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Created August 4, 2017 19:14
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hyper async + mysql async
extern crate hyper;
extern crate mysql_async as my;
extern crate net2;
extern crate tokio_core;
extern crate futures;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use hyper::server::Service;
use hyper::server::Http;
use hyper::server::{Request, Response};
use hyper::header::{ContentType, ContentLength};
use hyper::StatusCode;
mod cored {
use std::cell::RefCell;
use tokio_core::reactor::{Core, Handle};
struct Container {
core: RefCell<Option<Core>>,
handle: RefCell<Handle>
thread_local!(static CONTAINER: Container = {
let core = Core::new().unwrap();
let handle = core.handle();
Container {
core: RefCell::new(Some(core)),
handle: RefCell::new(handle)
pub fn take_local_core() -> Option<Core> {
CONTAINER.with(|o| o.core.borrow_mut().take() )
pub fn with_local_handle<T, F: FnOnce(&Handle) -> T>(cls: F) -> T {
CONTAINER.with(|o| cls(&*o.handle.borrow()))
struct App;
impl App {
pub fn quick_serve(self, num_threads: usize, addr: SocketAddr) {
use std::sync::Arc;
use net2::unix::UnixTcpBuilderExt;
use futures::Stream;
fn inner(addr: &SocketAddr, protocol: Arc<Http>, router: Arc<App>) {
let mut core = cored::take_local_core().unwrap();
let hdl = core.handle();
let listener = net2::TcpBuilder::new_v4()
let listener =
tokio_core::net::TcpListener::from_listener(listener, addr, &hdl).unwrap();|(socket, addr)| {
protocol.bind_connection(&hdl, socket, addr, router.clone());
let protocol = Arc::new(Http::new());
let router = Arc::new(self);
for _ in 0..(num_threads - 1) {
let protocol_c = protocol.clone();
let router_c = router.clone();
std::thread::spawn(move || inner(&addr, protocol_c, router_c));
inner(&addr, protocol, router);
impl Service for App {
type Request = Request;
type Response = Response;
type Error = hyper::Error;
type Future = Box<futures::future::Future<Item=Response, Error=hyper::Error>>;
fn call(&self, req: Request) -> Self::Future {
use futures::Future;
use my::prelude::Queryable;
let db = ::std::env::var("DATABASE_URL").unwrap();
let pool = cored::with_local_handle(|hdl| my::Pool::new(&db, hdl));
let body = pool.get_conn()
.and_then(|conn| conn.prep_exec("SELECT id FROM clips", ()))
.and_then(|result| {
result.map_and_drop(|row| {
let (id,): (i32,) = my::from_row(row);
.and_then(|(_, ids)| pool.disconnect().map(|_| ids))
.map(|ids| {
let body = ids.join(", ");
.with_header(ContentLength(body.len() as u64))
.map_err(|_| unimplemented!() );
fn main() {
App.quick_serve(2, "".parse().unwrap())
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