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Created May 15, 2024 21:21
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  • Save kanjieater/f297b8d84809820c41e928ed81cbe479 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Loop over each audiobook folder
for audiobook_folder in "${audiobooks_path}"/*/
# Print out the name of the audiobook folder
echo "Merging files in ${audiobook_folder}..."
# Get the audiobook name
audiobook_name="$(basename "${audiobook_folder}")"
# Get the list of mp4 files in the audiobook folder
mp4_files=$(ls -1v "${audiobook_folder}"*.mp3)
# Replace audiobooks_path with "./" in each mp4 file path
mp4_files=$(echo "$mp4_files" | sed "s|${audiobook_folder}|./|g")
# Wrap each mp4 file path in quotes
mp4_files=$(echo "$mp4_files" | awk '{printf "\"%s\" ", $0}')
# Run the m4b-tool Docker container to merge the MP4 files
docker_cmd="docker run -it --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v \"${audiobook_folder}\":/mnt sandreas/m4b-tool:latest merge ${mp4_files} --output-file \"./${audiobook_name}.m4b\" --jobs $(nproc --all) --name \"${audiobook_name}\""
echo "$docker_cmd"
eval "$docker_cmd"
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