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Last active September 8, 2017 09:17
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interface Array<T> {
$remove(item: T): Array<T>;
$set(index: number, val: T): T;
declare namespace vuejs {
interface PropOption {
type?: any;
required?: boolean;
default?: boolean;
twoWay?: boolean;
validator?(value: any): boolean;
interface ComputedOption {
get(): any;
set(value: any): void;
interface WatchOption {
handler(val: any, oldVal: any): void;
deep?: boolean;
immidiate?: boolean;
interface DirectiveOption {
bind?(): any;
update?(newVal?: any, oldVal?: any): any;
unbind?(): any;
params?: string[];
deep?: boolean;
twoWay?: boolean;
acceptStatement?: boolean;
priority?: number;
[key: string]: any;
interface FilterOption {
read: Function;
write: Function;
interface TransitionOption {
css?: boolean;
beforeEnter?(el: HTMLElement): void;
enter?(el: HTMLElement, done?: () => void): void;
afterEnter?(el: HTMLElement): void;
enterCancelled?(el: HTMLElement): void;
beforeLeave?(el: HTMLElement): void;
leave?(el: HTMLElement, done?: () => void): void;
afterLeave?(el: HTMLElement): void;
leaveCancelled?(el: HTMLElement): void;
stagger?(index: number): number;
interface ComponentOption {
data?: {[key: string]: any } | Function;
props?: string[] | { [key: string]: PropOption };
computed?: { [key: string]: ( Function | ComputedOption ) };
methods?: { [key: string]: Function };
watch?: { [key: string]: ( (val: any, oldVal: any) => void | string | WatchOption )};
el?: string | HTMLElement | ( () => HTMLElement );
template?: string;
replace?: boolean;
created?(): void;
beforeCompile?(): void;
compiled?(): void;
ready?(): void;
attached?(): void;
detached?(): void;
beforeDestroy?(): void;
destroyed?(): void;
directives?: { [key: string]: ( DirectiveOption | Function ) };
elementDirectives?: { [key: string]: ( DirectiveOption | Function ) };
filters?: { [key: string]: ( Function | FilterOption ) };
components?: { [key: string]: ComponentOption };
transitions?: { [key: string]: TransitionOption };
partials?: { [key: string]: string };
parent?: Vue;
events?: { [key: string]: ( (...args: any[]) => (boolean | void) ) | string };
mixins?: ComponentOption[];
name?: string;
[key: string]: any;
// instance/api/data.js
interface $get { ( exp: string, asStatement?: boolean ): any; }
interface $set { ( key: string | number, value: any ): void; }
interface $delete { ( key: string) : void; }
interface $watch { ( expOrFn: string | Function, callback: ( (newVal: any, oldVal?: any) => any ) | string, options?: { deep?: boolean, immidiate?: boolean } ): Function; }
interface $eval { ( expression: string ): string; }
interface $interpolate { ( expression: string ): string; }
interface $log { ( keypath?: string ): void; }
// instance/api/dom.js
interface $nextTick { ( callback: Function ): void; }
interface $appendTo<V> { ( target: ( HTMLElement | string ), callback?: Function, withTransition?: boolean ): V; }
interface $prependTo<V> { ( target: ( HTMLElement | string ), callback?: Function, withTransition?: boolean ): V; }
interface $before<V> { ( target: ( HTMLElement | string ), callback?: Function, withTransition?: boolean ): V; }
interface $after<V> { ( target: ( HTMLElement | string ), callback?: Function, withTransition?: boolean ): V; }
interface $remove<V> { ( callback?: Function ): V; }
// instance/api/events.js
interface $on<V> { (event: string, callback: Function): V; }
interface $once<V> { (event: string, callback: Function): V; }
interface $off<V> { (event?: string, callback?: Function): V; }
interface $emit<V> { (event: string, ...args: any[]): V; }
interface $broadcast<V> { (event: string, ...args: any[]): V; }
interface $dispatch<V> { (event: string, ...args: any[]): V; }
// instance/api/lifecycle.js
interface $mount<V> { ( elementOrSelector?: ( HTMLElement | string ) ): V; }
interface $destroy { (remove?: boolean): void; }
interface $compile { (el: Element | DocumentFragment, host?: Vue): Function; }
interface Vue {
$data?: any;
$el?: HTMLElement;
$options?: Object;
$parent?: Vue;
$root?: Vue;
$children?: Vue[];
$refs?: Object;
$els?: Object;
$get?: $get;
$set?: $set;
$delete?: $delete;
$eval?: $eval;
$interpolate?: $interpolate;
$log?: $log;
$watch?: $watch;
$on?: $on<this>;
$once?: $once<this>;
$off?: $off<this>;
$emit?: $emit<this>;
$dispatch?: $dispatch<this>;
$broadcast?: $broadcast<this>;
$appendTo?: $appendTo<this>;
$before?: $before<this>;
$after?: $after<this>;
$remove?: $remove<this>;
$nextTick?: $nextTick;
$mount?: $mount<this>;
$destroy?: $destroy;
$compile?: $compile;
_init?(options?: ComponentOption): void;
interface VueConfig {
debug: boolean;
delimiters: [string, string];
unsafeDelimiters: [string, string];
silent: boolean;
async: boolean;
convertAllProperties: boolean;
interface VueUtil {
// util/lang.js
set(obj: Object, key: string, value: any): void;
del(obj: Object, key: string): void;
hasOwn(obj: Object, key: string): boolean;
isLiteral(exp: string): boolean;
isReserved(str: string): boolean;
_toString(value: any): string;
toNumber<T>(value: T): T | number;
toBoolean<T>(value: T): T | boolean;
stripQuotes(str: string): string;
camelize(str: string): string;
hyphenate(str: string): string;
classify(str: string): string;
bind(fn: Function, ctx: Object): Function;
toAarray<T>(list: ArrayLike<T>, start?: number): Array<T>;
extend<T, F>(to: T, from: F): ( T & F );
isObject(obj: any): boolean;
isPlainObject(obj: any): boolean;
isArray: typeof Array.isArray;
def(obj: Object, key: string, value: any, enumerable?: boolean): void;
debounce(func: Function, wait: number): Function;
indexOf<T>(arr: Array<T>, obj: T): number;
cancellable(fn: Function): Function;
looseEqual(a: any, b: any): boolean;
// util/env.js
hasProto: boolean;
inBrowser: boolean;
isIE9: boolean;
isAndroid: boolean;
transitionProp: string;
transitionEndEvent: string;
animationProp: string;
animationEndEvent: string;
nextTick(cb: Function, ctx?: Object): void;
// util/dom.js
query(el: string | Element): Element;
inDoc(node: Node): boolean;
getAttr(node: Node, _attr: string): string;
getBindAttr(node: Node, name: string): string;
before(el: Element, target: Element): void;
after(el: Element, target: Element): void;
remove(el: Element): void;
prepend(el: Element, target: Element): void;
replace(target: Element, el: Element): void;
on(el: Element, event: string, cb: Function): void;
off(el: Element, event: string, cb: Function): void;
addClass(el: Element, cls: string): void;
removeClass(el: Element, cls: string): void;
extractContent(el: Element, asFragment: boolean): ( HTMLDivElement | DocumentFragment );
trimNode(node: Node): void;
isTemplate(el: Element): boolean;
createAnchor(content: string, persist: boolean): ( Comment | Text );
findRef(node: Element): string;
mapNodeRange(node: Node, end: Node, op: Function): void;
removeNodeRange(start: Node, end: Node, vm: any, frag: DocumentFragment, cb: Function): void;
// util/options.js
mergeOptions<P, C>(parent: P, child: C, vm?: any): ( P & C );
resolveAsset(options: Object, type: string, id: string): ( Object | Function );
assertAsset(val: any, type: string, id: string): void;
// util/component.js
commonTagRE: RegExp;
checkComponentAttr(el: Element, options?: Object): Object;
initProp(vm: Vue, prop: Object, value: any): void;
assertProp(prop: Object, value: any): boolean;
// util/debug.js
warn(msg: string, e?: Error): void;
// observer/index.js
defineReactive(obj: Object, key: string, val: any): void;
// instance/api/global.js
interface VueStatic {
new(options?: any): Vue;
prototype: Vue;
util: VueUtil;
config: VueConfig;
set(object: Object, key: string, value: any): void;
delete(object: Object, key: string): void;
nextTick(callback: Function): any;
cid: number;
extend(options?: ComponentOption): VueStatic;
use(callback: Function | {install: Function, [key: string]: any}, option?: Object): VueStatic;
mixin(mixin: Object): void;
directive<T extends ( Function | DirectiveOption ) >(id: string, definition: T): T;
directive(id: string): any;
elementDirective<T extends ( Function | DirectiveOption ) >(id: string, definition: T): T;
elementDirective(id: string): any;
filter<T extends ( Function | FilterOption ) >(id: string, definition: T): T;
filter(id: string): any;
component(id: string, definition: ComponentOption): any;
component(id: string): any;
transition<T extends TransitionOption >(id: string, hooks: T): T;
transition(id: string): TransitionOption;
partial(id: string, partial: string): string;
partial(id: string): string;
declare var Vue: vuejs.VueStatic;
declare module "vue" {
export default Vue;
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