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Created May 2, 2018 17:42
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Dim logfiles
Dim ChapterText
Dim ChapCnt
Dim logTrim
Dim ChapBuf
Dim ChapBufAf
Dim ChapSa
Dim ChapTime
Dim FiletmpName
FiletmpName = WScript.Arguments(0)
Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFso.OpenTextFile(FiletmpName & ".mp4chapter.txt", 2, True)
ChapterText = "#Chapter 1:" & vbCrLf & "AddChapter(0,Chapter 1)" & vbCrLf
On Error Resume Next
If objFso.FileExists(FiletmpName & ".avspmod.avs") = True Then
tmp = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(FiletmpName & ".avspmod.avs").ReadAll
tmp = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(FiletmpName & ".avs").ReadAll
End If
If Err.Number = 0 Or tmp <> "" Then
logfiles = Split(tmp,vbCrLf)
logfiles = Filter(logfiles, "Trim(")
logTrim = Replace(logfiles(0), " " , "")
logTrim = Replace(logTrim,"++" ,"")
logTrim = Replace(logTrim,"(" ,"")
logTrim = Replace(logTrim,")" ,"")
logTrim = Split(logTrim, "Trim")
ChapCnt = 1
ChapBuf = Split(logTrim(ChapCnt), ",")
ChapBufAf = Split(logTrim(ChapCnt + 1 ),",")
ChapSa = ((ChapBufAf(0) - ChapBuf(1)) + ChapBuf(0)) - 1
ChapTime = ChapBufAf(0) - ChapSa
ChapterText = ChapterText & "#Chapter " & ChapCnt + 1 & ":" & vbCrLf & "AddChapter(" & ChapTime & ",Chapter " & ChapCnt + 1 &")" & vbCrLf
ChapCnt = ChapCnt + 1
Do While Ubound(logTrim) > ChapCnt
ChapBuf = Split(logTrim(ChapCnt), ",")
ChapBufAf = Split(logTrim(ChapCnt + 1 ),",")
ChapSa = (ChapBufAf(0) - ChapBuf(1)) + ChapSa
ChapTime = ChapBufAf(0) - ChapSa
ChapterText = ChapterText & "#Chapter " & ChapCnt + 1 & ":" & vbCrLf & "AddChapter(" & ChapTime & ",Chapter " & ChapCnt + 1 &")" & vbCrLf
ChapCnt = ChapCnt + 1
End If
objFile.WriteLine ChapterText
set objFso = Nothing
Set objFile = Nothing
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