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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys
import getopt
import optparse
import commands
import shlex
def returnStatus(statusInfo,checkMode):
statusResult = None
output = ""
failCount = 0
successCount = 0
for line in statusInfo:
cStatus = line[0]
cOutput = line[1].replace("\n"," ")
output += cOutput + " "
if cStatus > 0:
failCount = failCount + 1
if cStatus == 0:
successCount = successCount + 1
counts = str(failCount)+ " failed "+str(successCount)+ " succeeded"
returnCode = 3
if checkMode == "one":
if successCount > 0:
returnCode = 0
returnCode = 2
elif checkMode == "all":
if failCount == 0:
returnCode = 0
returnCode = 2
if returnCode == 0:
output = "MULTIPLE CHECK OK: " + counts + " "+ output
elif returnCode >0:
output = "MULTIPLE CHECK CRITICAL: " + counts + " "+ output
print output
def runCommands(commandList):
statusInfo = []
#loop through all the commands
for i in commandList:
i = i.lstrip().rstrip()
#run the command
(cStatus,cOutput) = commands.getstatusoutput(i)
#store the result
return statusInfo
def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("--commands",dest="commands",help="string of commands to run. enclose in quotes. seperate each command by @#% eg command1@#%command2")
parser.add_option("--mode",dest="mode",help="specify 'one' or 'all'. 'one' will return true if any one of the checks is successfull. 'all' will return false if any one of the checks fail. default is all")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
#set checkMode
checkMode = "all"
if not options.mode or options.mode == "all":
checkMode = "all"
elif options.mode == "one":
checkMode = "one"
#ensure commands were specified
if not options.commands:
print "no commands specified"
commandList = options.commands.split("@#%")
#run the commands
commandsStatus = runCommands(commandList)
#process the results
if __name__ == "__main__":
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