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Last active November 6, 2019 11:07
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Deploy Facebooks' React VR `TourSample` to Heroku in 5 minutes or less

Deploy Facebooks' React VR TourSample to Heroku in 5 minutes or less

Step by step instructions for deploying react-vr/tree/master/Examples/TourSample to Heroku.


Shout-outs to:

  1. Facebook for their VR framework React VR.

  2. zivile777 for her example use of React VR with react-vr-paris-tour.

  3. ltfschoen for his example use of React VR with PolkadotConsensusVR.

The following steps require:

* Node.js version 6.0.0 or higher
* npm (>= v3.0.0) package manager

Condensed Steps

  1. In the terminal, from your working directory(example: ~/projects), copy/paste these commands, hit Enter:
npm install -g react-vr-cli \
&& git clone \
&& cd react-vr/Examples \
&& react-vr init TourSampleTest \
&& cd TourSampleTest \
&& rm -rf static_assets \
&& cp -r ../TourSample/static_assets static_assets \
&& cp ../TourSample/{InfoButton.js,LoadingSpinner.js,NavButton.js,Tooltip.js,index.vr.js} . \
&& sed -i '' 's/TourSample/TourSampleTest/g' index.vr.js \
&& npm run bundle \
&& cp -r ./static_assets vr/build/static_assets \
&& cp vr/index.html vr/build
  1. Modify vr/build/index.html (NOT vr/index.html)
  • Replace '<script src="./build/client.bundle?platform=vr"></script>' with '<script src="./client.bundle.js?platform=vr"></script>'
  • Replace './build/index.bundle?platform=vr&dev=false', with './index.bundle.js?platform=vr',
  • Modify document.body with the following for all static assets:
  1. echo "<?php header( 'Location: /index.html' ) ; ?>" > vr/build/index.php
  2. cd vr/build
  3. heroku login
  4. git init && git add . && git commit -m "my first commit"
  5. heroku create && git push heroku master
  6. visit

Detailed Step by Step Directions

  1. Install the React VR CLI – a command-line tool

npm install -g react-vr-cli

  1. Clone the React VR repo git clone

  2. Change working directory to Examples

cd react-vr/Examples/

  1. Initialize a new React VR project

react-vr init TourSampleTest

  1. Change working directory to new project and remove static_assets folder

cd TourSampleTest && rm -rf static_assets/

  1. Copy static_assets folder from example project

cp -r ../TourSample/static_assets static_assets

  1. Copy js files from example project

cp ../TourSample/{InfoButton.js,LoadingSpinner.js,NavButton.js,Tooltip.js,index.vr.js} .

  1. Replace TourSample with TourSampleTest

sed -i '' 's/TourSample/TourSampleTest/g' index.vr.js

  1. Build the project

npm run bundle

  1. Copy static_assets into the build

cp -r ./static_assets vr/build/static_assets

  1. Copy index.html into the build

cp vr/index.html vr/build

  1. Modify vr/build/index.html (NOT vr/index.html)
  • Replace '<script src="./build/client.bundle?platform=vr"></script>' with '<script src="./client.bundle.js?platform=vr"></script>'
  • Replace './build/index.bundle?platform=vr&dev=false', with './index.bundle.js?platform=vr',
  • Modify document.body with the following for all static assets:
  1. Create index.php file to trick Heroku

echo "<?php header( 'Location: /index.html' ) ; ?>" > vr/build/index.php

  1. Change working directory to build

cd vr/build

  1. Login to Heroku

heroku login

  1. Initialize for Heroku

git init && git add . && git commit -m "my first commit"

  1. Create a new Heroku project

heroku create

  1. Deploy build to Heroku

git push heroku master

  1. visit
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