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Created May 17, 2024 15:50
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%TNET (The current telephony network operator the device is using. May be unreliable on CDMA networks.) always returns Ubigi, even if Ubigi eSIM is disabled

Android Settings screens cannot be navigated down (into submenus) and back up when launched through the settings launch actions.

Buttons in scene editor are invisible with theme Device Default Auto.

With that theme, a text dialog with buttons used in a task has a completely different style in dark mode (round corners, button text in title case) than in light mode (sharp corners, button text in all caps).

Changing the theme doesn't fully take effect until you exit and reopen Tasker. The new theme is applied to the Task Edit screens immediately though.

Long tap on action in favorite actions (long tap + circle) removes action from favorites without warning/confirmation dialog.

The way changes are always committed unless you cancel and exit; instead of a back arrow that always saves changes without asking and a Cancel option tucked away in the overflow menu (or sometimes an x in a black circle), there should be an X top left (to cancel any edits), and a checkmark top right (to save edits). Navigating back with system back gesture or button should popup a dialog "cancel or save" but ONLY if changes have been made. (I was thinking about editing tasks when I wrote this, but it applies to other screens too I think).

Often can't drag an action within a task after selecting it. Need to scroll up and down a bit before trying again or it won't work. Edit: has to do with action being at the top or bottom of the list, have to start dragging in the opposite direction first to make it work; probably conflicts with scrolling somehow.

Deleting things by dragging so the + in the lower right corner of the screen turns into a trash can, very undiscoverable. Just a menu option or icon in top bar would be better. In some cases a trash icon does show up in the top bar, inconsistent. Having to drag something to delete it is also cumbersome because of the bug where you can't start dragging half the time.

"Error Data blocked, please open the main app and back out of it with the back button and not the home button." when making a link to a task from another app (e.g. launcher, custom gesture app etc.) WHY?! This is such a bad user experience.

Zip action is missing Use Root option, so can't directly zip files from a location that needs root.

When I'm editing a Tasker task and I go look something up in another app, then use one of the gestures I have that run a Tasker task (to toggle automatic brightness, to switch to the last app), my changes have been discarded when I return to Tasker.

I had to use a shell command to close the quick settings panel because the built-in action was not working (I posted about it on Reddit in a comment somewhere).

When editing a task that fits the screen in portrait (no scrollbars), when rotating my phone to landscape, no scrollbars appear and no scrolling is possible, even though not all actions are visible anymore. Have to back out of the task and open it again to make it work. Also, if you start in landscape mode with scrollbars and then rotate to portrait, you see the actions of the task in this "iframe" with the height similar to what it was in landscape mode.

Tasker only has 3 custom quick settings tiles, I need at least 20! (Yes, I'm using AutoNotification which supports 40, but since Tasker supports QS tiles itself it should just increase the number.)

The main menu (top right 3 dots) is too complicated, too many submenus and you can't go back one level, instead have to start over.

The circle with a + sign in the lower right corner of the screen obscures the icon of the last task. When scrolling down the last task should end up just above it instead of underneath it. Other screens get this right (Profiles, Task Edit).

When using keycodes in the Keyboard action, nothing actually happens.

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