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Created August 3, 2017 06:35
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stickyman - backup & restore sticky notes
@echo off
SETLOCAL enableDelayedExpansion
where /q makecab
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
set combkp=copy /Y
set comrtr=copy /Y
) else (
rem set combkp=certutil -f -encode
rem set comrtr=certutil -f -decode
set combkp=makecab
set comrtr=expand
:: local vars
set source=%appdata%\Microsoft\Sticky Notes
set timestamp=
set "tab= "
set nl=^& echo.
set backupsdir=%~dp0stickyman_backups
if not exist "%backupsdir%" (
mkdir "%backupsdir%"
:: check file access
2>nul (>>"%source%\StickyNotes.snt" (call )) && (call ) || (goto filelocked)
:: create backup of original stickies
if not exist "%source%\StickyNotes.original.snt" (
copy "%source%\StickyNotes.snt" "%source%\StickyNotes.original.snt">nul
if /I "%~1"=="restore" goto restore
if /I "%~1"=="backup" goto backup
if /I "%~1"=="list" goto listbackups
if /I "%~1"=="fresh" goto emptysticky
if "%~1"=="" goto help
echo %~n0 restore^|backup^|list^|fresh [key]
echo Backups ^& Restores your sticky notes
echo Made by this guy:
echo KEY%tab% Backup key for the sticky file.
echo RESTORE%tab% Restores a sticky file based on KEY. KEY defaults to "original" when unspecified.
echo BACKUP%tab% Backups a sticky file based on specified KEY. KEY defaults to current username [%username%] when unspecified.
echo LIST%tab% List backup sticky files.
echo FRESH%tab% Creates a fresh sticky notes
goto :listbackups
set count=0
for /f %%i in ('dir /b /a-d %backupsdir%\*.sticky ^| find /c /v ""') do (set count=%%i)
if %count%==0 goto :eof
echo Backups found (%count%)
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /a-d %backupsdir%\*.sticky') do @echo - %%~na
goto :eof
if "%~2"=="" (set n=%username%) else (set n=%~2)
if exist "%backupsdir%\%n%.sticky" goto backupexist
%combkp% "%source%\StickyNotes.snt" "%backupsdir%\%n%.sticky">nul
rem certutil -f -encode "%backupsdir%\%n%.sticky_" "%backupsdir%\%n%.sticky">nul
rem del /q "%backupsdir%\%n%.sticky_"
echo Created %n% sticky notes backup
goto :eof
if "%~2"=="" (set n=original) else (set n=%~2)
if "%n%"=="original" goto restoreoriginal
if not exist "%backupsdir%\%n%.sticky" goto backupmiss
rem certutil -f -decode "%backupsdir%\%n%.sticky" "%backupsdir%\%n%.sticky_">nul
%comrtr% "%backupsdir%\%n%.sticky" "%source%\StickyNotes.snt">nul
rem del /q "%backupsdir%\%n%.sticky_"
echo Restored %n% sticky notes
goto :eof
del /q "%source%\StickyNotes.snt"
echo Created new empty sticky notes
goto :eof
copy "%source%\StickyNotes.original.snt" "%source%\StickyNotes.snt">nul
echo Restored original sticky notes
goto :eof
echo Backup for %n% sticky notes already exists
goto :eof
echo Backup for %n% sticky notes does not exists
goto listbackups
echo Cannot access sticky notes. Please close sticky notes first
goto :eof
set d=%DATE:~4,10%
set t=%TIME:~0,7%
set timestamp=%d:/=%%t::=%
goto :eof
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