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Created November 7, 2016 13:06
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## pulls data down from RT
## 2013-05-11 created by BH
## 2014 adapted by MS
## 2015-06-16 updated by BH
## hosted at:
## test:
## prod:
## dashboards created at, ex.,
## 1 find/create another RT account to use
## 3 rewrite with cookielib (per example)
## 4 check out python-rt
import urllib, urllib2, datetime; ## base64, json
import cgi, cgitb
## don't know why it's submitting jobs as Sul.
#UX = 'cli'
#PX = 'rt_cli_pw'
CLAIM_LOG = '../log/RT_ticket_claim.log'
HISTORY_URL = '' #/<ticket-id>/history?format=l'
## user and pass parms supported
#base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (ux, px)).replace('\n', '')
def logThis(msg):
LOGFILE.write(str('\t' + msg + '\n')
def build_form_body( ):
formbod = '''
<form name="input" action="" method="get">
<div>Select your RT account:<select name="cataloger">
<option value="mhuang">mhuang</option>
<option value="kornienk">kornienk</option>
<option value="sul">sul</option>
<option value="bhecker">bhecker</option>
<option value="thorsten">thorsten</option>
<option selected value="none">none</option>
RT Password:<input type="password" name="pwd" required>
Queue: <select name="queue">
<option selected value="HEP_Curation">HEP_Curation</option>
<option value="Inspire-References">Inspire-References</option>
<div>Select the number of tickets you want:<select name="quantity">
<option value="5">5</option>
<option value="25">25</option>
<option value="50" selected>50</option>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
return( formbod )
def send_request(req_url):
request = urllib2.Request(req_url)
#request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
outx = urllib2.urlopen(request)
fromRT =
except urllib2.URLError:
# no server connection
fromRT = "Could not connect to server."
if "Credentials required" in fromRT:
fromRT = 'Error. Credentials required.'
return( fromRT )
def get_available_tickets(queuex, catx, passx):
# query RT for a sorted list of tickets in queue QUEUE that are
# owned by "Nobody" and are status="new"
reqdatx = {}
reqdatx['user'] = catx
reqdatx['pass'] = passx
reqdatx['query'] = "Queue='" + queuex + "' AND Owner='Nobody' AND status='new'"
reqdatx['orderby'] = '+Created' ; ## ordering; use '-' for descending
reqdatx['format'] = 'l'
base_url= ''
# encode parameter list, build request URL
req_url = base_url + '?' + urllib.urlencode(reqdatx)
result = send_request(req_url)
return (result)
def claim_tix(available_tix_result, quantx, catx, passx):
header = True
rx = []
xmsg = ''
if ( available_tix_result == "Could not connect to server.") | (available_tix_result == 'Error. Credentials required.') :
xmsg += "<h3>ERROR: %s </h3>" % available_tix_result
logThis("REQUEST ERROR:"+ available_tix_result)
#xmsg += "<p>Starting parse..."+str('</p>'
## parse the result returned by the query for available tickets, harvest RT IDs ##########
for r in available_tix_result.split('\n'):
if ("id:" in r) | ("Created:" in r) | ("Subject" in r):
(label, value) = r.split(': ',1)
if "id" in label:
# it's a new ticket, so store the values from the last ticket
# unless it's the very first record found
if header: header = False
rx.append( {'id':current_id, 'created':current_created, 'subject':current_subject } )
ticket_prefix, current_id = value.split('ticket/')
elif "Created" in label:
current_created = value
elif "Subject" in label:
current_subject = value
#xmsg += "<p>Finished parse..." + str( + " # of tickets:" + str(len(rx))+'</p>'
selected_ticket_ids = []
logThis("Requesting ownership of "+str(quantx)+" tickets for "+ catx +'...')
### take ownership of QUANTITY tickets##############################################
reqdatx = {}
reqdatx['user'] = catx
reqdatx['pass'] = passx
reqdatx['content'] = 'Owner: '+ catx
reqdatx['type'] = 'force'
for i in range(0, min(quantx, len(rx))):
# xmsg += "<p> ===> "+rx[i]['id']+" "+rx[i]['created']+'</p>'
base_url= ''+str(rx[i]['id'])+'/edit'
req_url = base_url + '?' + urllib.urlencode(reqdatx)
# change the owner of the selected tickets
status = send_request(req_url)
if status == "Could not connect to server.":
xmsg += "<h3>ERROR: Could not connect to server.</h3>"
xmsg += '<code class="status">'+status+'</code>'
endTime =
tx = endTime - startTime
xmsg += "<p>Duration:"+str(tx.seconds + tx.microseconds/1000000.0)+" seconds</p>"
xmsg += "."
logThis("Ownership claimed for " + catx +'\t'+str(selected_ticket_ids)+'\n')
##xmsg has durations for the claim operation
return(xmsg, selected_ticket_ids)
def buildLinkout(InspireIDs, GROUP, catx, passx):
bibeditHead = '<a href="'
bibeditHTML = ''
bibeditLink = ''
recidlist = ''
#logThis("InspireIDs:" + str(InspireIDs))
if InspireIDs == []:
bibeditlink = ''
recidlist = ''
grouplink = ''
for i in range(0,len(InspireIDs),GROUP):
grouplink = 'recid:'+'%20or%20recid:'.join(InspireIDs[i:i+GROUP])
bibeditLink += '<li>'+bibeditHead + grouplink + '" target=bibeditmult>Link to BibEdit ' +str(i)+ '</a>' + '</li>\n'
datex ="%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S")
bibeditHTML = '<html><head><title>Dashboard linkouts</title></head><body>\n' +'<h2>' + CATALOGER \
+ ': Dashboard for Queue ' + QUEUE + '</h2>\n <ol>\n'+ bibeditLink \
+ '</ol>\n\n <code>'+ datex + '</code></body></html>'
slacfile = '/var/www/html/' + CATALOGER + 'bibedit.html'
outfile = open(slacfile,'wb')
## no idea what this file is used for
for c in range(0, len(InspireIDs)):
recidlist += str(InspireIDs[c]) + '\n'
with open('/tmp/recidlist.txt','wb') as outfile:
return( bibeditHTML )
def getInspireIDs(tix, catx, passx):
### get the INSPIRE record IDs associated with the tickets returned
ticArc = list()
logThis("getInspireID request dispatch loop...")
### one query per InspireID ######################
for t in tix:
reqdatx = {}
reqdatx['user'] = catx
reqdatx['pass'] = passx
req_url = HISTORY_URL + '/'+str(t)+'/history?format=l&' + urllib.urlencode(reqdatx)
result = send_request(req_url)
## I think this "result" has all of the **history** on the ticket, i.e., every
## transaction over time. That's why it's so long.
#logThis("InspireID query result: "+result)
for r in result.split('\n'):
# this catchs both null lines, and lines that have only whitespace
if r.lstrip() != '':
# next, skip lines included from previous comments
if (r.lstrip()[0] != ">"):
if ("recid=" in r):
prefix, arxnum = r.split('recid=')
### some recid result lines end in '.' , so strip it ###
logThis("getInspireID request completed...")
if ticArc == (): ticArc =('NO_MATCHES_FOUND')
# main
# read any parameters
xform = cgi.FieldStorage()
formmsg = ''
GROUPBY = 5 # number of tickets to include in each linkout
## check to see if a form has been submitted
if xform.has_key('cataloger'):
HaveParm = True
CATALOGER = xform.getvalue("cataloger")
PASSWORD = xform.getvalue('pwd')
QUANTITY = int(xform.getvalue('quantity'))
QUEUE = xform.getvalue('queue')
formmsg = "<p>cataloger:" + CATALOGER + ' Queue: ' + QUEUE + '</p>\n'
formmsg += "<p>quantity:" + str(QUANTITY) + '</p>\n\n</hr>'
# "no parameters submitted = no form submitted"
HaveParm = False
htmlheader = '''Content-Type: text/html\n\n'''
htmltop = '''<html><head>
<title>RT ticket batch claim</title></head>
<h1>RT batch ticket claiming for catalogers</h1>
<h5>v 2.0</h5>
<p>Please select your account and the number of tickets, and then submit.
htmltail = '</body></html>'
if HaveParm:
logThis("+================= Run beginning ================+")
logThis(CATALOGER + ", queue=" + QUEUE + ", quantity=" + str(QUANTITY) )
reqdata = {}
reqdata['user'] = CATALOGER
reqdata['pass'] = PASSWORD
reqdata['query'] = "Queue='" + QUEUE + "' AND Owner='Nobody' AND status='new'"
reqdata['orderby'] = '+Created' ; ## ordering; use '-' for descending
reqdata['format'] = 'l'
# execute the query to pull oldest available tickets in QUEUE owned by Nobody
available_tix_result = get_available_tickets(QUEUE, CATALOGER, PASSWORD)
logThis("Tickets pulled....")
# break the result into an array of dictionaries { id, created, subject }
# then claim QUANTITY tickets, and log the result
claim_msg, selected_tix = claim_tix(available_tix_result, QUANTITY, CATALOGER, PASSWORD)
# get the INSPIRE IDs that correspond to those RT records
InspireIDlist = getInspireIDs(selected_tix, CATALOGER, PASSWORD)
logThis("INSPIRE IDs:"+str(InspireIDlist) )
# return the bibedit linkout markup,
linktext = buildLinkout(InspireIDlist, GROUPBY, CATALOGER, PASSWORD)
if InspireIDlist[0] == []:
linktext = ''
toDashboard = 'No RecIDs found in these tickets. No dashboard generated.'
toDashboard = 'Go to the dashboard page: <a href=' + \
CATALOGER + 'bibedit.html target=bibedit>' + CATALOGER + 'bibedit.html </a> \n'
finalmsg = htmlheader + htmltop + '\n ' + '\n'+build_form_body() + '\n' + toDashboard + \
'<hr/>\n<div class="inspire-ids"><h3>Inspire IDs</h3>\n<p>' + ", ".join(InspireIDlist) + '</p>\n\n' + \
'<hr/></div>\n ' + htmltail
print finalmsg
logThis("+----------------- Completed Run ----------------+")
finalmsg = htmlheader + htmltop + '\n ' + '\n'+build_form_body() + '\n' \
'<hr/>\n ' + htmltail
print finalmsg
logThis("+-- -- -- - Form Displayed - -- -- -- -+")
#finalmsg = htmlheader + htmltop + '\n ' + parmwarn + '\n'+build_form_body() + '\n' + linktext + correspCopy + \
# correspTitle + InspireIDlist + '\n\n' + \
# '<hr/>\n <em>' + claim_msg + '</em>\n' + htmltail
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