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Created May 10, 2013 04:36
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Author: Kang Hyojun ( admire9 at gmail dot com )
Rewrite in coffeescript
Array.prototype.swap = (a, b) ->
tmp = this[a]
this[a] = this[b]
this[b] = tmp
Array.prototype.qsort = (key) ->
if key is undefined
key = (x) -> x
findPivot = (a, left, right) ->
mid = Math.floor(left + (right - left) / 2)
pivotIndex = null
if a[left] < a[mid] and a[mid] < a[right]
pivotIndex = mid
else if a[left] < a[right]
pivotIndex = left
pivotIndex = right
partition = (a, l, r, p) ->
storeIndex = l
pivot = key a[p]
a.swap p, r
for i in [l..(r - 1)]
if key(a[i]) <= pivot
a.swap i, storeIndex
storeIndex += 1
a.swap i, storeIndex
qsort = (l, left, right) ->
if left < right
pivotIndex = findPivot l, left, right
newPivotIndex = partition l, left, right, pivotIndex
qsort l, left, newPivotIndex - 1
qsort l, newPivotIndex + 1, right
qsort this, 0, (this.length - 1)
a = [4,2,1,3]
console.log a
console.log a.qsort()
b = [["b", 3], ["d", 1], ["c", 4], ["a", 2]]
k = (x) -> x[1]
console.log b
console.log b.qsort(k) # [ [ "a" , 2 ] , [ "b" , 3 ] , [ "c" , 4 ] , [ "d" , 1 ] ]]
k = (x) -> x[0]
console.log b
console.log b.qsort(k) # [ [ "d" , 1 ] , [ "a" , 2 ] , [ "b" , 3 ] , [ "c" , 4 ] ]]
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