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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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distance based clustering based on pandas and scipy.cKDTree
import cProfile
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
def getRandomData(samples):
points = np.random.rand(samples, 2) * 0.5
data = pd.DataFrame(points, columns=['lat', 'lng'])
# place points over Berlin += 13.1
data.lng += 52.2
return data
def clustering(tree, data, radius, centerMultiplier=0.5):
""" Perform a simple distance based clustering. Add a column clusterNr to original dataset. """
data['clusterNr'] = -1
i = 0
unclusteredIndexes = pd.DataFrame(data.index)
while len(unclusteredIndexes.index) > 0:
index = unclusteredIndexes.iloc[0][0]
point =[index], data.lng[index]
# get all points in half radius
#clusterGroup = tree.query_ball_point(point, radius*centerMultiplier) # not present in scipy 0.11 and its not faster
nn = tree.query(point, k=len(data.index), distance_upper_bound=radius*centerMultiplier)
clusterGroup = list(np.sort(nn[1][nn[0] != np.inf]))
# set found points to current cluster nr
data.ix[data.index.isin(clusterGroup), 'clusterNr'] = i
# get all points outside half radius and full radius
#clusterForSecondStage = list(
#set(tree.query_ball_point(point, radius)) - set(clusterGroup)
#) # not present in scipy 0.11 and its not faster
nn = tree.query(point, k=len(data.index), distance_upper_bound=radius)
clusterForSecondStage = list(set(np.sort(nn[1][nn[0] != np.inf])) - set(clusterGroup))
# delete all indexes we found
unclusteredIndexes = unclusteredIndexes[
~unclusteredIndexes.index.isin(clusterGroup + clusterForSecondStage)
# build new tree with found clusters
clusters = data[data.clusterNr != -1].groupby("clusterNr").agg(
{'lat' : np.mean, 'lng': np.mean}
clusterTree = cKDTree(zip(, clusters.lng))
# find nearest cluster for every non clustered point
#tempData = data[data.clusterNr == -1]
tempData = pd.DataFrame(data.loc[data.clusterNr == -1])
tempData['_points'] = zip(, tempData.lng)
def assignNearestCluster(x):
return clusterTree.query((x[0], x[1]), k=1, distance_upper_bound=radius)[1]
tempData.clusterNr =
del tempData['_points']
# combine both datasets
data = tempData.combine_first(data)
return data
def clustering2(tree, data, radius, centerMultiplier=0.5):
""" Perform a simple distance based clustering. Add a column clusterNr to original dataset. """
data['clusterNr'] = -1
i = 0
unclusteredIndexes = sorted(data.index)
while len(unclusteredIndexes) > 0:
index = unclusteredIndexes[0]
point =[index], data.lng[index]
# get all points in half radius
nn = tree.query(point, k=len(data.index), distance_upper_bound=radius*centerMultiplier)
clusterGroup = list(np.sort(nn[1][nn[0] != np.inf]))
# set found points to current cluster nr
data.ix[data.index.isin(clusterGroup), 'clusterNr'] = i
# get all points outside half radius and full radius
nn = tree.query(point, k=len(data.index), distance_upper_bound=radius)
clusterForSecondStage = list(set(np.sort(nn[1][nn[0] != np.inf])) - set(clusterGroup))
# delete all indexes we found
unclusteredIndexes = sorted(set(unclusteredIndexes) - set(clusterGroup) - set(clusterForSecondStage))
# build new tree with found clusters
clusters = data[data.clusterNr != -1].groupby("clusterNr").agg(
{'lat' : np.mean, 'lng': np.mean}
clusterTree = cKDTree(zip(, clusters.lng))
# find nearest cluster for every non clustered point
tempData = pd.DataFrame(data.loc[data.clusterNr == -1])
tempData['_points'] = zip(, tempData.lng)
def assignNearestCluster(x):
return clusterTree.query((x[0], x[1]), k=1, distance_upper_bound=radius)[1]
tempData.clusterNr =
del tempData['_points']
# combine both datasets
data = tempData.combine_first(data)
return data
def main():
samples = 1000
radius = 0.1
data = getRandomData(samples)
tree = cKDTree(zip(, data.lng))
clusters = clustering(tree, data, radius)
clusters = clustering2(tree, data, radius)
clusters['count'] = -1
print clusters[clusters.clusterNr > -1].groupby("clusterNr").agg({
'lat' : np.mean,
'lng': np.mean,
"count": "count"
if __name__ == "__main__":
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