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Created June 26, 2012 20:17
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jQuery AJAX call to show computer lab availability feed
// Do everything inside AJAX call
url: "",
dataType: "jsonp",
jsonp: false,
// Custom callback required due to hardcoded server callback variable
jsonpCallback: "labsCallback",
success: function(data) {
newarr = [];
// Get data, frame, and push to empty array
$.each(data.ComputerLabs.Lab, function(i,v) {
if (v.LabName == "Library-Windows Desktops-OPEN-Lib IC")
{ newarr.push([0,$('<p/>').text(v.LabsAvailable + " of " + v.LabsTotal + " Windows Desktop computers are available")]) }
if (v.LabName == "Library-Mac Desktops-OPEN-Lib IC")
{ newarr.push([1,$('<p/>').text(v.LabsAvailable + " of " + v.LabsTotal + " Mac Desktop computers are available")]) }
if (v.LabName == "Library-Windows Laptops-OPEN-LIB IC")
{ newarr.push([2,$('<p/>').text(v.LabsAvailable + " of " + v.LabsTotal + " Windows laptop computers are available")]) }
if (v.LabName == "Library-Mac Laptops-OPEN-Lib IC")
{ newarr.push([3,$('<p/>').text(v.LabsAvailable + " of " + v.LabsTotal + " Mac laptop computers are available")]) }
// Start building container element. Change this selector
$('#container').html('<h4>Information Commons Lab Status</h4><p>(Information below is updated every five minutes.)</p>');
// Sort and append data to container element
$.each(newarr.sort(function(a,b) {return a[0] - b[0]}), function(i,v) { $('#container').append(v[1]); });
$('#container').append($('<p/>').text('(Note: some laptops may be charging.)'));
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