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Created February 24, 2014 13:11
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Import-Module PSTerminalServices
Function OctetToHours ($Octet)
# Function to convert Octet value (byte array) into binary string
# representing logonHours attribute. The 168 bits represent 24 hours
# per day for 7 days, Sunday through Saturday. The values are converted
# into local time. If the bit is "1", the user is allowed to logon
# during that hour. If the bit is "0", the user is not allowed to logon.
$Bias = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation).Bias
# Account for negative bias.
If ($Bias -gt 10080){$Bias = $Bias - 4294967296}
$Bias = [Math]::Round($Bias/60, 0, [MidpointRounding]::AwayFromZero)
# Create an array of 168 bytes, representing the hours in a week.
$LH = New-Object 'object[]' 168
For ($j = 0; $j -le 20; $j = $j + 1)
For ($k = 7; $k -ge 0; $k = $k - 1)
$m = 8*$j + $k - $Bias
If ($m -lt 0) {$m = $m + 168}
If ($m -gt 167) {$m = $m - 168}
If ($Octet[$j] -band [Math]::Pow(2, $k)) {$LH[$m] = "1"}
Else {$LH[$m] = "0"}
For ($j = 0; $J -le 20; $j = $J + 1)
$n = 8*$j
If ($j -eq 0) {$Hours = [String]::Join("", $LH[$n..($n + 7)])}
Else {$Hours = $Hours + [String]::Join("", $LH[$n..($n + 7)])}
Return $Hours
Function MemberOfUserGroup ( $user ) {
$user.memberOf.contains('CN=SLL - Remote Desktop Users,OU=Security,OU=SLL - Groups,DC=sll,DC=local')
Function LogonHoursHelper ( $user, $date ) {
$hours = OctetToHours $user.logonHours
[int]$day_of_week = $date | Get-Date -UFormat %u
[int]$hour_of_day = $date | Get-Date -UFormat %H
$position = $day_of_week * 24 + $hour_of_day
Return ($hours[$position] -eq '0')
Function LogonHoursExpiring ( $user ) {
LogonHoursHelper $user, (Get-Date).AddMinutes(5)
Function LogonHoursExpired ( $user ) {
LogonHoursHelper $user, (Get-Date)
Filter BaseFilter {
if ( ($name = $_.UserName) -and ($name -ne '') -and ($_.State -eq 'Active') ) {
$user = Get-ADUser -Identity $name -Properties memberOf, logonHours
$member_of = MemberOfUserGroup $user
$hours_expiring = LogonHoursExpiring $user
if ( $member_of -and $hours_expiring ) { Return $_ }
$Message = "Important`nYour session is ending in five minutes. Please save your work and logoff."
Get-TSSession -ComputerName 'LENDINGLIBRARY1' | BaseFilter | Send-TSMessage -Text $Message
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