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Last active October 26, 2018 09:15
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Laying out the differences (pun intended) between boolean difference & the proposed 'negate()/negative()' operation
// with difference only, assuming that the details of partWithCuts are known (otherwise it cannot work)
const partWithCuts = () => {
const block = cube()
const cutOut = cylinder()
const cutOut2 = cylinder()
// not useable, information about cut is lost
// return difference(block, cutOut, cutout2)
return {keep: [block], remove: [cutOut, cutOut2]}
const main = () => {
const somePart = cube()
const pwc = partWithCuts()
let tmpResult = somePart
// ugh
if('keep' in pwc){
tmpResult = union(tmpResult, pwc.keep)
if('remove' in pwc){
tmpResult = difference(tmpResult, pwc.remove)
return tmpResult
// with negate, works even when assuming that the details of partWithCuts are not known !
const partWithCuts = () => {
const block = cube()
const cutOut = negate(cylinder())
const cutOut2 = negate(cylinder())
return [union(block, cutOutn cutOut2), cutOut, cutOut2]// negativity is baked in (no jokes :)
// this also would work, but has a slightly different meaning/ implication
return [block, cutOut, cutOut2]
const main = () => {
const somePart = cube()
const pwc = toArray(partWithCuts())// toArray to ensure array/iterable data
return union(somePart, pwc)
// if we want to reuse the cutouts to the next , higher scope we could do:
return [union(somePart, pwc), pwc.filter(x => isNegative(x)]
// with negate & nested parts
const partWithCuts = () => {
const block = cube()
const cutOut = negate(cylinder())
const cutOut2 = negate(cylinder())
return [union(block, cutOutn cutOut2), cutOut, cutOut2]// negativity is baked in (no jokes :)
// this also would work, but has a slightly different meaning/ implication
return [block, cutOut, cutOut2]
const nestedPart = () => {
const pwc = toArray(partWithCuts())// toArray to ensure array/iterable data
const someStuff = cube()
return [union(somePart, pwc), pwc.filter(x => isNegative(x)] // we just return the cutouts
const main = () => {
const somePart = cube()
const nested = toArray(nestedPart())// toArray to ensure array/iterable data
return union(somePart, nested)
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