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Forked from benjyhirsch/
Created December 10, 2015 11:30
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Inspired by Cycle.js and Motorcycle.js
This is the function doing all the heavy lifting.
It takes a function and returns a stream generated by feeding its output
back into itself as input. (It doesn't start consuming the stream.)
It's basically a pared-down version of that forgets about the
application architecture of separating out a pure main from the effectful
drivers and just resolves a single circularly dependent stream. The other
files just build up more API-compatible versions of from this.
import most from 'most'
import hold from '@most/hold'
const ouroboros = f => {
const input = hold(most.create((add, end, error) => {
setTimeout(() => output.observe(add).then(end).catch(error), 1)
const output = f(input)
return output
export default ouroboros
Some utilities for manipulating most.js streams.
pluck is pluck.
mergeObjOfStreams and siftStreamOfObjs are inverses of each other.
mergeObjOfStreams takes an object of streams, e.g.
a: -------1---------------------------------|,
b: ----------------------------------2----------------------|
and merges them together as the single stream of objects
-------{key: `a`, value: 1}-------{key: `b`, value: 2}---|.
siftStreamOfObjs separates a stream of {key, value} objects back out into
an object of streams of the values, indexed by the keys.
import compose from '@your-favorite-utility-library/compose'
import curry from '@your-favorite-utility-library/curry'
import mapObj from '@your-favorite-utility-library/mapObj'
import values from '@your-favorite-utility-libarary/values'
import zipObj from '@your-favorite-utility-library/zipObj'
import most from 'most'
export function pluck(key, stream) {
return (stream || this).map(obj => obj[key])
export const mergeObjOfStreams = compose(
array => most.merge(...array),
curry(mapObj)((stream, key) => => {key, value})))
export const siftStreamOfObjs = (keys, stream) => zipObj(keys, => stream
.filter({key} => key === k)
export {compose, curry, mapObj, mergeObj, pluck, siftObj, values, zipObj}
A naive re-implementation of
It doesn't return anything, just runs the program. See below for an
implementation that actually returns the {sources, sinks} object.
import ouroboros from './ouroboros'
import {compose, curry, mapObj, mergeObjOfStreams, siftStreamOfObjs} from './utils'
export const run = (main, drivers) => {
const f = compose(
curry(mapObj)((sinkProxy, key) => drivers[key](sinkProxy)),
const stream = ouroboros(f)
Another naive re-implementation of
This one actually returns the {sources, sinks} object.
import ouroboros from './ouroboros'
import {compose, curry, mapObj, mergeObjOfStreams, pluck, siftStreamOfObjs} from './utils'
export const run = (main, drivers) => {
const keys = Object.keys(drivers)
const f = stream => {
const sinkProxies = siftStreamOfObjs(
stream.filter({key} => key === `sinks`)::pluck(`value`))
const sources = mapObj((proxy, key) => drivers[key](proxy), sinkProxies)
const sinks = main(sources)
return mergeObjOfStreams(mapObj(mergeObjOfStreams, {sources, sinks}))
const stream = ouroboros(f)
return mapObj(
siftStreamOfObjs([`sources`, `sinks`], stream))
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