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Created August 25, 2021 14:29
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.exr -1 `last exception
! `last clr exception
!dso `dump stack object
.load sos
lmvm name `list dlls
!mdt -array info
!dpx -du `list strings
!dumparray -start 0 -length 10 0x4ca9560a
.writemem C:\temp2\file 046348f8 L0n300318 -- dump image from memory
.loadby sos clr
.load C:\Tools\sosex_32\sosex.dll
.load C:\Tools\mex\x86\mex.dll
.cordll -ve -u -l
!eeheap -loader
!DumpHeap -stat
!dumprcw 01a7f348
!sos.dumpheap -type System.__ComObject
!DumpHeap -short -type System.__ComObject
!eestack -short
!mk --stacl
.foreach (obj {!dumpheap -mt 000007fef5fffb48 -short}) {!gcroot obj; .echo -----}
!dumpheap -type System.__ComObject
.symfix c:\symbols
!finq – List the contents of the finalization queue
!frq – List the contents of the f-reachable queue
!gch – List GCHandles
!rwlock – List all ReaderWriterLock instances, or list the details of a specific instance by passing an address.
59 58 57 52 51 49 48 47 46 45 44-38 36 35 34 33! 26! 18 10! -request shutdown
!analyze -v
!analyze -v -hang
!sym noisy
.reload /f
!runaway -time of threads
ub . -stack assemblera
save dll : !for_each_module .if ($spat ("${@#ImageName}","*.exe")) { !SaveModule ${@#Base} c:\temp\${@#ModuleName}.exe } .else { !SaveModule ${@#Base} c:\temp\${@#ModuleName}.dll }
dump type for heap: .foreach (obj {!dumpheap -type COMException -short}) {!gcroot obj; .echo ----- ; !pe obj; }
.foreach /pS 1 /ps 0 (token {!sosex.rcw}){.printf "${token}\t\t"};
!gle -all --list all events
!cut -c 27-34 !sosex.rcw
.foreach /pS 2 /ps 0 (token {!cut -c 27-34 !sosex.rcw}){!DumpRCW /d token};
.printf "${token}\t\n"
!mex.obtrace -?
dt GUID 98a74a74
!Mex.writemodule -a -p C:\temp3\
bu 79faa974 "dds @ecx L23; g"
bu 79faa538 "dd @esp+20 L1; dds poi(@esp+20)+88 L1; g"
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