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Last active July 26, 2019 20:52
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Save karanlyons/77d3b306e1f6cbe216788edb25f99bb2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Char wise, byte foolish.
const pack = s =>
? s
.map(s => s.charCodeAt())
(pairs, c) =>
!c || pairs[pairs.length - 1].length === 2
? pairs.push(...(c? [[c]] : [[c], []]))
: pairs[pairs.length - 1].push(c)
&& pairs,
.filter(pair => pair.length)
.map(pair => String.fromCharCode(
pair.length === 2? (pair[0] << 8) + pair[1] : pair[0]
: null;
const unpack = s => unescape(escape(s).replace(/u(..)/g, "$1%"));
const exampleStr = "This is a packed ascii string.";
console.log(exampleStr, exampleStr.length); // This is a packed ascii string. – 30
console.log(pack(exampleStr), pack(exampleStr).length); // 周楳⁩猠愠灡捫敤⁡獣楩⁳瑲楮朮 – 15
console.log(exampleStr === unpack(pack(exampleStr))); // true
// eval('console.log("Hello!")')
eval(unescape(escape("捯湳潬攮汯木≈敬汯™)").replace(/u(..)/g, "$1%")));
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