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Created May 22, 2014 08:24
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param (
#folder where all your websites are located
[string]$webSiteRootFolder = "c:\\websites",
#name of site that you're setting up
[string]$siteName = "HelloWorld",
#the port your default binding is using
[string]$port = 8090
import-module WebAdministration
#site folder
$siteInstallLocation = "$webSiteRootFolder\\$siteName"
#site application pool
$siteAppPool = "$siteName-pool"
#check if the site is already present (determines update or install)
$isPresent = Get-Website -name $siteName
#upgrade the current package
Write-Host "$siteName will be updated"
Copy-Item "source/*" -Recurse $siteInstallLocation -Force
#install a clean version of the package
Write-Host "$siteName will be installed"
#create site folder
new-item $siteInstallLocation -ItemType directory -Force
#copy site files to site folder
Copy-Item "source/*" -Recurse $siteInstallLocation -Force
#create application pool
New-WebAppPool -Name $siteAppPool -Force
#set the alwaysRunning setting to true.(this is needed for workflow to start properly)
#to find which path to modify look in the applicationHosts.config file (google for location)
Set-WebConfigurationProperty "/system.applicationHost/ApplicationPools/add[@name='$siteAppPool']" -PSPath IIS:\ -Name startMode -Value "AlwaysRunning"
#create site
New-Website -Name $siteName -Port $port -ApplicationPool $siteAppPool -PhysicalPath $siteInstallLocation
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