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Created September 30, 2023 20:31
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Virtual reality Course Quiz
1. What is reverb commonly caused by?
- [ ] Air being compressed and rarified
- [ ] Sound travelling at different speeds in different media
- [x] Sounds bouncing off walls
2. What is aliasing in sound recording?
- [ ] When you compress audio, high frequency sounds can be made to sound low frequency.
- [ ] When you compress audio, quiet sounds can be made to sound loud.
- [ ] When you record at too low a sample rate, quiet sounds can be made to sound loud.
3. The doppler effect gives us information about which of these features of an object
- [ ] How large a room the object is in.
- [ ] How heavy an object is
- [x] How fast it is moving.
4. What technique does Unity use to spatialise sound?
- [x] Head Related Transfer Function
- [ ] stereo
- [ ] crossfade
5. What causes our sensation of the pitch of a sound?
- [x] frequency
- [ ] amplitude
6. Which of the following are ambient sounds?
- [x] the sound of a river flowing
- [ ] the sound of a ball dropping on the floor
- [x] the sound of traffic in the street outside your room
- [ ] A voice over that happens at the start of a VR experience
7. Why is it a good idea to use cross fading for ambient sound
- [ ] to reduce its file size
- [x] so it loops nicely
- [ ] to make it play quicker and so reduce lag
8. Which file format gives you higher quality audio
- [ ] mрз
- [x] wav
9. What is the relationship between an AudioClip and an AudioFile?
- [x] Several AudioClips can be instances of a single AudioFile
- [ ] AudioFiles are used for sound effects and AudioClips are used for ambient sounds
- [ ] AudioClips are used for sound effects and AudioFiles are used for ambient sounds
- [ ] Several AudioFiles can be instances of a single AudioClip
10. What, approximately, should the sampling frequency of audio be?
- [ ] about 1 sample per second
- [ ] several 100 samples per second
- [ ] about 10 samples per second
- [x] several thousand samples per second
11. Which component do you use to add a sound file to unity?
- [ ] AudioListener
- [ ] AudioFile
- [x] AudioSource
12. You have imported a sofa into your scene, but it is too big and in the wrong place. What do you need?
- [ ] Filter
- [x] Scale
- [ ] Rotation
- [x] Translation
- [ ] Material
13. What is the difference between x,y, coordinates and u, coordinates
- [ ] x,y,z are coordinates attached to edges and u,v are attached to vertices
- [ ] x,y,z are coordinates attached to vertices and u,v are attached to edges
- [ ] x.y.z are 3D space coordinates and u,v coordinates are sound coordinates
- [x] x.y.z are 3D space coordinates and u,v coordinates are texture coordinates
14. If you want an object to have shiny highlights you should....
- [ ] change the texture
- [x] change the material
- [ ] change the lights
- [ ] change the mesh
15. What is a mesh?
- [ ] A series of keyframes
- [ ] An image that can be applied to the surface of an object to change its appearance
- [ ] A series of audio samples
- [x] A collection of polygons that forms the shape of an object
1. In an ideal VR system, we should simulate all five senses (vision, sound, smell, haptic, and taste). Which of these five senses are currently supported by a standard HMD system (for instance, HTC VIVE or Oculus with controllers)?
- [x] Vision
- [x] Sound
- [ ] Smell
- [x] Haptic
- [ ] Taste
2. Which of the following is true about haptic feedback?
- [x] There is no generalised haptic feedback system.
- [ ] Haptic is specifically about touch.
- [x] Vibration gives the illusion of haptic feedback
3. What are the necessary conditions of plausibility illusion?
- [x] Events happening in VR is related personally to you.
- [x] The world responds to you
- [x] Credibility
4. We say system A is more immersive than system B when
- [ ] we can simulate system A with system B
- [ ] we cannot simulate system A with system B
- [x] we can use system A to simulate system B
- [ ] we can use system B to simulate system A
5. What's the definition of place illusion?
- [ ] It's a technical description of what a system can deliver.
- [x] It's the strong feeling of being in a virtual place despite the fact that you know you are not.
6. Which of the following support plausibility illusion?
- [ ] An avatar in VR going through repetitive motions
- [x] In VR, as you walk in a room, all the characters turn their head to look at you
- [x] In VR, when you knock on the door, someone opens the door
7. Which of the following statements are true?
- [x] Immersion is a way to describe the VR system
- [ ] The level of Immersion of the same system could differ from person to person [x sure ]
- [x] Place illusion depends on sensorimotor contingency
8. What's the definition of plausibility illusion?
- [ ] Plausibility illusion describes the illusion when your natural sensorimotor contingency is supported by the system.
- [x] Plausibility illusion is the illusion that the events are happening
9. Which of the following statement is true?
- [ ] Place illusion is cognitive
- [ ] Plausibility illusion is perceptual
- [x] Experiences in HMD is more immersive than reading a book
10. Which of the following is right about place illusion and plausibility illusion?
- [x] If place illusion breaks, it could come back again.
- [ ] If place illusion breaks, it would be very difficult to get it back again. [x sure]
- [ ] If plausibility illusion breaks, it could come back again. [x sure]
- [x] If plausibility illusion breaks, it would be very difficult to get it back again.
11. In the real-life version of the rubber hand illusion, the brain tries to resolve conflicting perceptual signals and came up with a solution that the rubber hand is the real hand. During the process, which signals) overwrote which?
- [ ] Vision and proprioception overwrote tactile
- [x] Vision and tactile overwrote proprioception
- [ ] Tactile and proprioception overwrote vision
12. The rubber hand illusion in real-life is normally generated with _ I synchrony. In virtual reality, we can also generate the illusion with I I synchrony
- [ ] visual-proprioception; visual-motor
- [ ] visual-motor; visual-proprioception [x sure ]
- [x] visual-tactile; visual-motor
- [ ] visual-motor; visual-tactile [x sure ]
13. Which of the following could trigger embodiment illusion?
- [ ] Putting an avatar where you expect your own body to be (visual-proprioception synchrony) [x sure]
- [ ] Visual-motor synchrony
- [ ] Visual-tactile synchrony
- [x] Using an avatar in VR who looks similar to the user
14. Which of the following are needed to setup an embodiment VR lab, where users can have full-body ownership illusion?
- [ ] CAVE
- [x] wide field-of-view HMD with head tracking
- [x] Body tracking solution (it can be a high-end camera system, or a Kinect, or a couple of hand trackers)
15. Which of the following are true about embodiment illusion in VR?
- [x] Having the shape of a child body in VR alters our perception of size.
- [x] Having the body of someone from a different racial group reduces our implicit racial bias.
- [ ] Body ownership illusion could also help us to change attitude about ourselves.
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