL',
'plsql': 'SQL',
'rpython': 'Python',
'swift3': 'Swift',
'swift4': 'Swift',
'ts': 'Typescript',
// files that occur in multiple implementations and are a different
// type from the implementation directory
const file_kind = {
'Makefile': 'makefile',
'run': 'shell',
'package.json': 'JSON',
'node_readline.js': 'Javascript',
// specific files paths that are a different type from the
// implementation directory
const path_kind = {
'basic/': 'Python',
'clojure/src/mal/node_readline.js': 'Javascript',
'clojure/src/mal/readline.cljs': 'Clojurescript',
'cpp/': 'shell',
'dart/pubspec.yaml': 'YAML',
'elm/bootstrap.js': 'Javascript',
'elm/elm-package.json': 'JSON',
'fsharp/terminal.cs': 'C#',
'java/pom.xml': 'XML',
'objc/mal_readline.c': 'C',
'plpgsql/': 'shell',
'plpgsql/': 'shell',
'plsql/': 'shell',
'plsql/': 'shell',
'process/cheatsheet.html': 'HTML',
'rust/Cargo.toml': 'TOML',
'swift/templates/': 'shell',
'swift/templates/': 'shell',
'ts/tsconfig.json': 'JSON',
'vb/getline.cs': 'C#',
'vhdl/': 'shell',
'vimscript/': 'shell',
'vimscript/vimextras.c': 'C',
'wasm/run.js': 'Javascript',
const vlog = (...a) => VERBOSE ? console.log(...a) : null
for (let line of lines) {
if (re_ignore.exec(line)) {
vlog(`IGNORE: ${line}`)
const [match, impl, file, kind, sloc, lloc] = re_loc.exec(line)
if (impl === kind.toLowerCase()) {
vlog(`GOOD: ${impl}/${file} (${kind})`)
} else if (impl_kind[impl] === kind) {
vlog(`GOOD: ${impl}/${file} (${kind})`)
} else if (file_kind[file] === kind) {
vlog(`GOOD: ${impl}/${file} (${kind})`)
} else if (path_kind[impl+"/"+file] === kind) {
vlog(`GOOD: ${impl}/${file} (${kind})`)
} else {
console.warn("UNKNOWN:", impl, file, kind, sloc, lloc)
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