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Created December 6, 2019 22:58
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import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from scipy.spatial import distance
# switch to different window than Pycharm's.
# since pycharm doesn't support animation
# constants
box_size = 100 # the size of the box
radius = 5 # radius of the molecules
mass = 1 # the mass of every molecule
molecule_amount = 106 # the amount of molecules
dt = 0.001 # time step for Euler's method
step_amount = 50 # the amount times to do Euler's method per frame
# functions
def init_molecules():
Initialize three molecules with set positions and velocities
molecules : (np.ndarray, np.ndarray)
a tuple of the positions of the molecules and their velocities in array form.
with the x-values in the first column and the y-values in the second column
each row is a separate molecule
# set the type to floats since it will error otherwise because
# the velocity and time_step are also floats.
positions = np.array([[0, 0], [10, 10], [-5, 5]], dtype=float)
velocities = np.array([[1, 2], [-1, 2], [0.5, -1.5]])
return positions, velocities
def init_molecules_random(N, box_size, radius):
Randomly generate N molecules within the confines of the box.
N : int
the number of molecules
box_size : int
the size of the box
radius : float
the radius of each molecule
molecules : (np.ndarray, np.ndarray)
a tuple of the positions of the molecules and their velocities in array form.
with the x-values in the first column and the y-values in the second column
each row is a separate molecule
# a velocity from -5 to 5 sounds nice
velocity_range = 5
# a spawn range from -box_size/2 + radius to box_size/2 - radius
# so that we don't spawn in/outside the borders
spawn_range = box_size - 2 * radius
# generate arrays with N rows and 2 columns with random numbers from 0 to 1
# multiply such that we get [-box_size/2+radius, box_size/2-radius)
positions = np.random.rand(N, 2) * spawn_range - (spawn_range/2 - radius)
# multiply such that we get [-velocity_range, velocity_range)
velocities = np.random.rand(N, 2) * 2 * velocity_range - velocity_range
return positions, velocities
def wall_collisions(r, v, radius, box_size):
Process collisions of the molecules with the walls.\n
If a molecule comes in contact with the wall and is still moving
in the direction of the wall it inverts the respective velocity component.
r : np.ndarray
the positions of the molecules, with each row a molecule and in the columns the x and y component
v : np.ndarray
the velocities of the molecules, with each row a molecule and in the columns the x and y component
radius : float
the radius of each molecule
box_size : int
the size of the box
v : np.ndarray
the updated velocities of the molecules after they collided with the walls
# invert the velocity of the corresponding axis
# if it is on the edge or passed it
# and it is going further over the edge
# if we're crossing the right boundary and are still going right invert the x-velocity
v[((r[:, 0] + radius) >= box_size / 2) & (v[:, 0] > 0), 0] *= -1
# if we're crossing the left boundary and are still going left invert the x-velocity
v[((r[:, 0] - radius) <= -box_size / 2) & (v[:, 0] < 0), 0] *= -1
# if going we're crossing the upper boundary and are still going up invert the y-velocity
v[((r[:, 1] + radius) >= box_size / 2) & (v[:, 1] > 0), 1] *= -1
# if going we're crossing the lower boundary and are still going down invert the y-velocity
v[((r[:, 1] - radius) <= -box_size / 2) & (v[:, 1] < 0), 1] *= -1
return v
def resolve_collisions(N, r, v, radius):
Calculates the resultant velocity of the particles if they are colliding
and assigns their new velocities. It calculates this using the formula given
in the exercises document.
N : int
the number of molecules
r : np.ndarray
the positions of the molecules, with each row a molecule and in the columns the x and y component
v : np.ndarray
the velocities of the molecules, with each row a molecule and in the columns the x and y component
radius : float
the radius of each molecule
v : np.ndarray
the updated velocities of the molecules after they collided with each other
# calculate the distance for each particle to every particle (including self)
# yields an NxN array
distances = distance.cdist(r, r)
# np.where yields a tuple with in one the row indexes and in the other the column indexes
# where the given statement is True
# checks if the molecules are colliding
# unpack the two tuples are two separate arguments for zip
for i, j in zip(*np.where(distances < 2 * radius)):
# we don't need to check for any j lower than or equal to i
# for equal it is the same particle so no collision exists
# any lower j we already checked when we had a lower i.
if j > i:
# get current positions and velocities of both objects
r1, r2 = r[i], r[j]
v1, v2 = v[i], v[j]
# calculate dr the difference in position
dr1 = r1 - r2
# the same in the other direction
dr2 = -dr1
# calculate the difference in velocity
dv = v1 - v2
# could've squared array and called sum but this is faster
length_squared = dr1[0] ** 2 + dr1[1] ** 2
# check if they are moving towards each other (formula from exercise document)
if dr2 @ dv > 0:
# calculate new velocities with simplified formula from exercise document
# the simplification is elaborated on in the results document.
common_term = (dv @ dr1) / length_squared * dr1
v1_new = v1 - common_term
v2_new = v2 + common_term
# use a view to change the velocities of the objects in the original array
v[i], v[j] = v1_new, v2_new
# return the newly calculated velocities
return v
def animate(num):
function that is called every frame-update from FuncAnimation.\n
Updates the molecule plot artist and returns the artist as an iterable
for re-rendering.
num : int
the frame number, unused
artists : iterable_of_artists
Iterable of artists
# we will re-assign both r and v so we need them from the global namespace
# and not the local one
global r, v
# execute Euler's method 'step_amount' times
for _ in range(step_amount):
# check for molecule collisions and assign new velocities
v = resolve_collisions(molecule_amount, r, v, radius)
# check for wall collisions and assign new velocities
v = wall_collisions(r, v, radius, box_size)
# update positions for some time-step dt
r += v * dt
# set the new data points (new molecule positions)
line.set_data(r[:, 0], r[:, 1])
# FuncAnimation requires an iterable so add a trailing comma to make it a tuple
# which is iterable
return line,
# initialize 'molecule_amount' molecules with random positions and velocities
r, v = init_molecules_random(molecule_amount, box_size, radius)
# make the plot and store the references for animation for part c
# higher dpi to make the plot bigger if you don't change this it will screw with the rendering
# causing particles to appear inside each other or the wall to be misplaced for the bouncing
# fillstyle none so they are hollow
fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
line, = plt.plot(r[:, 0], r[:, 1], 'o', fillstyle='none')
# set the size for the plot of the box
plt.xlim(-box_size/2, box_size/2)
plt.ylim(-box_size/2, box_size/2)
# set the aspect ration to equal to, so it is square
fig.gca().set_aspect("equal", "box")
# calculate and set marker size for part d
ms = 2 * radius * fig.gca().get_window_extent().height / box_size * 72./fig.dpi
# animates the plot with a 10ms interval with blit so we don't redraw the entire frame
# using our the figure we made earlier 'fig' and using our animate function to update
# the frames
FuncAnimation(fig, animate, repeat=False, interval=10, blit=True)
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