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Created September 28, 2019 19:43
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#if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
import libkern // check on Linux
public enum AtomicFlag {
public typealias Pointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<atomic_flag>
public static func make() -> Pointer {
let pointer = Pointer.allocate(capacity: 1)
pointer.pointee = atomic_flag()
return pointer
public static func destroy(_ pointer: Pointer) {
pointer.deinitialize(count: 1)
@discardableResult @inline(__always)
public static func readAndSet(_ pointer: Pointer) -> Bool {
return atomic_flag_test_and_set(pointer)
public static func clear(_ pointer: Pointer) {
#error("Unsupported platform")
internal final class CancelableFuture<Value>: Future<Value> {
fileprivate var cancelation: Cancelation = .init()
internal convenience init(cancelation: Cancelation) {
self.cancelation = cancelation
override func unsafeComplete(with value: Value) {
guard cancelation.invalidate() else { return }
super.unsafeComplete(with: value)
// MARK: Cancel
public extension Future {
/// - warning: Cancelation object is not reusable, once it is canceled or future executes it is useless
func cancelable(using cancelation: Cancelation) -> Future {
defer { lock.unlock() }
let nextFuture: CancelableFuture<Value> = .init(cancelation: cancelation)
return nextFuture
public final class Cancelation {
private let flag: AtomicFlag.Pointer = AtomicFlag.make()
public init() {}
deinit {
public func cancel() -> Bool {
internal func invalidate() -> Bool {
import Foundation
public protocol Executor {
func execute(_ task: @escaping () -> Void)
extension DispatchQueue: Executor {
@inlinable public func execute(_ task: @escaping () -> Void) {
async(execute: task)
extension OperationQueue: Executor {
@inlinable public func execute(_ task: @escaping () -> Void) {
if OperationQueue.current == self {
} else {
internal final class ExecutorFuture<Value>: Future<Value> {
@usableFromInline internal fileprivate(set) var executor: Executor? = nil
@usableFromInline convenience internal init(with value: Value? = nil, executor: Executor? = nil) {
self.init(with: value)
self.executor = executor
override func unsafeComplete(with value: Value) {
guard case .none = self.value else { return /* TODO: add log */ }
self.value = value
if let executor = executor {
executor.execute {
self.observers.forEach { $0(value) }
self.observers = .init()
} else {
observers.forEach { $0(value) }
observers = .init()
override func unsafeExecuteOrSchedule(_ action: @escaping (Value) -> Void) {
if let value = value {
if let executor = executor {
executor.execute {
} else {
} else {
// MARK: Executor switch
public extension Future {
func execute(using executor: Executor) -> Future {
defer { lock.unlock() }
let nextFuture: ExecutorFuture<Value> = .init(executor: executor)
return nextFuture
public class Future<Value> {
@usableFromInline internal var value: Value? = nil
@usableFromInline internal let lock: Lock = .init()
@usableFromInline internal var observers: Array<(Value) -> Void> = .init()
@usableFromInline internal init(with value: Value? = nil) {
self.value = value
func unsafeComplete(with value: Value) {
guard case .none = self.value else { return /* TODO: add log */ }
self.value = value
observers.forEach { $0(value) }
observers = .init()
func unsafeExecuteOrSchedule(_ action: @escaping (Value) -> Void) {
if let value = value {
} else {
// MARK: Initialization
public extension Future {
convenience init(completedWith value: Value) { self.init(with: value) }
convenience init
<Success, Failure: Error>
(succeededWith value: Success)
where Value == Result<Success, Failure> {
self.init(completedWith: .success(value))
convenience init
<Success, Failure: Error>
(failedWith error: Failure)
where Value == Result<Success, Failure> {
self.init(with: .failure(error))
static func never() -> Future { return NeverFuture() }
// MARK: Completion
internal extension Future {
func complete(with value: Value) {
defer { lock.unlock() }
unsafeComplete(with: value)
// MARK: Handlers
public extension Future {
func completion(_ action: @escaping (Value) -> Void) -> Void {
defer { lock.unlock() }
public extension Future {
func success
<Success, Failure>
(_ handler: @escaping (Success) -> Void) -> Future<Failure>
where Failure: Error, Value == Result<Success, Failure> {
defer { lock.unlock() }
let failureFuture: Future<Failure> = .init()
unsafeExecuteOrSchedule {
switch $0 {
case let .success(value):
case let .failure(reason):
failureFuture.complete(with: reason)
return failureFuture
@inlinable func failure
<Success, Failure>
(_ handler: @escaping (Failure) -> Void) -> Future<Success>
where Failure: Error, Value == Result<Success, Failure> {
defer { lock.unlock() }
let successFuture: Future<Success> = .init()
unsafeExecuteOrSchedule {
switch $0 {
case let .success(value):
successFuture.complete(with: value)
case let .failure(reason):
return successFuture
// MARK: Transformations
public extension Future {
func map<Mapped>(_ transformation: @escaping (Value) -> Mapped) -> Future<Mapped> {
defer { lock.unlock() }
let mappedFuture: Future<Mapped> = .init()
unsafeExecuteOrSchedule {
mappedFuture.complete(with: transformation($0))
return mappedFuture
func flatMap<Mapped>(_ transformation: @escaping (Value) -> Future<Mapped>) -> Future<Mapped> {
defer { lock.unlock() }
let mappedFuture: Future<Mapped> = .init()
unsafeExecuteOrSchedule {
return mappedFuture
public extension Future {
func throwingMap<Mapped>(_ transformation: @escaping (Value) throws -> Mapped) -> Future<Result<Mapped, Error>> {
defer { lock.unlock() }
let mappedFuture: Future<Result<Mapped, Error>> = .init()
unsafeExecuteOrSchedule { value in
mappedFuture.complete(with: Result { try transformation(value) })
return mappedFuture
func throwingResultMap<Mapped>(_ transformation: @escaping (Value) throws -> Result<Mapped, Error>) -> Future<Result<Mapped, Error>> {
defer { lock.unlock() }
let mappedFuture: Future<Result<Mapped, Error>> = .init()
unsafeExecuteOrSchedule { value in
do {
try mappedFuture.complete(with: transformation(value))
} catch {
mappedFuture.complete(with: .failure(error))
return mappedFuture
@inlinable func mapSuccess
<Success, Failure, Mapped>
(_ transformation: @escaping (Success) -> Mapped) -> Future<Result<Mapped, Failure>>
where Failure: Error, Value == Result<Success, Failure>
defer { lock.unlock() }
let mappedFuture: Future<Result<Mapped, Failure>> = .init()
unsafeExecuteOrSchedule {
mappedFuture.complete(with: $
return mappedFuture
@inlinable func resultMapSuccess
<Success, Failure, Mapped>
(_ transformation: @escaping (Success) -> Result<Mapped, Failure>) -> Future<Result<Mapped, Failure>>
where Failure: Error, Value == Result<Success, Failure>
defer { lock.unlock() }
let mappedFuture: Future<Result<Mapped, Failure>> = .init()
unsafeExecuteOrSchedule {
mappedFuture.complete(with: $0.flatMap(transformation))
return mappedFuture
@inlinable func mapFailure
<Success, Failure, Mapped>
(_ transformation: @escaping (Failure) -> Mapped) -> Future<Result<Success, Mapped>>
where Failure: Error, Mapped: Error, Value == Result<Success, Failure>
defer { lock.unlock() }
let mappedFuture: Future<Result<Success, Mapped>> = .init()
unsafeExecuteOrSchedule {
mappedFuture.complete(with: $0.mapError(transformation))
return mappedFuture
@inlinable func resultMapFailure
<Success, Failure, Mapped>
(_ transformation: @escaping (Failure) -> Result<Success, Mapped>) -> Future<Result<Success, Mapped>>
where Failure: Error, Mapped: Error, Value == Result<Success, Failure>
defer { lock.unlock() }
let mappedFuture: Future<Result<Success, Mapped>> = .init()
unsafeExecuteOrSchedule {
mappedFuture.complete(with: $0.flatMapError(transformation))
return mappedFuture
// MARK: zip
public func zip<T1, T2>(_ f1: Future<T1>, _ f2: Future<T2>) -> Future<(T1, T2)> {
var result: (T1?, T2?) = (nil, nil)
let resultFuture: Future<(T1, T2)> = .init()
let lock: Lock = .init()
f1.completion { val1 in
if case let (nil, val2?) = result {
resultFuture.complete(with: (val1, val2))
} else {
result = (val1, nil)
f2.completion { val2 in
if case let (val1?, nil) = result {
resultFuture.complete(with: (val1, val2))
} else {
result = (nil, val2)
return resultFuture
#if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
import os
public final class Lock {
fileprivate var ptr: os_unfair_lock = .init()
internal init() {}
internal func lock() {
internal func tryLock() -> Bool {
internal func unlock() {
import Glibc
public final class Lock {
private let ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<pthread_mutex_t> = {
let pointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<pthread_mutex_t> = .allocate(capacity: 1)
let attr: UnsafeMutablePointer<pthread_mutexattr_t> = .allocate(capacity: 1)
guard pthread_mutexattr_init(attr) == 0 else { preconditionFailure() }
pthread_mutexattr_settype(attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL)
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(attr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE)
guard pthread_mutex_init(pointer, attr) == 0 else { preconditionFailure() }
attr.deinitialize(count: 1)
return pointer
deinit {
ptr.deinitialize(count: 1)
internal func lock() {
internal func tryLock() -> Bool {
pthread_mutex_trylock(ptr) == 0
internal func unlock() {
internal final class NeverFuture<Value>: Future<Value> {
override func unsafeComplete(with value: Value) {
// ignore
override func unsafeExecuteOrSchedule(_ action: @escaping (Value) -> Void) {
// ignore
public final class Promise<Value> {
public let future: Future<Value> = .init()
public init() {}
public func fulfill(with value: Value) {
future.complete(with: value)
public extension Promise {
func succeed<Success, Failure: Error>(with value: Success) where Value == Result<Success, Failure> {
future.complete(with: .success(value))
func fail<Success, Failure: Error>(with error: Failure) where Value == Result<Success, Failure> {
future.complete(with: .failure(error))
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kaqu commented Sep 28, 2019

example (possible function renames):

        let cancelation: Cancelation = .init()
        promise // Promise<Int>
            // converts type from Int to Result<Int, Error> since error can be thrown
            .throwingMap { (val: Int) -> Int in
                if val < 0 {
                    throw NSError(domain: "Error", code: 42, userInfo: nil)
                } else {
                    return val
             // chain can be canceled from this point using cancelation.cancel(), does not affect previous actions
            .cancelable(using: cancelation)
            // from this point guarantees that everything below is executed on that queue
            // converts type from Result<Int, Error> to Int since error is handled
            .failure { (e: Error) in
            // returns void completing operations chain
            .completion { (result) in
                XCTAssertEqual(result, 42)
                dispatchPrecondition(condition: .notOnQueue(.main))
        promise.fulfill(with: 42)

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