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Created March 20, 2017 22:38
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C++ vectors fun.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct test {
int a;
long b;
int main() {
unsigned int expectedSize = 100;
vector<test> data;
auto it = data.begin();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < expectedSize; i++) {
// Do something
test t;
t.a = i;
// Put in vector - no error at all
(*it) = t;
cout << "expectedSize = " << expectedSize << endl;
cout << "data.size() = " << data.size() << endl;
cout << "data.capacity() = " << data.capacity() << endl;
// Dependent on implementation
cout << endl << "data[2891] = " << data[2891].a << endl;
// cout << endl << "data[2892] = " << data[2892].a << endl; // Gives segfault
return 0;
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