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karatedog / pascaltriangle.rb
Created January 18, 2014 13:52
Pascal's triangle
# factorial method
def fact(n)
# binomial theorem, n choose k
def binomial(n,k)
return 1 if n-k <= 0
return 1 if k <= 0
fact(n) / ( fact(k) * fact( n - k ) )
karatedog / de_Casteljau_method.rb
Created November 12, 2013 22:20
de Casteljau method for Bézier curve order decrease
# recursive 'de Casteljau' method. The method multiplies the array's elements in pairs (1st * 2nd, 2nd * 3rd, 3rd * 4th, etc.). Output array is one element less than input array.
# test_ary = [7, 17, 23, 47, 61]
def rec(ary)
if ary.length == 2 then
# base case
return [ ary[0] * ary[1] ]
# recursive case
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# 2011-10-10 20:57:53 +1000
def merge_sort(a)
return a if a.size <= 1
l, r = split_array(a)
result = combine(merge_sort(l), merge_sort(r))
karatedog / ruby array #subtract
Created August 24, 2012 15:44
Ruby Array's subtract method which subtracts the values of the elements not the elements themselves
# Ruby Array's "-" (minus) method removes elements from the receiver which exist in the parameter Array
[5, 6, 1] - [2, 3, 5]
# => [6, 1]
# this #subtract method will subtract the value of the parameter Array from the value of the receiver Array, defined by the actual index.
# type mismatch, Nil, and different Array length are not handled
class Array
karatedog / logisticmap.rb
Last active October 4, 2015 11:18
Logistic map enumerator in Ruby
# Enumerator based Logistic map, can be used as a PRNG as well.
def logistic_map(x0, r)
return do |yielder|
number = x0.to_f
r = r.to_f
loop do
number = r * number * (1 - number)