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Created November 4, 2022 15:38
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Example nbb script using neodoc and promesa (and shell invoke trick)
true;exec "$(dirname $0)/node_modules/.bin/nbb" "$(which "$0")" "$@" || exit
(ns foo
(:require [clojure.string :as S]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[promesa.core :as P]
[cljs-bean.core :refer [->clj ->js]]
["fs/promises" :as fs]
["path" :as path]
["neodoc" :as neodoc]))
(def usage "
foo [options] <file1> <file2>
Load files file1 and file2 and split the lines.
-v..., --verbose... Verbose output [env: VERBOSE]
--some-opt OPT Some option [default: blah]
(defn clean-opts [arg-map]
(reduce (fn [o [a v]]
(let [k (keyword (S/replace a #"^[-<]*([^>]*)[>]*$" "$1"))]
(assoc o k (or (get o k) v))))
{} arg-map))
(defn parse-opts [usage argv & [opts]]
(-> usage
(neodoc/run (clj->js (merge {:laxPlacement true
:smartOptions true
:argv (or argv [])}
;; async function
(defn get-lines [file]
(P/-> (fs/readFile file "utf8")
(S/split #"\n")))
[opts (parse-opts usage *command-line-args*)
{:keys [verbose some-opt file1 file2]} opts
_ (when verbose (pprint opts))
;; implicit await due to P/let
lines1 (get-lines file1)
;; Wrapped so no implicit await
[lines2-prom] [(get-lines file2)]
;; implicit await
lines2 lines2-prom
result {:lines1 lines1
:lines2 lines2}]
(println "lines2-prom is a promise:" lines2-prom)
(println (js/JSON.stringify (->js result) nil 2)))
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