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Created April 22, 2019 20:56
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Mount directory to specified drive letter with fallback to achieve ubiquity across networks
@echo off
:: Mount directory to specified drive letter with fallback to achieve ubiquity across networks
:: Checks existence of host by the following order
:: - Check host in LAN
:: - Check host in Remote
:: - Check host in Local
:: Since Windows does not have native support for sftp/ssh we use sshfs (FUSE) instead
:: sshfs protocol support using WinFSP (
:: config
set driveletter=Z:
set lanhost=
set lanhome=\\\home\jim
set lanuser=jim
set lanpass=password
set remoteport=2222
set remotehome=\\sshfs\jim@localhost!2222
set remoteuser=jim
set remotepass=password
set localhome=\\localhost\c$\%homepath%\home
:: config
call :lan_host_check %lanhost%
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 goto :map_lan
for /F %%i in ("%remoteport%") do call :open_port_check %%i
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 goto :map_remote
IF EXIST %localhome% goto :map_local
goto :eof
echo mapping %driveletter% to %localhome%
net use %driveletter% %localhome%
goto :eof
echo mapping %driveletter% to %remotehome%
net use %driveletter% %remotehome% "%remotepass%" /USER:%remoteuser%
goto :eof
echo mapping %driveletter% to %lanhome%
net use %driveletter% %lanhome% "%lanpass%" /USER:%lanuser%
goto :eof
ping -n 1 %1>nul
goto :eof
netstat -an | find "LISTENING" | find ":%1">nul
goto :eof
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