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Created January 27, 2016 12:01
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Let's revisit the source
" man, to daughter: I know what guys are like! no dating till you're married!
same man, to feminist: hey not all guys are like that! "
and then you (@Cherrykrush) said
" The double standard that exists when a concerned dad says the very same
thing, in essence that a feminist says."
So you seem to think that both (the dad and feminist) have the same assumption
regarding men. But then the same dad says "hey not all guys are like that!"
which you term as "double standard". Let's try speculate what this same
assumption might be:
Assumption 1: All men are rapists.
Argument: - None -
Assumption 2: All men are jerks (stupid or whatever other term).
Argument: Do you think all the feminist out there are fighting just to prove
that all men are jerks or stupid ? I don't think the feminist movement is such
naive or shallow minded ... or is it ?
If you agree with any assumption above then there is no point discussing this any further. You can resume with your life.
Now, I don't agree that there is any "double standard" here either
because a concerned dad might say so because he feels that his daughter
might end up being emotionally (or physically in some cases) harmed
because there are "some" jerks out there.
But the same dad and many other such dads and men have to say "hey not ALL guys are like that !"
because of the narrow minded generalization formed by feminists towards all men.
(The fact that this exists !)
These men have to fight against being labeled as rapists.
Lastly, the underlying assumption regarding men in two scenarios is different which is why
I said,
" ... assuming men as jerks and assuming men as rapists are two different things "
hope I have made myself clear !
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