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Created August 6, 2018 21:23
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(ns boot.shadow-cljs
{:boot/export-tasks true}
(:refer-clojure :exclude [compile])
(:require [ :as io]
[ :refer [sh]]
[boot.core :as boot :refer [deftask]]
[boot.pod :as pod]
[clojure.string :as str]
[cheshire.core :as json]
[clojure.edn :as edn])
(:import [java.util Properties]
[ File]))
(defn path [& segments]
(.getCanonicalFile (File. (str/join File/separator segments))))
(defn shadow-project-paths [dir]
{:config (path dir "shadow-cljs.edn")
:node-module-package-json (path dir "node_modules" "shadow-cljs" "package.json")
:package-json (path dir "package.json")})
(defn ensure-shadow [paths]
(when-not (.exists (:config paths))
(throw (ex-info "no shadow-cljs.edn file found")))
(when-not (.exists (:package-json paths))
(println "Initializing npm project...")
(sh "npm" "init" "--force"))
(println "Install/update npm")
(sh "npm" "install")
#_(when-not (.exists (:node-module-package-json paths))
(println "Installing shadow-cljs npm project")
(sh "npm" "install" "--save-dev" "shadow-cljs")))
(defn prepare-runtime [pod]
(pod/with-eval-in pod
'[clojure.string :as str]
'[shadow.cljs.devtools.errors :as e]
'[shadow.cljs.devtools.config :as config]
'[shadow.cljs.devtools.api :as api])
(defn file-path [& segments]
(.getCanonicalFile (File. (str/join File/separator segments))))))
(defn- read-config [^File config]
(when (.exists config)
(-> (slurp config)
(defn shadow-cljs-version [package-json]
(when (.exists package-json)
(-> package-json
(json/parse-string true)
(defn- make-pod [env config shadow-version]
(-> env
#_(update :dependencies into [['org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]
['thheller/shadow-cljs (or shadow-version "2.3.2")]])
(update :dependencies into (:dependencies config)))))
(deftask release
[b builds BUILD #{kw} "name of build"
d directory DIRECTORY str "path to shadow-cljs project root (default current dir)"]
(let [env (boot/get-env)
target (boot/tmp-dir!)
cache (boot/cache-dir! ::cache)
output (str target)
dir (or directory (System/getProperty "user.dir"))
paths (shadow-project-paths dir)
_ (ensure-shadow paths)
pod (make-pod env
(read-config (:config paths))
(shadow-cljs-version (:node-module-package-json paths)))]
(prepare-runtime pod)
(boot/with-pre-wrap fileset
(println "<< Building for release >>")
(pod/with-eval-in pod
(doseq [build ~builds]
(let [{:keys [output-dir] :as bc} (api/get-build-config build)
build-config (assoc bc
:cache-root ~(str cache)
(str (file-path ~output "public/js")))]
(api/release* build-config {}))
(catch Exception e
(e/user-friendly-error e))))))
(-> fileset
(boot/add-resource target)
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