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Last active December 4, 2020 01:55
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Custom {skimr} summary stats

Custom {skimr} summary stats

Just discovered a nice little custom {skimr} summary stats by rOpenSci. I use it mainly in the R console for quick summary

  • different summary stats for different classes
  • distribution (unicode)
  • head & tail of raw data
  • easily customizable

Initial draft. Use at your own risk. Feel free to use it at your interactive package, .Rprofile, etc

  • Name the functions as you like e.g. su stands for summary
  • Easily customize summary stats by classes

See rOpenSci: The skimr package for details.

#' Custom {skimr} summary stats
#' `su` stands for _summary_. Returns different summary stats for different classes, distributions (unicode) for numeric class, raw data of first and last parts, etc.
#' @details `su` and `su2` are the same except that `su2` provides extra _missingness_ functions `skimr::n_missing` and `skimr::complete_rate`.
#' @param n_bins Number of histogram bars
#' @param digits Integer indicating the number of decimal places (round) or significant digits (signif) to be used. Negative values are allowed.
#' @param n_head_tail Number of `head` and `tail` of raw data.
#' @param base `skimr::sfl` that sets skimmers for all column types.
#' @param ... (none)
#' @name custom_summary

#' @rdname custom_summary
#' @export
su <- function(..., n_bins = 13, digits = 2, n_head_tail = 3, base = skimr::sfl()) {

  func <- skimr::skim_with(append = FALSE, base = base,
    numeric = skimr::sfl(
      mean  = function(x) round(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), digits),
      sd    = function(x) round(sd(x,   na.rm = TRUE), digits),
      `5%`  = function(x) quantile(x, .05, na.rm = TRUE, names = FALSE),
      `95%` = function(x) quantile(x, .95, na.rm = TRUE, names = FALSE),
      dist  = function(x) skimr::inline_hist(x , n_bins = n_bins),
      head_tail = function(x)
        paste(c(head(x, n_head_tail), tail(x, n_head_tail)), collapse = ' ')
    factor    = skim_default_headtail('factor',    n_head_tail),
    character = skim_default_headtail('character', n_head_tail),
    Date      = skim_default_headtail('Date',      n_head_tail),
    list      = skim_default_headtail('list',      n_head_tail),
    logical   = skim_default_headtail('logical',   n_head_tail),
    AsIs      = skim_default_headtail('AsIs',      n_head_tail),
    complex   = skim_default_headtail('complex',   n_head_tail),
    difftime  = skim_default_headtail('difftime',  n_head_tail),
    POSIXct   = skim_default_headtail('POSIXct',   n_head_tail),
    ts        = skim_default_headtail('ts',        n_head_tail),

#' @rdname custom_summary
#' @export
su2 <- function(..., n_bins = 13, digits = 2, n_head_tail = 3,
                base = skimr::sfl(n_missing     = skimr:::n_missing,
                                  complete_rate = skimr::complete_rate)) {
  su(..., n_bins = n_bins, digits = digits, n_head_tail = n_head_tail, base=base)

# Internal func
skim_default_headtail <- function(skim_type, n_head_tail) {
  skim_default  <- skimr::get_default_skimmers(skim_type)
  skim_headtail <- skimr::sfl(head_tail = function(x) {
    # Workaround issues of `c` combining factors makes integers
    if (skim_type == 'factor') x <- as.character(x)
    paste(c(head(x, n_head_tail), tail(x, n_head_tail)), collapse = ' ')
  }), c(skim_default[[1]], skim_headtail$funs))


n <- nrow(iris)
my_data <- data.frame(iris,
  alphabets   = sample(letters, n, replace = TRUE),
  date        = seq.Date(Sys.Date() - n + 1 , Sys.Date(), by = 'day'),
  time_series = ts(1:n, frequency = 4))


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