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Created July 2, 2012 06:50
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Metadata spec for IRCv3
IRCv3 Metadata proposal
1. Introduction
It is generally useful to associate metadata with one's IRC presence, e.g. to
make one's homepage or non-IRC contact details more discoverable. There are
several mechanisms for doing this, but they typically rely on the presence of
services and aren't really suitable for transient metadata such as a user's
current location.
This proposal aims to codify two coexisting mechanisms for working with
metadata: first, persisting metadata may be configured through services via
NickServ or an appropriate user authentication agent; second, transient
metadata may be configured through a client --> server event created
specifically for this purpose. Both mechanisms will behave identically, save
that services-driven metadata will be encapsulated via PRIVMSG.
All metadata subcommands will flow through the METADATA event. If an error
condition arises, it must be responded to with ERR_EVENTERROR with appropriate
text. Metadata may apply to channels, as well; in that case, an optional
argument is provided prior to the subcommand, as outlined in the format for
each, if supported.
This subcommand shall list all currently-set metadata keys along with their
values. An optional string may be given to reduce the list to keys which match
the string; the string may contain wildcards. The response will be one or more
RPL_KEYVALUE events and a closing RPL_ENDOFLIST event. The format of METADATA
LIST shall be as follows:
METADATA [channel] LIST [:string]
This subcommand shall set a required key to an optional value. If no value is
given, the key is removed; otherwise, the value is assigned to the key. The
response shall be one RPL_KEYVALUE event and one RPL_ENDOFLIST event. The
format of METADATA SET shall be as follows:
METADATA [channel] SET key [:value]
This subcommand shall remove all metadata, equivalently to using METADATA SET
on all keys with an empty value. The format of METADATA CLEAR shall be as
This subcommand shall notify the user when the target issues a modification to
a given key. The response shall be a RPL_SUBSCRIPTION event listing all
subscribed keys. The format of METADATA SUBSCRIBE is as follows:
METADATA SUBSCRIBE <Target> :<Key1>[,<Key2>[...]]
Channels cannot be subscribed to metadata changes.
This subcommand shall undo the effects of METADATA SUBSCRIBE for the specified
target/key(s). The response shall be a RPL_SUBSCRIPTION event listing any
remaining keys for the target, or no keys if there are no subscriptions left
for the target. Failing to specify any keys instead removes all subscriptions
from the target. The format for METADATA UNSUBSCRIBE is as follows:
METADATA UNSUBSCRIBE <Target> [:<Key1>[,<Key2>[...]]
Channels cannot be subscribed to metadata changes, therefore this subcommand is
also invalid for channels.
3. Metadata Restrictions
Keys shall be restricted to the ranges A–Z, a–z, and 0–9, and are
case-insensitive; they shall, moreover, be namespaced using the period (.) as a
separator. Values are unrestricted, except that they shall be UTF-8; binary
data shall be prefixed with the 'data:' URI, followed by an encoding identifier
(e.g. 'base64'), followed by a colon (:). The use of binary data in values
shall be discouraged.
3.1. Key Registry
There shall be a key registry, with the intention of standardizing keys for
ease of use among server and client authors. It shall be maintained by the
IRCv3 working group or a suitably-delegated authority. Several namespaces
will be defined initially, as follows:
* The 'server' namespace is intended for keys which the user cannot set, such
as SSL certificate fingerprints.
* The 'user' namespace is intended for keys which the user can set and which
carry meaning relevant only, or mostly, to users.
* The 'client' namespace is intended for keys which the user can set and which
describe the user's client.
* The 'ext' namespace is intended for keys which have not been formally
registered. Server and client authors are advised that they cannot rely on
this namespace to carry any standardized meaning. The main namespaces may be
replicated under this namespace, except for 'private'.
* The 'private' namespace is intended for server-internal keys and may only be
seen with the appropriate server operator permissions. Keys in this
namespace are not required to be registered.
3.2. Predefined Keys
The following keys are predefined for the purposes of the key registry outlined
Key Meaning
server.certfp SSL certificate fingerprint User's email address User's phone number User's website* IM handles; the * is replaced with the relevant service name
user.playing Music the user is currently listening to The game the user is currently playing Client's name
client.version Client version
Metadata shall appear in WHOIS output using RPL_WHOISKEYVALUE if any is defined
for the user.
5. Services
Metadata should be presented via NickServ or similar service in order to allow
for persistent metadata; the format for encapsulating METADATA events for
persistance is as follows:
PRIVMSG <Service> :<Metadata command>
where <Service> is the relevant service and <Metadata command> is any METADATA
subcommand as outlined previously. Responses shall be presented appropriately
to the service rather than through RPL_* or ERR_* events.
In addition, services may display metadata by using the INFO command with the
relevant service and account name.
6. IRC Daemons
IRCds shall have a blacklist or whitelist and may have an option to enforce
keys against either or neither of them. Implementations may block keys which
might result in impersonation. It is an error for metadata to have any effect
on server operations.
7. Numerics
The format for the numerics provided shall be as follows:
ERR_EVENTERROR -> <Event> :<Error text>
RPL_KEYVALUE -> <Key> [:<Value>]
RPL_SUBSCRIPTION -> <Type> <Target> [:<Key>]
(<Type> for this spec is 'metadata')
RPL_ENDOFLIST -> <List type> :end of list
(for this spec, the <List type> would be 'metadata')
The actual numerics associated with the definitions shall be defined by the
IRCv3 working group.
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