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Created November 27, 2016 18:48
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import Foundation
struct RandomStringGenerator {
func createRandomWord(with wordLength: Int) -> String {
let chars = (0..<wordLength).map{_ in return String(randomChar()) }
return chars.reduce(""){ $0 + $1 }
func randomChar() -> Character {
let ascii = 65 + arc4random() % (122 - 65)
return UnicodeScalar(ascii).map { Character($0) } ?? Character("")
func createRandomParagraph(with wordCount: Int) -> String {
let maxWordLength = Int(arc4random() % 15)
return (0..<wordCount).map{ _ in createRandomWord(with: maxWordLength) }.reduce(""){
$0 + " " + $1
RandomStringGenerator().createRandomParagraph(with: 5)
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