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Created July 21, 2020 00:31
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#ident "@(#)backup_freenas_rsync 0.19 2017/09/01 K. Raquel Sanborn"
# Script name:
# backup_freenas_rsync
# OS supported:
# FreeNAS 9.3, 9.10
# Description:
# Perform the following:
# - Create log file.
# - Scrub the backup media, if error found, abort backup
# - Backup FreeNAS file systems, via "rsync" to a local file system.
# Usage:
# sudo /bin/su -
# zpool import Backup750
# Or;
# zpool import Backup
# cd ~${MY_USER_NAME}/bin
# Optionally;
# setenv MY_BACKUP_SCRUB off
# nohup ./backup_freenas_rsync >/dev/null &
# or
# batch -q a -f ./backup_freenas_rsync
# Configuration:
# MY_LOGDIR=/var/log/local
# Author info:
# K. Raquel Sanborn
# (C) Copyright K. Raquel Sanborn
# Permission and fees:
# You have the right to run this script without any warranty. If you
# find it useful, let me know, (and send cash :-). If it breaks
# something, I am not responsible, (it has SOME builtin safe guards).
# If you modify this script, do not alter my credits, add your own.
# Notes:
# It is assumed that the backup will fit on the destination. Thus,
# checking log file after backup is helpful to detect errors.
# History:
# 2016/03/12 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Original creation from "backup_rsync_fs"
# 2016/05/25 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Fix Rsync exclude, only Backup750 pool.
# Add elapsed time display.
# 2016/05/26 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Added source dataset size printing.
# 2016/06/12 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Added Pool and Dataset attribute saving.
# 2016/07/19 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Fixed order for log file.
# 2016/08/27 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Add scrub of backup media before starting
# the backup. Then check status, if any errors, abort backup.
# 2016/10/04 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Update to detect backup mount point. Put
# copy of log file onto backup disk.
# 2016/10/07 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Simplify the backup directory structure.
# 2016/10/09 - K. Raquel Sanborn - For the larger disk, perform ZFS snapshot
# after backup with date. Add command line parameter so that scrubs can be
# skipped. For larger disk, added --delete option for Rsync.
# 2016/11/02 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Fixed backup ZFS and path specification.
# 2016/12/06 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Fixed source path. Also fixed ZFS source
# dataset printing.
# 2016/12/07 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Fixed typo in log file output.
# 2016/12/31 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Add exclude entry for Media_archive.
# 2017/01/27 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Add "zpool history" output to backup.
# 2017/01/31 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Cleaned up log file a bit.
# 2017/04/29 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Test and updated documentation to allow
# running in back ground.
# 2017/06/10 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Updated documentation to allow running
# as batch job.
# 2017/07/18 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Added bail-out if initial pool status of
# backup disk has errors.
# 2017/09/01 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Changed the Rsync parameters to remove the
# "A" as that seems to prevent file deletion.
# To be added:
# 2016/12/06 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Check source pool and dataset for
# existance before proceeding. Then check destination pool and dataset
# for existance before proceeding.
# 2017/03/31 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Allow backing up multiple source pools.
# Have the script loop on pool name, instead of hostname. Plus, check for
# the existance of the destination dataset(s) before starting the loop.
# 2016/11/13 - K. Raquel Sanborn - Base exclude list on Pool name. Thus,
# multiple backup disks can be used. 8TB for all, 750GB all except media,
# and 320GB for most, except media & ISOs.
# User setable default parameters
export MY_LOGDIR=/var/log/local
# Command line and run time parameters
MY_SCRIPT=`basename ${0}`
MY_SYSTEM=`uname -n | cut -f1 -d'.'`
CUR_DATE=`date +%Y\%m\%d`
# Make the time parameter
print_elapsed_time () {
MY_ELAPSED=$(( `date +%s`- ${MY_BEGIN_SECONDS} ))
MY_HOURS=$(( ${MY_ELAPSED} / 3600 ))
MY_MINS=$(( ${MY_ELAPSED} - ( ${MY_HOURS} * 3600 ) ))
MY_MINS=$(( ${MY_MINS} / 60 ))
MY_SECS=$(( ${MY_ELAPSED} - ( ${MY_MINS} * 60 ) - ( ${MY_HOURS} * 3600 ) ))
if [ ${MY_HOURS} -eq 0 ]; then
printf "(as .M:SS) = %d:%02d\n" ${MY_MINS} ${MY_SECS}
printf "(as .H:MM:SS) = %d:%02d:%02d\n" ${MY_HOURS} ${MY_MINS} ${MY_SECS}
# Create log file, (and directory tree if it does not already exist).
ls ${MY_LOGDIR} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
mkdir -m 775 -p ${MY_LOGDIR}
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
echo "${MY_SCRIPT}: Can't create log directory ${MY_LOGDIR}," \
"exiting gracefully!"
exit 1
chgrp sys ${MY_LOGDIR}
touch ${MY_LOGFILE}
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
echo "${MY_SCRIPT}: Can't create logfile ${MY_LOGFILE}, exiting gracefully!"
exit 2
chmod 644 ${MY_LOGFILE}
chgrp sys ${MY_LOGFILE}
export MY_BEGIN_SECONDS=`date +%s`
# Print various parameters
echo "Command line = ${0} ${*}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "Working dir = `pwd`" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "Host name = ${MY_SYSTEM}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "Log file name = ${MY_LOGFILE}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
# Detect source, currently derived from ${MY_SOURCE}"
MY_SOURCE_ZPOOL=`echo ${MY_SOURCE} | cut -f3 -d'/'`
echo "Source pool = ${MY_SOURCE_ZPOOL}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "Source path = ${MY_SOURCE}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
# Detect destination, currently must start with Backup
MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL=`zpool list | grep "^Backup" | awk '{print $1}'`
echo "Backup pool = ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
# Get ZFS name
MY_BACKUP_ZFS=`zfs list -r ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL} | grep ${MY_SYSTEM} | head -1 \
| awk '{print $1}'`
echo "Backup ZFS = ${MY_BACKUP_ZFS}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
# Get backup path
MY_BACKUP_PATH=`zfs list ${MY_BACKUP_ZFS} | tail -1 | awk '{print $5}'`
echo "Backup path = ${MY_BACKUP_PATH}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
# Write some information about backup pool
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "*************************************************************************" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "************************ Source Pool and dataset ************************" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " --- zpool list ${MY_SOURCE_ZPOOL}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
zpool list ${MY_SOURCE_ZPOOL} >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " --- zfs list ${MY_SOURCE_ZPOOL}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " --- zpool status ${MY_SOURCE_ZPOOL}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
zpool status ${MY_SOURCE_ZPOOL} >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "*************************************************************************" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "************************ Backup Pool and dataset ************************" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " --- zpool list ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
zpool list ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL} >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " --- zfs list ${MY_BACKUP_ZFS}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
zfs list ${MY_BACKUP_ZFS} >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " --- zpool status ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
zpool status ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL} >>${MY_LOGFILE}
zpool status ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL} 2>/dev/null | grep 'errors: No known data errors' >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ ${?} != 0 ]; then
echo "${MY_SCRIPT}: Before scrub, backup pool ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL} not clean!" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "Exiting gracefully!" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
exit 3
echo "*************************************************************************" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "*************************** Scrub backup Pool ***************************" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
if [ "${MY_BACKUP_SCRUB}X" = "offX" ]; then
echo "User requested no Scrub, skipping!" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "ZFS Pool scrub for ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL} beginning at "`date +%c`"." >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " --- zpool scrub ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
zpool scrub ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL} >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
# Loop
echo "Looping on Pool status" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
export MY_SCAN=1
while [ ${MY_SCAN} -eq 1 ]; do
sleep 20
zpool status ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL} 2>/dev/null | grep 'scan: scrub in progress' >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ ${?} != 0 ]; then
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
# End status
echo " --- zpool status ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
zpool status ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL} >>${MY_LOGFILE}
zpool status ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL} 2>/dev/null | grep 'scan: scrub repaired 0' >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ ${?} != 0 ]; then
echo "${MY_SCRIPT}: After scrub, backup pool ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL} not clean!" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "Exiting gracefully!" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
exit 4
echo "*************************************************************************" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "************************** Perform the backup ***************************" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
# OK, parameters checked, lets start the backups
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "Backups for ${MY_SYSTEM} beginning at "`date +%c`"." >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
# Only do full to 8TB disk
if [ "${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL}X" = "Backup750X" ]; then
echo " rsync -aHSX --delete --stats \ " >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " --exclude='Media/Videos' --exclude='./Media_archive' \ " >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " ${MY_SOURCE}/ \ " >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " ${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
rsync -aHSX --delete --stats \
--exclude='Media/Videos' --exclude='./Media_archive' \
${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/ 2>&1 \
| awk '{print " "$0}' >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " rsync -aHSX --delete --stats \ " >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " ${MY_SOURCE}/ \ " >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " ${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
rsync -aHSX --delete --stats \
${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/ 2>&1 \
| awk '{print " "$0}' >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " Snapshoting ZFS dataset to ${MY_BACKUP_ZFS}@${CUR_DATE}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
zfs snapshot ${MY_BACKUP_ZFS}@${CUR_DATE}
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "*************************************************************************" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "************************ Pool & Dataset attr saving *********************" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
# Tell user what we are saving, and where.
echo "\
zpool status >${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/zpool_status.out
zpool list >${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/zpool_list.out
zpool get all >${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/zpool_get_all.out
zpool history >${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/zpool_history.out
zfs list -t all >${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/zfs_list_t_all.out
zfs get all >${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/zfs_get_all.out" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
# Save copies of Pool and Dataset attributes
zpool status >${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/zpool_status.out
zpool list >${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/zpool_list.out
zpool get all >${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/zpool_get_all.out
zpool history >${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/zpool_history.out
zfs list -t all >${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/zfs_list_t_all.out
zfs get all >${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/zfs_get_all.out
echo "*************************************************************************" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "************************ Backup Pool and dataset ************************" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " --- zpool list ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
zpool list ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL} >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " --- zfs list ${MY_BACKUP_ZFS}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
zfs list ${MY_BACKUP_ZFS} >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo " --- zpool status ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL}" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
zpool status ${MY_BACKUP_ZPOOL} >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "*************************************************************************" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "************************ Backup time statistics *************************" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
# Close up log file
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
printf "Elapsed job time " >>${MY_LOGFILE}
print_elapsed_time >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "Backup completed for ${MY_SYSTEM} at "`date +%c`"." >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
echo "*************************************************************************" >>${MY_LOGFILE}
chmod 444 ${MY_LOGFILE}
cp -p ${MY_LOGFILE} ${MY_BACKUP_PATH}/`basename ${MY_LOGFILE}`
# Exit gracefully
exit 0
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