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Last active June 15, 2019 14:57
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Donut Multiples
State White Black Asian Other
Alabama 68.8 26.4 1.8 3.0
Alaska 66.0 3.4 20.9 9.7
Arizona 78.4 4.2 7.6 9.7
Arkansas 78.0 15.5 2.2 4.2
California 61.8 5.9 14.8 17.4
Colorado 84.2 4.0 3.9 7.8
Connecticut 77.3 10.3 4.4 7.9
Delaware 69.4 21.6 3.9 5.0
District of Columbia 40.2 48.9 4.0 6.9
Florida 76.0 16.1 3.0 4.9
Georgia 60.2 30.9 3.9 4.9
Hawaii 25.4 2.0 47.8 24.8
Idaho 91.7 0.6 2.7 5.0
Illinois 72.3 14.3 5.2 8.0
Indiana 84.2 9.2 2.1 4.5
Iowa 91.2 3.2 2.4 3.3
Kansas 85.2 5.8 3.5 5.5
Kentucky 87.6 7.9 1.5 3.0
Louisiana 62.8 32.1 2.3 2.8
Maine 95.0 1.1 1.7 2.2
Maryland 57.6 29.5 6.3 6.6
Massachusetts 79.6 7.1 6.2 7.1
Michigan 79.0 14.0 3.2 3.7
Minnesota 84.8 5.5 5.4 4.2
Mississippi 59.2 37.4 1.4 2.1
Missouri 82.6 11.5 2.3 3.5
Montana 89.2 0.5 7.3 3.0
Nebraska 88.1 4.7 3.0 4.1
Nevada 69.0 8.4 9.4 13.2
New Hampshire 93.7 1.3 2.6 2.3
New Jersey 68.3 13.5 9.2 8.9
New Mexico 73.2 2.1 10.6 14.2
New York 64.6 15.6 8.4 11.5
North Carolina 69.5 21.5 3.8 5.4
North Dakota 88.7 1.6 6.5 3.0
Ohio 82.4 12.2 2.1 3.3
Oklahoma 73.1 7.2 9.3 10.4
Oregon 85.1 1.8 5.6 7.5
Pennsylvania 81.6 11.0 3.3 4.1
Rhode Island 81.1 6.5 3.7 8.6
South Carolina 67.2 27.5 1.8 3.5
South Dakota 85.0 1.6 9.8 3.5
Tennessee 77.8 16.8 2.0 3.5
Texas 74.9 11.9 4.8 8.5
Utah 87.6 1.1 4.2 7.1
Vermont 94.9 1.1 1.7 2.2
Virginia 69.0 19.2 6.4 5.4
Washington 77.8 3.6 9.6 9.0
West Virginia 93.6 3.3 0.9 2.2
Wisconsin 86.5 6.3 3.4 3.8
Wyoming 91.0 1.1 3.2 4.8
Puerto Rico 69.7 8.4 0.6 21.3
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Race by State</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<h1>Racial Composition by State</h1>
<div id="container">
<div class="info">Source: Wikipedia</div>
<div class="info">Hover to See %</div>
<div id="legend"></div>
<div id="chart"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="index.js"></script>
//static variables
const radius = 100;
const padding = 10;
const color = d3.scaleOrdinal()
const arc = d3.arc()
.innerRadius(radius / 1.5)
const pie = d3.pie()
.value(d => d.population);
const div ='#chart')
.attr('class', 'tooltip')
.style('border', 0)
.attr('opacity', 0);
const format = d3.format('.0%');
let raceList;
//data load
const load = async () => {
const data = await d3.csv('data.csv')
raceList = d3.keys(data[0]).filter(key => key != 'State')
data.forEach(d => {
d.races = {
return {name: name, population: +d[name]}
//render chart
const chart = data => {
const legend ='#legend')
.attr('class', 'legend')
.attr('width', 750)
.attr('height', 50)
.attr('transform', (d, i) => `translate(${i*215}, 0)`);
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.attr('height', 15)
.attr('fill', color);
.attr('class', 'label')
.attr('x', 25)
.attr('y', 10)
.attr('dy', '.35em')
.text(d => d);
//donut charts
const svg ='#chart')
.attr('width', radius * 2)
.attr('height', radius * 2)
.attr('transform', `translate(${radius}, ${radius})`);
.data(d => pie(d.races))
.attr('d', arc)
.attr('fill', d => color(
.attr('stroke', '#ffffff')
.attr('stroke-width', '2px')
.on('mouseenter', function(d, i) {
.attr('opacity', 0.7)
.style('opacity', 1)
.style('border', '1px solid #bdbdbd')
div.html(`${format(d.value/100)} ${}`)
.style('left', `${d3.event.pageX+10}px`)
.style('top', `${d3.event.pageY-10}px`);
.on('mouseout', function(d, i) {
.attr('opacity', 1)
.style('opacity', 0)
const title = svg.append('text')
.attr('class', 'label')
.attr('dy', '.35em')
.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
.text(d => d.State);
div.tooltip {
background: #ffffff;
border-radius: 5px;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
padding: 7px;
pointer-events: none;
position: absolute;
text-align: center;
h1 {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 24px;
padding: 5px;
text-align: center;
svg {
padding: 10px 0 0 10px;
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display: inline-block;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
padding: 5px;
text-align: center;
.label {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
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display: block;
margin: auto;
#chart {
width: 1500px;
margin: auto;
#container {
text-align: center;
#legend {
width: 1500px;
margin: auto;
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