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Created August 24, 2019 07:50
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Collect and plot data from the benchmarkgames website
# %%
using HTTP
using Gumbo
using DataFrames
using StatsBase
# %%
url = ""
benchmarks = [
# %%
datatmp = []
for bm in benchmarks
@show bm
res = HTTP.get(url * bm * ".html")
html = parsehtml(res.body |> String)
body = html.root[2]
# get the table with the data and iterate through the rows
table = children(body[2][2][2][1])[2:end]
for (i, row) in table |> enumerate
# this checks whether we have a factor or the script failed/bad output
# etc.; no tryparse because row[1][1] might not even exist
factor = try
parse(Float64, string(row[1][1]))
# different handling for the best entry (bold) and normal ones
langtmp = children(row[2][1][1])
if length(langtmp) == 1 && typeof(langtmp[1]) != HTMLElement{:strong}
best = false
lang = split(string(langtmp[1]))[1]
best = true
lang = filter(n -> typeof(n) === HTMLElement{:strong}, langtmp) |>
x -> x[1][1] |> string
gz = parse(Int, string(row[5][1]))
# just push everything in there, DataFrames will sort it out
# I haven't found the `log` option in DataVoyager, so just calculate it
push!(datatmp, (lang, factor, best, gz, log10(factor), log10(gz),
bm, factor * gz))
# %%
df = DataFrame(datatmp)
names!(df, [:lang, :factor, :best, :gz, :logfactor, :loggz, :benchmark,
# A bunch of problems arise because the bold lang names don't fit with the
# normal ones. Sometimes there are also a bunch on non-ASCII chars in there
# which break stuff. Fixing everything afterwards was the simpler solution.
# Also we got like 8 Ruby versions, I just grouped them together.
df[startswith.(df.lang, "Substrate"), :lang] .= "Substrate VM"
df[startswith.(df.lang, "Python"), :lang] .= "Python 3"
df[startswith.(df.lang, "Node"), :lang] .= "Node js"
df[startswith.(df.lang, "Free"), :lang] .= "Pascal"
df[startswith.(df.lang, "Pharo"), :lang] .= "Smalltalk"
df[startswith.(df.lang, "VW"), :lang] .= "Smalltalk"
df[startswith.(df.lang, "Matz's"), :lang] .= "Ruby"
df[startswith.(df.lang, "Truffle"), :lang] .= "Ruby"
df[startswith.(df.lang, "JRuby"), :lang] .= "Ruby"
# %%
# Exploration!
using DataVoyager
df |> println
df[ .== true, :] |> Voyager()
df |> Voyager()
# %%
using Plots
plot(xlabel = "(gzipped) code size", ylabel = "factor vs. best (geom. mean)",
legend = false)
best = df[ .== true, :] # only the best entry for each language
# iterate through each language and calculate the mean over all benchmarks
for l in df.lang |> unique
sel = best[best.lang .== l, :]
factor = geomean(sel.factor)
gz = mean(sel.gz)
@show l, factor, gz
scatter!([gz], [log10(factor)], label = l, ms = 5.0,
series_annotations = [Plots.text(l, :bottom, 10)])
plot!(xlims = (0, 1600), ylims = (0, log10(100)))
# manual ticks, otherwise it's hard to read
ys = [1, 3, 5, 10, 30, 50, 100]
plot!(yticks = (log10.(ys), ys), yscale = :log10)
plot!(dpi = 300)
# savefig(plotsdir("size vs factor all langs.png"))
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