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Created January 3, 2020 06:14
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Registration of SQL Server VMs on Azure
#Requires -Module Az.Compute
#Requires -Module Az.Accounts
#Requires -Module Az.SqlVirtualMachine
#Requires -Module Az.Resources
#Requires -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Security
Register all Azure VM running SQL Server on Windows with SQL VM Resource provider.
Identify and register all Azure VM running SQL Server on Windows in a list of subscriptions, resource group list, particular resource group
or a particular VM with SQL VM Resource provider.
The cmdlet registers the VMs and generates a report and a log file at the end of the execution. The report is generated as a txt file named
RegisterSqlVMScriptReport<Timestamp>.txt. Errors are logged in the log file named VMsNotRegisteredDueToError<Timestamp>.log. Timestamp is the
time when the cmdlet was started. A summary is displayed at the end of the script run.
The Output summary contains the number of VMs that successfully registered, failed or were skipped because of various reasons. The detailed list
of VMs can be found in the report and the details of error can be found in the log.
- The script needs to be run on Powershell 5.1 (Windows Only) and is incompatible with Powershell 6.x
- The subscription whose VMs are to be registered, needs to be registered to Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine resource provider first. This link describes
how to register to a resource provider:
- Run 'Connect-AzAccount' to first connect the powershell session to the azure account.
- The Client credentials must have one of the following RBAC levels of access over the virtual machine being registered: Virtual Machine Contributor,
Contributor or Owner
- The script requires Az powershell module (>=2.8.0) to be installed. Details on how to install Az module can be found
here :
It specifically requires Az.Compute, Az.Accounts and Az.Resources module which comes as part of Az module (>=2.8.0) installation.
- The script also requires Az.SqlVirtualMachine module. Details on how to install Az.SqlVirtualMachine can be
found here:
.PARAMETER SubscriptionList
List of Subscriptions whose VMs need to be registered
.PARAMETER Subscription
Single subscription whose VMs will be registered
.PARAMETER ResourceGroupList
List of Resource Groups in a single subscription whose VMs need to be registered
.PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
Name of the ResourceGroup whose VMs need to be registered
List of VMs in a single resource group that needs to be registered
Name of the VM to be registered
#To register all VMs in a list of subscriptions
Register-SqlVMs -SubscriptionList SubscriptionId1,SubscriptionId2
Number of Subscriptions registration failed for because you do not have access or credentials are wrong: 1
Total VMs Found: 10
VMs Already registered: 1
Number of VMs registered successfully: 4
Number of VMs failed to register due to error: 1
Number of VMs skipped as VM or the guest agent on VM is not running: 3
Number of VMs skipped as they are not running SQL Server On Windows: 1
Please find the detailed report in file RegisterSqlVMScriptReport1571314821.txt
Please find the error details in file VMsNotRegisteredDueToError1571314821.log
#To register all VMs in a single subscription
Register-SqlVMs -Subscription SubscriptionId1
Total VMs Found: 10
VMs Already registered: 1
Number of VMs registered successfully: 5
Number of VMs failed to register due to error: 1
Number of VMs skipped as VM or the guest agent on VM is not running: 2
Number of VMs skipped as they are not running SQL Server On Windows: 1
Please find the detailed report in file RegisterSqlVMScriptReport1571314821.txt
Please find the error details in file VMsNotRegisteredDueToError1571314821.log
#To register all VMs in a single subscription and multiple resource groups
Register-SqlVMs -Subscription SubscriptionId1 -ResourceGroupList ResourceGroup1,ResourceGroup2
Total VMs Found: 4
VMs Already registered: 1
Number of VMs registered successfully: 1
Number of VMs failed to register due to error: 1
Number of VMs skipped as they are not running SQL Server On Windows: 1
Please find the detailed report in file RegisterSqlVMScriptReport1571314821.txt
Please find the error details in file VMsNotRegisteredDueToError1571314821.log
#To register all VMs in a resource group
Register-SqlVMs -Subscription SubscriptionId1 -ResourceGroupName ResourceGroup1
Total VMs Found: 4
VMs Already registered: 1
Number of VMs registered successfully: 1
Number of VMs failed to register due to error: 1
Number of VMs skipped as VM or the guest agent on VM is not running: 1
Please find the detailed report in file RegisterSqlVMScriptReport1571314821.txt
Please find the error details in file VMsNotRegisteredDueToError1571314821.log
#To register multiple VMs in a single subscription and resource group
Register-SqlVMs -Subscription SubscriptionId1 -ResourceGroupName ResourceGroup1 -VmList VM1,VM2,VM3
Total VMs Found: 3
VMs Already registered: 0
Number of VMs registered successfully: 1
Number of VMs skipped as VM or the guest agent on VM is not running: 1
Number of VMs skipped as they are not running SQL Server On Windows: 1
Please find the detailed report in file RegisterSqlVMScriptReport1571314821.txt
Please find the error details in file VMsNotRegisteredDueToError1571314821.log
#To register a particular VM
Register-SqlVMs -Subscription SubscriptionId1 -ResourceGroupName ResourceGroup1 -Name VM1
Total VMs Found: 1
VMs Already registered: 0
Number of VMs registered successfully: 1
Please find the detailed report in file RegisterSqlVMScriptReport1571314821.txt
function Register-SqlVMs {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'SubscriptionList')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SubscriptionList')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SingleSubscription')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ResourceGroupList')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'VmList')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ResourceGroupList')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'VmList')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SingleSubscription')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'VmList')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SingleSubscription')]
# give disclaimer
$accepted = Get-DisclaimerAcceptance
if (!$accepted) {
#get credential for connecting to subscription
$credential = Get-Credential -Credential $null
#Update Globals
if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'SubscriptionList') {
$subsCompleted = 0
#loop over all subscriptions to register VMs
foreach ($SubscriptionName in $SubscriptionList) {
[int]$percent = ($subsCompleted * 100) / $SubscriptionList.Count
Write-Progress -Activity "Register SQL VMs in $($SubscriptionName) $($subsCompleted+1)/$($SubscriptionList.Count)" -Status "$percent% Complete:" -PercentComplete $percent -CurrentOperation "RegisterVMsInSub" -Id 1;
if (assert-Subscription -Subscription $SubscriptionName -Credential $credential) {
register-SqlVMForSubscription -Subscription $SubscriptionName -Credential $credential
Write-Progress -Activity "Register SQL VMs" -Status "100% Complete:" -PercentComplete 100 -CurrentOperation "RegisterVMsInSub" -Id 1 -Completed;
elseif (assert-Subscription -Subscription $Subscription -Credential $credential) {
if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ResourceGroupList') {
$rgsCompleted = 0
foreach ($RgName in $ResourceGroupList) {
[int]$percent = ($rgsCompleted * 100) / $ResourceGroupList.Count
Write-Progress -Activity "Register SQL VMs in $($RgName) $($rgsCompleted+1)/$($ResourceGroupList.Count)" -Status "$percent% Complete:" -PercentComplete $percent -CurrentOperation "RegisterVMsInRG" -Id 1;
register-SqlVMForSubscription -Subscription $Subscription -ResourceGroup $RgName -Credential $credential
Write-Progress -Activity "Register SQL VMs" -Status "100% Complete:" -PercentComplete 100 -CurrentOperation "RegisterVMsInRG" -Id 1 -Completed;
elseif ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'VmList') {
$vmsCompleted = 0
foreach ($VmName in $VmList) {
[int]$percent = ($vmsCompleted * 100) / $VmList.Count
Write-Progress -Activity "Register SQL VMs $($vmsCompleted+1)/$($VmList.Count)" -Status "$percent% Complete:" -PercentComplete $percent -CurrentOperation "RegisterVMsInList" -Id 1;
register-SqlVMForSubscription -Subscription $Subscription -Credential $credential `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VmName
Write-Progress -Activity "Register SQL VMs in List" -Status "100% Complete:" -PercentComplete 100 -CurrentOperation "RegisterVMsInList" -Id 1 -Completed;
else {
register-SqlVMForSubscription -Subscription $Subscription -Credential $credential `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $Name
#Globals for reporting and logging
$Global:TotalVMs = 0
$Global:AlreadyRegistered = 0
$Global:SubscriptionsFailedToRegister = 0
$Global:SubscriptionsFailedToConnect = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$Global:SubscriptionsFailedToRegister = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$Global:RegisteredVMs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$Global:FailedVMs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$Global:SkippedVMs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$Global:UntriedVMs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$Global:LogFile = $null
$Global:ReportFile = $null
Reset Global Variables
function update-Globals() {
[int]$timestamp = Get-Random -Minimum 100000 -Maximum 999999
$Global:TotalVMs = 0
$Global:AlreadyRegistered = 0
$Global:SubscriptionsFailedToRegister = 0
$Global:SubscriptionsFailedToConnect = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$Global:SubscriptionsFailedToRegister = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$Global:RegisteredVMs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$Global:FailedVMs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$Global:SkippedVMs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$Global:UntriedVMs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$Global:LogFile = "VMsNotRegisteredDueToError" + $timestamp + ".log"
$Global:ReportFile = "RegisterSqlVMScriptReport" + $timestamp + ".txt"
Remove-Item $Global:LogFile -ErrorAction Ignore
Remove-Item $Global:ReportFile -ErrorAction Ignore
$txtLogHeader = "Subscription,[Resource Group],[VM Name],[ErrorCode],Error Message"
Write-Output $txtLogHeader | Out-File $Global:LogFile -Append
Get list of VM in a subscription or resourcegroup
.PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
Resource Group whose VMs need to be returned
Name of the VM to be returned
System.Collections.ArrayList list of VMs
function getVmList(
[string] $ResourceGroupName,
[string] $Name
) {
$vmList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
#if resource group is passed, look inside the group only
if ($ResourceGroupName) {
if ($Name) {
$vm = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $Name
$tmp = $vmList.Add($vm)
else {
$vmsInRg = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
foreach ($vm in $vmsInRg) {
$tmp = $vmList.Add($vm)
else {
$vmsInSub = Get-AzVM
foreach ($vm in $vmsInSub) {
$tmp = $vmList.Add($vm)
return , $vmList
Get License Type based on the Publisher of the VM image
VM Object
System.String License Type
function getLicenseType($VmObject) {
$License = 'AHUB'
# If published by SQL Server and is not BYOL then treat as PAYG
if (($VmObject.StorageProfile.ImageReference.Publisher -eq 'MicrosoftSQLServer') -and ($VmObject.StorageProfile.ImageReference.Offer -notmatch '-BYOL')) {
$License = 'PAYG'
else {
$License = 'AHUB'
return $License
Checks if given error is retryable or not
.PARAMETER ErrorObject
Error Object
System.boolean True if the error is retryable
function isRetryableError(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$ErrorObject) {
$errorCode = $ErrorObject.Exception.Body.Code
switch ($errorCode) {
# retryable
'SqlExtensionNotInstalled' {
return $true
'UnExpectedErrorOccurred' {
return $true
'Ext_ComputeError' {
return $true
'VmAgentNotRunning' {
return $true
'GatewayTimeout' {
return $true
'CRPNotAllowedOperation' {
return $true
'InternalServerError' {
return $true
#else return false
Default {
return $false
Checks if vm could not be tried to be registered.
.PARAMETER ErrorObject
Error Object
System.Boolean true if the command did not try registering VM
function isNotTriedRegistering() {
switch ($ErrorObject.Exception.Body.Code) {
'VmNotRunning' {
return $true
'VmAgentNotRunning' {
return $true
Default {
return $false
Check if the error can be ignored
.PARAMETER ErrorObject
Error Object
System.Boolean True if we can ignore the error, otherwise false
function isIgnorableError($ErrorObject) {
switch ($ErrorObject.Exception.Body.Code) {
'NotSupportedSqlVmOSVersion' {
return $true
'Ext_SqlInstanceIsNotInstalled' {
return $true
'CannotConvertToAhub' {
return $true
Default {
return $false
Check if registration failed because it is not possible to register as AHUB
.PARAMETER ErrorObject
Error Object
System.Boolean True if failure was due to registering as AHUB, otherwise false
function isUnableToRegisterAsAHUB($ErrorObject) {
switch ($ErrorObject.Exception.Body.Code) {
'CannotConvertToAhub' {
return $true
Default {
return $false
Logs error and removes dangling SQL VM resources
.PARAMETER ErrorObject
Error Object
VM for which the error occured
function handleError(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$VmObject) {
$sqlvm = Get-AzSqlVM -ResourceGroupName $VmObject.ResourceGroupName -Name $VmObject.Name -ErrorAction Ignore
# delete if a sql vm resource was created before erroring out
if ($sqlvm) {
$tmp = Remove-AzSqlVM -ResourceGroupName $VmObject.ResourceGroupName -Name $VmObject.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#if Ignorable error do not log
if (isIgnorableError -ErrorObject $ErrorObject) {
$tmp = $Global:SkippedVMs.Add($VmObject)
else {
$subID = $VmObject.Id.Split("/")[2]
$errorMessage = $ErrorObject.Exception.Message
#modify error message if required
if ($ErrorObject.Exception.Body.Code -eq 'AuthorizationFailed') {
$errorMessage += " Client requires either of Virtual Machine Contributor, Contributor or Owner access over the scope."
Write-Output "$($subID), $($VmObject.ResourceGroupName), $($VmObject.Name), $($ErrorObject.Exception.Body.Code), $($errorMessage)" | Out-File $Global:LogFile -Append
if (isNotTriedRegistering -ErrorObject $ErrorObject) {
$tmp = $Global:UntriedVMs.Add($VmObject)
else {
$tmp = $Global:FailedVMs.Add($VmObject)
Display the disclaimer and ask for confirmation
System.Boolean True if accepted, else false
function Get-DisclaimerAcceptance() {
$confirmation = $null
Write-Host "The script will register all Virtual Machines in the provided scope that are running SQL Server, with Azure SQL VM Resource Provider."
Write-Host "If the Virtual Machine was created from a SQL Server marketplace Pay-As-You-Go image, it will be registered with Pay-As-You-Go License"
Write-Host "If the Virtual Machine was created using SQL Server marketplace BYOL image Or Customized image Or SQL Server was self-installed on the Azure VM,"
Write-Host "it will be registered with Azure Hybrid Benefit License."
Write-Host "By running this script I confirm that I have sufficient SQL Server license with Software Assurance to apply this Azure Hybrid Benefit for SQL Server on Azure VM"
Write-Host "Are you sure you want to perform this action?"
Do {
$response = Read-Host "[Y] Yes [N] No (default is 'No')"
switch ($response) {
'Y' { $confirmation = $true }
'Yes' { $confirmation = $true }
'N' { $confirmation = $false }
'No' { $confirmation = $false }
} While ($null -eq $confirmation)
return $confirmation
Creates a new line dashed separator
function new-DashSeperator() {
Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Generates the report
function new-Report() {
Write-Host "Summary"
if ($Global:SubscriptionsFailedToConnect.count -gt 0) {
$errorMessage = "Number of Subscriptions registration failed for because you do not have access or credentials are incorrect: $($Global:SubscriptionsFailedToConnect.count)"
show-SubscriptionListForError -ErrorMessage $errorMessage -FailedSubList $Global:SubscriptionsFailedToConnect
if ($Global:SubscriptionsFailedToRegister.count -gt 0) {
$errorMessage = "Number of Subscriptions that could not be tried because they are not registered to RP: $($Global:SubscriptionsFailedToRegister.count)"
show-SubscriptionListForError -ErrorMessage $errorMessage -FailedSubList $Global:SubscriptionsFailedToRegister
$txtTotalVMsFound = "Total VMs Found: $($Global:TotalVMs)"
Write-Output $txtTotalVMsFound | Out-File $Global:ReportFile -Append
Write-Output $txtTotalVMsFound
$txtAlreadyRegistered = "VMs Already registered: $($Global:AlreadyRegistered)"
Write-Output $txtAlreadyRegistered | Out-File $Global:ReportFile -Append
Write-Output $txtAlreadyRegistered
#display success
$txtSuccessful = "Number of VMs registered successfully: $($Global:RegisteredVMs.Count)"
show-VMDetailsInReport -Message $txtSuccessful -VMList $Global:RegisteredVMs
#display failure
if ($Global:FailedVMs.Count -gt 0) {
$txtFailed = "Number of VMs failed to register due to error: $($Global:FailedVMs.Count)"
show-VMDetailsInReport -Message $txtFailed -VMList $Global:FailedVMs
#display VMs not tried
if ($Global:UntriedVMs.Count -gt 0) {
$txtNotRunning = "Number of VMs skipped as VM or the guest agent on VM is not running: $($Global:UntriedVMs.Count)"
show-VMDetailsInReport -Message $txtNotRunning -VMList $Global:UntriedVMs
#display VMs skipped
if ($Global:SkippedVMs.Count -gt 0) {
$txtNotSql = "Number of VMs skipped as they are not running SQL Server On Windows: $($Global:SkippedVMs.Count)"
show-VMDetailsInReport -Message $txtNotSql -VMList $Global:SkippedVMs
Write-Host "Please find the detailed report in file $($Global:ReportFile)"
if (($Global:FailedVMs.count -gt 0) -or ($Global:UntriedVMs.count -gt 0) -or ($Global:SubscriptionsFailedToRegister.count -gt 0) -or ($Global:SubscriptionsFailedToConnect.count -gt 0)) {
Write-Host "Please find the error details in file $($Global:LogFile)"
Write Details of VM to the report file
Message to be written
List of VMs
function show-VMDetailsInReport(
) {
Write-Output $Message | Out-File $Global:ReportFile -Append
Write-Output $Message
new-ReportHelper -VmArray $VMList | Out-File $Global:ReportFile -Append
Registers VMs in a given subscription
.PARAMETER ErrorMessage
Description of error
.PARAMETER FailedSubList
List of subscriptions
function show-SubscriptionListForError(
) {
$txtSubscription = "Subscription"
$txtSubSeparator = "------------"
Write-Output $ErrorMessage | Out-File $Global:ReportFile -Append
Write-Output $ErrorMessage
Write-Output $txtSubscription | Out-File $Global:ReportFile -Append
Write-Output $txtSubSeparator | Out-File $Global:ReportFile -Append
Write-Output $FailedSubList | Out-File $Global:ReportFile -Append
Write-Output `n | Out-File $Global:ReportFile -Append
Helper to Generate the report
function new-ReportHelper(
) {
$outputObjectTemplate = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$outputObjectTemplate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Subscription -Value $null
$outputObjectTemplate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ResourceGroup -Value $null
$outputObjectTemplate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VmName -Value $null
$outputObjectList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
foreach ($vm in $VmArray) {
$outputObject = $outputObjectTemplate | Select-Object *
$outputObject.Subscription = $vm.Id.Split("/")[2]
$outputObject.ResourceGroup = $vm.ResourceGroupName
$outputObject.VmName = $vm.Name
$tmp = $outputObjectList.Add($outputObject)
$outputObjectList | Format-Table -AutoSize
Successfully connect to subscription
.PARAMETER Subscription
Subscription for searching the VM
.PARAMETER Credential
Credential to connect to subscription
System.Boolean true if successfully connected and RP is registered, else false
function assert-Subscription(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
) {
#connect to the subscription
$tmp = Connect-AzAccount -Subscription $Subscription -Credential $Credential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($Global:Error) {
$connectionError = $Global:Error[0]
$errorMessage = "$($Subscription), $($connectionError[0].Exception.Message)"
Write-Output $errorMessage | Out-File $Global:LogFile -Append
$tmp = $Global:SubscriptionsFailedToConnect.Add($Subscription)
return $false
# register Subscription with SQL VM RP
$registration = Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ((!$registration) -or ($registration[0].RegistrationState -ne 'Registered')) {
# try register subscription to the SqlVirtualMachine
$register = Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ((!$register) -or ($register.RegistrationState -ne 'Registering')) {
$errorMessage = "$($Subscription), Subscription $($Subscription) should be registered to 'Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine'. Steps to register can be found here: This registration may take around 5 mins to propagate."
else {
$errorMessage = "$($Subscription), Subscription $($Subscription) is registering to 'Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine'. This registration may take around 5 mins to propagate. Run the script again for this subscription."
Write-Output $errorMessage | Out-File $Global:LogFile -Append
$tmp = $Global:SubscriptionsFailedToRegister.Add($Subscription)
return $false
return $true
Registers VMs in a given subscription
.PARAMETER Subscription
Subscription for searching the VM
.PARAMETER Credential
Credential to connect to subscription
.PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
Name of the resourceGroup which needs to be searched for VMs
Name of the VM which is to be registered
function register-SqlVMForSubscription (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $ResourceGroupName,
[string] $Name) {
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$vmList = getVmList -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $Name
#update vm count
$Global:TotalVMs += $vmList.Count
#Retry options
Set-Variable MAX_RETRIES -option ReadOnly -value 3
$retryCount = 0
$retryIfRequired = $true
# Try registering VMs and retry if required
while (($retryCount -le $MAX_RETRIES) -and ($vmList.Count -gt 0)) {
if ($retryCount -gt 0) {
[int]$percent = ($retryCount * 100) / $MAX_RETRIES
Write-Progress -Activity "Retrying registration" -Status "$percent% Complete:" -PercentComplete $percent -CurrentOperation "Retrying" -Id 2;
if ($retryCount -eq $MAX_RETRIES) {
$retryIfRequired = $false
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$vmList = createSqlVmFromList -VMList $vmList -RetryIfRequired $retryIfRequired
if (($vmList.Count -eq 0) -or ($retryCount -eq $MAX_RETRIES )) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Retrying registration" -Status "100% Complete:" -PercentComplete 100 -CurrentOperation "Retrying" -Completed -Id 2;
Given a list of VMs, create SQL VMs
List of Compute VMs for which SQL VM is to be created
.PARAMETER RetryIfRequired
Flag to specify if resource creation needs to be retried
System.Collections.ArrayList List of VMs whose creation failed with retryable errors
function createSqlVmFromList(
$RetryIfRequired = $false) {
$retryableVMs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
[Int32]$numberOfVMs = $VMList.Count
$completed = 0
Write-Progress -Activity "Register SQL VM" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 0 -CurrentOperation "RegisteringVMs" -Id 3
# for each vm in the list try registering to RP
foreach ($vm in $VMList) {
# writeprogress of the loop
[int]$percent = ($completed * 100) / $numberOfVMs
Write-Progress -Activity "Register SQL VM $($completed+1)/$($VMList.count)" -Status "$percent% Complete:" -PercentComplete $percent -CurrentOperation "RegisteringVMs" -Id 3
$name = $vm.Name
$resourceGroupName = $vm.ResourceGroupName
$location = $vm.Location
$sqlVm = Get-AzSqlVM -Name $name -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ErrorAction Ignore
# If already registered
if ($sqlVm) {
# Remove Sql VM and continue if the registration failed from the script
if (($sqlVm.Sku -eq 'Unknown') -and (!$sqlVm.Offer)) {
#remove sql vm successfully else log
$isSqlVmRemoved = assert-RemoveSqlVmWithoutError -VmObject $vm
if (!$isSqlVmRemoved) {
else {
# skip the VM if already successfully registered
$SqlManagementType = "LightWeight"
$LicenseType = getLicenseType -VmObject $vm
$tmp = $Global:Error.Clear()
$tmp = New-AzSqlVM -Name $name -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Location $location `
-SqlManagementType $SqlManagementType -LicenseType $LicenseType -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# try re-registering if the error was due to Web, Express or Developer registering as AHUB
if ($Global:Error) {
if (isUnableToRegisterAsAHUB -ErrorObject $Global:Error[0]) {
$tmp = handleError -ErrorObject $Global:Error[0] -VmObject $vm
$tmp = $Global:Error.Clear()
$LicenseType = 'PAYG'
$tmp = New-AzSqlVM -Name $name -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Location $location `
-SqlManagementType $SqlManagementType -LicenseType $LicenseType -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($Global:Error) {
$LastError = $Global:Error[0]
$isRetryable = isRetryableError -ErrorObject $LastError
#Add the vm to the retry list if error is retryable
if ($isRetryable -and $RetryIfRequired) {
$sqlVm = Get-AzSqlVM -Name $name -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ErrorAction Ignore
if ($sqlVm) {
$isSqlVmRemoved = assert-RemoveSqlVmWithoutError -VmObject $vm
if (!$isSqlVmRemoved) {
$tmp = $retryableVMs.Add($vm)
else {
$tmp = handleError -ErrorObject $LastError -VmObject $vm
else {
$tmp = $Global:RegisteredVMs.Add($vm)
Write-Progress -Activity "Register SQL VM" -Completed -CurrentOperation "RegisteringVMs" -Id 3
return , $retryableVMs;
Remove Sql VM and handle errors
VmObject for the SQL VM to be removed
System.Boolean True if SQL VM was removed successfully else False
function assert-RemoveSqlVmWithoutError(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
) {
$tmp = Remove-AzSqlVM -Name $VmObject.Name -ResourceGroupName $VmObject.ResourceGroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($Global:Error) {
$tmp = handleError -ErrorObject $Global:Error[0] -VmObject $VmObject
return $false
return $true
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