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Created August 23, 2019 12:56
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#create hv segment
df_hv = pd.DataFrame()
df_hv['customer_id'] = np.array([count for count in range(20000)])
df_hv['segment'] = np.array(['high-value' for _ in range(20000)])
df_hv['group'] = 'control'
df_hv.loc[df_hv.index<10000,'group'] = 'test'
df_hv.loc[ == 'control', 'purchase_count'] = np.random.poisson(0.6, 10000)
df_hv.loc[ == 'test', 'purchase_count'] = np.random.poisson(0.8, 10000)
df_lv = pd.DataFrame()
df_lv['customer_id'] = np.array([count for count in range(20000,100000)])
df_lv['segment'] = np.array(['low-value' for _ in range(80000)])
df_lv['group'] = 'control'
df_lv.loc[df_lv.index<40000,'group'] = 'test'
df_lv.loc[ == 'control', 'purchase_count'] = np.random.poisson(0.2, 40000)
df_lv.loc[ == 'test', 'purchase_count'] = np.random.poisson(0.3, 40000)
df_customers = pd.concat([df_hv,df_lv],axis=0)
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