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Created November 6, 2021 06:05
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import os
import numpy
from qulacs import QuantumState, QuantumCircuit
from qulacs.gate import *
def challenge():
# Create a random gate
dx, dy, dz = [numpy.random.rand()*numpy.pi] * 3
def U(index):
return merge(merge(RX(index, dx), RY(index, dy)), RZ(index, dz))
def Udag(index):
return merge(merge(RZ(index, -dz), RY(index, -dy)), RX(index, -dx))
'CNOT': (CNOT, 2),
'H': (H, 1), 'X': (X, 1), 'Y': (Y, 1), 'Z': (Z, 1),
'S': (S, 1), 'SDAG': (Sdag, 1), 'T': (T, 1), 'TDAG': (Tdag, 1),
'U': (U, 1), 'UDAG': (Udag, 1)
CONSUMED = set() # We don't have enough resources :(
def assemble_circuit(asm, qbits=2):
""" Convert assembly into quantum circuit
i.e. q0 ---+--[Z]--
| <= "CNOT 0,1; Z 0; H 1;"
q1 --[X]-[H]--
class QasmException(Exception):
def apply(gate, args):
return gate(*args)
circuit = QuantumCircuit(qbits)
cnt = 0
for instruction in asm.replace('\n', '').split(';'):
t = instruction.strip().split()
if t == []:
if len(t) < 2:
raise QasmException("Invalid instruction")
opecode, operand = t[0].upper(), t[1:]
if opecode not in GATES:
raise QasmException("Invalid gate")
if opecode in CONSUMED:
raise QasmException("Lack of gate")
operand = list(map(lambda x: int(x), ''.join(t[1:]).split(',')))
if not all(map(lambda x: 0 <= x < qbits, operand)):
raise QasmException("Invalid quantum bit specified")
if GATES[opecode][1] != len(operand):
raise QasmException("Invalid number of operands")
gate = apply(GATES[opecode][0], operand)
cnt += 1
if cnt > 100:
raise QasmException("Too large circuit")
return circuit
# 2-bit quantum state
state = QuantumState(2)
# Randomize 1st qubit (|0>|0> --> |phi>|0>)
RX(0, numpy.random.rand()*numpy.pi).update_quantum_state(state)
RY(0, numpy.random.rand()*numpy.pi).update_quantum_state(state)
RZ(0, numpy.random.rand()*numpy.pi).update_quantum_state(state)
answer_state = state.copy()
# Apply U gate to 1st qubit (answer_state)
# p0 is the probability that 1st qubit is measured to be 0
p0 = answer_state.get_marginal_probability([0, 2])
# Execute your pre-processor (state)
# You can change the state before measurement
asm = input("Pre-processor: ")
circ_pre = assemble_circuit(asm)
# Apply U gate to 2nd qubit (state)
# Measure and destroy 1st qubit (state)
Measurement(0, 0).update_quantum_state(state)
print("Measure: " + str(state.get_classical_value(0)))
# Execute your post-processor (state)
# Your goal is to create U|phi> after you measure |phi>
asm = input("Post-processor: ")
circ_post = assemble_circuit(asm)
# p1 is the probability that 2nd qubit is measured to be 0
p1 = state.get_marginal_probability([2, 0])
# Is 2nd qubit U|phi>?
assert numpy.isclose(p0, p1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
for rnd in range(1, 11):
print(f"[ROUND {rnd}/10]")
print("[+] Success!!!")
except Exception as e:
print("[-] Failure...")
print(f" {e}")
print(os.getenv("FLAG", "Fake{sample_flag}"))
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