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Created June 5, 2012 10:46
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All sorts of interesting packages to bootstrap a desktop machine.
class base {
$basepackages = [
"acidrip", "ack-grep", "apparix", "apt-utils", "audacity", "apt-cacher", "apache2", "atop",
"bzr", "bwm-ng",
"chromium-browser", "chromium-codecs-ffmpeg", "clusterssh", "compizconfig-settings-manager", "curl", "calibre", "cheese", "clojure",
"dconf-tools", "desktopcouch-ubuntuone", "devscripts", "dvdrip", "dvdbackup", "dsh", "dos2unix",
"ec2-ami-tools", "ec2-api-tools",
"ffmpeg", "freemind",
"gcompris", "gcompris-sound-nl", "gimp", "git-svn", "gitk", "gnuplot", "groovy", "grpn", "gtk-recordmydesktop", "gddrescue", "gconf-editor", "glade", "graphviz",
"imagemagick", "inkscape", "iotop",
"libvirt-bin", "libavcodec-dev", "libavcodec53", "libimage-exiftool-perl", "libsmbclient", "libxml2-utils", "ldap-utils",
"mysql-server", "mpg321", "mc", "mercurial", "moreutils", "mcollective-client",
"nautilus-dropbox", "nmap",
"ogmrip", "openjdk-6-jdk", "openjdk-7-doc", "openjdk-7-jdk", "openjdk-7-source", "openshot", "openssh-server", "octave3.2",
"p7zip", "p7zip-full", "povray", "pssh", "pdftk", "pexec", "pavucontrol", "python-xmpp",
"s3cmd", "sabnzbdplus", "sawfish", "smbfs", "subversion", "synaptic", "sysstat", "sauerbraten", "supertuxkart", "shutter",
"tmux", "traceroute", "tcpdump",
"ubuntu-restricted-addons", "ubuntu-restricted-extras", "ubuntu-vm-builder", "unix2dos",
"vim-gnome", "vlc", "virt-manager", "vorbis-tools", "vnstat",
"xchat", "xdiskusage", "xmlstarlet", "xpdf", "xvnc4viewer", "xclip",
package { $basepackages:
ensure => installed
#TODO: add class for installing qlandkartegt from ppa
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