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Last active April 19, 2020 10:33
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#enable the transform secret engine for masking
vault secrets enable -path=/data-protection/masking/transform transform
#Define a role ccn with transformation ccn
vault write /data-protection/masking/transform/role/ccn transformations=ccn
#create a transformation of type masking using a template (defined in next step )
#and assign role ccn to it that we created earlier
vault write /data-protection/masking/transform/transformation/ccn \
type=masking \
template="card-mask" \
masking_character="#" \
#create the template for masking
vault write /data-protection/masking/transform/template/card-mask type=regex \
pattern="(\d{4})-(\d{4})-(\d{4})-\d{4}" \
#test if you are able to mask a Credit Card number
vault write /data-protection/masking/transform/encode/ccn value=2345-2211-3333-4356
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