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Created September 2, 2020 15:36
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  • Save karen-white/78c3b3d2a7e9f430440cdcfc3556e145 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save karen-white/78c3b3d2a7e9f430440cdcfc3556e145 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
NLU training data for non-CDD assistant


  • hi
  • hey whatsup
  • hello morning are you there
  • hello
  • hi whatsup
  • hello greetings how is it going
  • good day how is it going
  • hey good afternoon whatsup
  • hi are you around
  • hey good afternoon sup
  • hey greetings are you around
  • hi good night sup
  • hey morning are you there
  • hi good morning how are you
  • good morning how are you doing
  • hey morning how is it going
  • hi greetings
  • good day are you there
  • hello morning are you around?
  • hey good night how are you doing
  • hi good day are you there
  • hey morning are you around?
  • hey good day how are things going
  • hey
  • good night are you around?
  • hey good night whats up
  • hello good night how are things going
  • hey greetings how are you doing
  • hello good morning whats up
  • hello good day how are you doing
  • good night whats up
  • good day how are you
  • hello how are you doing
  • good day sup
  • hey greetings how are things going
  • hello good night
  • greetings how are you doing
  • greetings are you there
  • hey good night whatsup
  • hi good afternoon how is it going
  • hi morning whats up
  • good afternoon how are things going
  • hello good night are you there
  • hey good night are you around?
  • hi good afternoon whatsup
  • morning how are things going
  • hey good day are you around
  • hey good day
  • hi good morning how are you doing
  • good day are you around?


  • adieu
  • got to go gtg
  • leaving
  • talk to you soon adios
  • goodbye
  • thank you gtg
  • gtg
  • going out bye
  • have to go farewell
  • thank you adios
  • im leaving now ttyl
  • heading out chau
  • thank you ttyl
  • talk to you later gtg
  • talk to you soon adieu
  • ttyl
  • thank you goodbye
  • thanks chau
  • chao thanks
  • leaving ttyl
  • adios
  • chao thank you
  • farewell
  • going out farewell
  • going out ttyl
  • have to go gtg
  • have to go ttyl
  • leaving goodbye
  • thank you bye
  • going out adios
  • heading out farewell
  • got to go adieu
  • im leaving now bye
  • bye thanks
  • leaving bye
  • talk to you later adios
  • im leaving now farewell
  • farewell thanks
  • im leaving now
  • talk to you later
  • got to go goodbye
  • adios thanks
  • thanks adios
  • talk to you later chao
  • got to go bye
  • thanks chao
  • leaving gtg
  • thanks gtg
  • talk to you later farewell
  • talk to you later bye


  • sounds good you understood me yes
  • yes sir that is fine im ok with that
  • yes sir im ok with that thank you
  • affirmative
  • right that is correct correct
  • affirmative im ok with that thank you
  • agreed that is correct right
  • affirmative that is right right
  • agreed that is right agreed
  • im ok with that that is good right
  • good yes sir
  • im ok with that
  • yep sounds good
  • affirmative you understood me
  • right affirmative thank you
  • correct yes sir
  • correct that is correct yes
  • yes
  • of course
  • definitely
  • definantly
  • definitly
  • for sure
  • yah
  • yes please
  • yes plz
  • uh-huh
  • yep yep
  • cool
  • yes thank you
  • ya fo show
  • 100%
  • im ok with that that is correct affirmative
  • affirmative that is right correct
  • correct yes thank you
  • yep that is right agreed
  • yes sir you understood me agreed
  • sounds good
  • yes that is fine yep
  • sounds good good right
  • correct that is good agreed
  • affirmative i want that yes sir
  • that is what i want sounds good
  • affirmative that is correct
  • agreed that is right sounds good
  • that is fine agreed
  • yes that is right
  • agreed you understood me yep
  • yep thanks
  • right yes thank you
  • good
  • agreed yep thank you
  • sounds good you understood me right
  • right pls
  • yes sir you understood me yep
  • yes sir that is good yes sir
  • right please
  • yep its fine yes
  • agreed you understood me im ok with that
  • yes right
  • yes sir
  • correct its fine right
  • yes its fine im ok with that
  • correct that is correct right


  • not really pls didnt meant that
  • no plz
  • nope that's not correct
  • incorrect please that's not correct
  • it's not good
  • plz that's not right that is wrong
  • not really plz i don't want that
  • don't do that it's not good
  • nope
  • its not correct
  • no plz that is wrong
  • plz not really dont mean that
  • pls no that is wrong
  • no it's not good
  • incorrect didnt meant that
  • pls not really dont mean that
  • not really please that is wrong
  • that's not right plz its not correct
  • don't do that that's not correct
  • i don't want that
  • incorrect pls didnt meant that
  • don't do that didnt meant that
  • incorrect it's not good
  • that's not right please that's wrong
  • not really please dont mean that
  • that's not what i want
  • incorrect
  • please that's not right didnt meant that
  • pls nope i don't want that
  • that's wrong
  • no plz dont mean that
  • dont mean that
  • not really pls its not correct
  • don't do that please dont mean that
  • please incorrect
  • nope plz didnt meant that
  • not really dont mean that
  • please nope that's wrong
  • not really pls that's not what i want
  • no that's not correct
  • that's not right please its not correct
  • plz no its not correct
  • nope its not ok
  • no please its not ok
  • please incorrect it's not good
  • pls that's not right didnt meant that
  • plz no i don't want that
  • no
  • pls that's not right
  • not really its not ok


  • is there a transfer charge?
  • will i be charged for a transaction?
  • how much is the transfer fee
  • what's the fee
  • am I gonna be charged
  • what does that cost
  • are you going to charge me a transfer fee
  • you guys charged me a fee last time
  • are there any fees
  • how much will I be charged
  • what is it going to cost me to transfer
  • how much is the fee
  • please tell me there is no fee
  • does it cost money?
  • do i have to pay?



  • How much money did I make last year?
  • What did I earn last month?
  • how much was deposited in January
  • how much money have I earned?
  • how much have I deposited this month
  • total deposits this month
  • what did earn in 2019?
  • how much money do I make per year?
  • what is my salary in the past year?
  • how much did I make in the last two weeks?
  • please allow me to check my earnings
  • how much did I make this month


  • not really
  • no
  • I don't think so
  • please do not
  • nah
  • nope
  • never
  • NO
  • please do not
  • i don't want that
  • no thank you
  • no thanks
  • absolutely not
  • nope nope nope
  • bad stupid bot


  • see you later
  • goodbye
  • bye
  • cya l8r
  • bye bye
  • talk to you later
  • see you around
  • adios
  • auf wiedersehen
  • see ya bot
  • later bot
  • bye forever


  • good morning
  • hi
  • hello
  • yo
  • hey
  • HI
  • hey!
  • What is up!
  • hi ya
  • what is good
  • how are you?
  • hey hey
  • heyo
  • whats up




  • how much did I spend at Target this week?
  • I want to check my spending history
  • how much did I spend at Starbucks last week?
  • what did I drop at Amazon this weekend?
  • what did I buy at Target last month?
  • how much money did it cost me at Starbucks
  • check what i spent for starbucks last year
  • how much did i spend from starbucks last month
  • how much did i spend in the last 3 months
  • i need to check spending at amazon from january
  • can you check my spending at starbucks from january
  • can you check my spending from target in march
  • what are my spendings for starbucks in the last 3 months
  • check my spendings at amazon yesterday
  • check my spendings from target this week
  • i need to check spending for starbucks in march
  • check my spendings from amazon last year
  • check what i spent at target in the last 3 months
  • check my spendings from starbucks this week
  • i need to check spending at starbucks yesterday
  • i need to check what i spent for amazon in march
  • how much did i spend in march
  • what are my spendings from amazon last month
  • can you check my spending for target in march
  • check what i spent last month
  • check my spendings at starbucks yesterday
  • check what i spent from starbucks last year
  • check my spendings at amazon from january
  • what are my spendings from starbucks from january
  • check what i spent this week
  • what are my spendings
  • i need to check what i spent from amazon this week
  • how much did i spend for target yesterday
  • i need to check spending from starbucks last year
  • how much did i spend yesterday
  • can you check my spending yesterday
  • can you check my spending for starbucks last year
  • check what i spent for target yesterday
  • i need to check what i spent in march
  • check what i spent at target last year
  • check my spendings for amazon in march
  • i need to check what i spent for amazon last month
  • i need to check spending for target yesterday
  • check what i spent at target this week
  • how much did i spend at target last month
  • what are my spendings for starbucks last month
  • i need to check spending for target in march
  • can you check my spending for target last year
  • what are my spendings at starbucks this week
  • how much did i spend from starbucks this week
  • what are my spendings at amazon this week
  • i need to check what i spent at starbucks from january
  • check my spendings from starbucks last month
  • check my spendings for starbucks in the last 3 months
  • check what i spent from target last month
  • i need to check what i spent for target yesterday
  • i need to check spending from starbucks yesterday
  • i need to check what i spent from starbucks last month
  • how much did i spend for starbucks from january
  • can you check my spending from target last year
  • can you check my spending at amazon in march
  • i need to check what i spent for amazon last year
  • check my spendings from amazon in march
  • check what i spent from amazon in march
  • what are my spendings last month
  • check my spendings for starbucks this week
  • i need to check what i spent for starbucks in march
  • i need to check what i spent this week
  • i need to check spending at amazon this week
  • how much did i spend from amazon from january
  • what are my spendings at target yesterday
  • check what i spent at target in march
  • how much did i spend for starbucks last month
  • what are my spendings for target yesterday
  • check my spendings last month
  • can you check my spending at amazon from january
  • i need to check what i spent at target last month
  • how much did i spend from amazon yesterday
  • i need to check spending from amazon from january
  • i need to check spending from starbucks from january
  • check what i spent for amazon this week
  • what are my spendings for target last month
  • check what i spent from starbucks in the last 3 months
  • can you check my spending from amazon in march
  • i need to check spending at target last year
  • how much did i spend at starbucks last year
  • i need to check what i spent for target in the last 3 months
  • what are my spendings at target this week
  • how much did i spend at amazon in the last 3 months
  • what are my spendings from january
  • what are my spendings for amazon last year
  • check what i spent at amazon last year
  • i need to check spending from target last month
  • can you check my spending from amazon in the last 3 months
  • check what i spent for amazon in march
  • check what i spent for starbucks yesterday
  • i need to check spending from amazon yesterday
  • can you check my spending at target last month
  • how much did i spend from amazon in the last 3 months
  • can you check my spending
  • check what i spent at amazon yesterday
  • how much did i spend at amazon this week
  • check my spendings
  • check what i spent from target this week
  • i need to check what i spent from starbucks last year
  • i need to check spending for target in the last 3 months


  • okay thank you
  • thanks
  • thanks goodbye
  • thank you and good bye
  • that's all bye
  • thanks anyway
  • great thanks
  • thank
  • thx
  • thank you thank you thank you
  • thanks, you are the best!
  • thank you
  • thanks a lot
  • thanks, that is helpful
  • thanks a milllion
  • Really helpful, thanks
  • Thanks helps, thank you
  • thanks bot
  • thanks so much!
  • thaaaanks
  • thanks for nothing


  • to Janice
  • pay to
  • hello please transfer 100 to Janice thank you
  • hey plz 100 to Janice
  • hi please pay 100 to Janice
  • please pay 1000 to Bob thanks
  • transfer to Janice
  • hey please transfer 250 to Janice thanks
  • pay to Janice
  • hello plz pay 100 to thank you
  • hi pls transfer 250 to Bob thanks
  • hello please 250 to Janice thank you
  • hello 100 to thanks
  • hello plz pay 100 to Janice thank you
  • pay to Bob
  • hey pls 250 to Janice thank you
  • hello please pay 1000 to thanks
  • transfer to
  • hi transfer 250 to Janice
  • hi pls pay 250 to Janice thank you
  • pls transfer 250 to
  • pls transfer 100 to Bob thank you
  • please pay 250 to thank you
  • transfer to Bob
  • hey pay 100 to Janice thank you
  • hey pls transfer 1000 to Janice thank you
  • hey please transfer 1000 to Janice thanks
  • hello please pay 100 to Bob
  • hey transfer 250 to Bob
  • hello plz transfer 100 to Bob thanks
  • 100 to Janice thanks
  • hey plz 100 to Janice thanks
  • hey pay 100 to thanks
  • hey plz transfer 250 to Janice
  • pls transfer 100 to thanks
  • hi pls transfer 1000 to Bob thanks
  • hi pls transfer 100 to thank you
  • hey plz transfer 1000 to Bob
  • hi 1000 to Bob
  • hi pls transfer 100 to thanks
  • hey please transfer 100 to
  • hi plz transfer 250 to Janice thank you
  • please 250 to Janice thank you
  • hi pay 100 to Janice
  • hey transfer 100 to Janice thank you
  • 1000 to Janice thank you
  • hi pay 100 to thanks
  • pls 250 to thanks
  • please transfer 100 to thank you
  • hi pls 1000 to Bob thank you
  • hello pls transfer 100 to thanks
  • hello please 100 to Bob thank you
  • hello please 250 to Bob
  • hey pls transfer 250 to Bob thank you
  • please 100 to thank you
  • hello 1000 to Bob thanks
  • hey plz 100 to Bob
  • please 100 to Bob thank you
  • hi plz 100 to Bob
  • hello please transfer 100 to Bob
  • hi pls 250 to
  • hi 250 to thank you
  • hi pls 100 to Janice thanks
  • hi please 1000 to Janice thanks
  • hi please transfer 250 to Janice thanks
  • hello please transfer 250 to Bob thanks
  • hey plz pay 1000 to Bob
  • hello please pay 1000 to Bob thank you
  • hey plz transfer 100 to thank you
  • hey pls transfer 1000 to thank you
  • hey plz pay 100 to
  • hi plz pay 250 to thanks
  • pls pay 1000 to Janice thanks
  • hi 250 to Janice thank you
  • hello pls pay 1000 to Janice
  • plz transfer 100 to Janice thanks
  • pls pay 1000 to
  • hey pls 100 to Janice
  • hey plz transfer 1000 to Janice thank you
  • hello transfer 100 to Bob thank you
  • 1000 to Bob thank you
  • hey 100 to Janice thanks
  • hi plz transfer 1000 to Janice
  • please 1000 to
  • hey pls transfer 250 to Bob
  • hi plz 250 to thanks
  • hey pls pay 1000 to Janice thanks
  • plz 1000 to Bob thanks
  • hi please transfer 1000 to Bob
  • hello pls pay 250 to Janice thanks
  • plz 100 to Bob thanks
  • pls pay 100 to thanks
  • hey pay 250 to thank you
  • hey plz transfer 250 to Bob thank you
  • hello please pay 100 to Janice
  • hello transfer 250 to Bob
  • hi pls pay 1000 to thank you
  • hey transfer 250 to Bob thank you
  • pls pay 250 to Bob
  • 1000 to Bob
  • hey pls 250 to thanks
  • hey 250 to Bob thanks
  • pay 1000 to
  • hi 100 to Janice
  • hi plz 1000 to Janice thank you
  • hello plz transfer 1000 to Bob
  • hey transfer 1000 to Janice
  • to Bob
  • hey please pay 250 to Bob
  • 100 to Janice
  • hello pls pay 250 to
  • hey please transfer 100 to Janice
  • hello plz 100 to Bob
  • please pay 100 to Janice thanks
  • hello please transfer 100 to Bob thanks
  • please transfer 250 to Bob
  • hello pls 1000 to thank you
  • hey plz transfer 100 to thanks
  • hey pls transfer 1000 to thanks
  • plz pay 1000 to Bob
  • hey plz pay 100 to thanks
  • hi please transfer 100 to Bob thanks
  • hi please transfer 1000 to Bob thanks
  • hello pls transfer 250 to
  • hello pls transfer 250 to thanks
  • pls pay 250 to Janice thanks
  • plz pay 100 to Janice thanks
  • hello pls pay 250 to thank you
  • hey plz pay 250 to thank you
  • hey plz pay 250 to Janice thanks
  • hey plz pay 1000 to Janice
  • please transfer 100 to
  • hey 100 to Janice thank you
  • hi plz 100 to thank you
  • hello pls 100 to Bob thank you
  • hey plz 100 to thanks
  • hey pls 250 to Janice
  • hey plz transfer 250 to
  • hello transfer 250 to thanks
  • hey plz 1000 to
  • hi plz 250 to Bob
  • 250 to Bob
  • hello plz transfer 100 to Janice thank you
  • plz pay 1000 to Bob thanks
  • pls 1000 to Janice thanks
  • plz transfer 100 to thank you
  • hey please transfer 1000 to thanks
  • hello transfer 1000 to Janice thank you
  • please transfer 1000 to Janice thank you
  • hi please pay 1000 to Bob thanks
  • hello pay 100 to
  • hi pls 1000 to thanks
  • hi please transfer 250 to thank you
  • hello plz transfer 100 to Bob thank you
  • hi pls pay 100 to Janice thanks
  • hello please 1000 to Janice thanks
  • hi pls pay 1000 to Janice thank you
  • 1000 to thank you
  • please transfer 100 to Janice thanks
  • hey please pay 1000 to Janice thank you
  • transfer 250 to thanks
  • pls 1000 to Janice
  • hey pls transfer 1000 to Janice thanks
  • hey please transfer 250 to
  • hi transfer 250 to
  • hi pls pay 250 to Bob
  • hey please 250 to thanks
  • 100 to Bob
  • hi 250 to Janice thanks
  • hey plz pay 1000 to
  • hi pls pay 250 to Janice
  • hi please 250 to Janice
  • hi pay 100 to thank you
  • pls transfer 100 to thank you
  • hi transfer 100 to Janice thanks
  • hi transfer 100 to Bob thank you
  • please 250 to Bob
  • plz pay 1000 to Bob thank you
  • pls transfer 1000 to
  • hello plz 1000 to
  • plz pay 1000 to Janice thank you
  • pls pay 1000 to thank you
  • transfer 100 to Bob
  • pay 250 to Bob thank you
  • hello transfer 100 to Janice thank you
  • hi plz pay 1000 to thank you
  • plz transfer 1000 to Bob thank you
  • please transfer 1000 to Janice
  • plz pay 250 to Janice thanks
  • I want to pay Paula Handy
  • pay Katy Parrow $40 please
  • transfer $60 to John Jacob
  • please transfer money to Evan Oslo
  • send $1000 to Kyle Gardner
  • Karen Lancaster needs $40 pronto
  • Lisa keeps asking me about money. I need to send her $100
  • Send cash to Mr. Donald, good sir
  • To: William Baker, Amount: $600
  • Send money to Katy Parrow please
  • make a transfer one million dollars to Evan
  • can you send Kyle $500
  • can i transfer John Jacob one million dollars
  • i want to send Karen Lancaster 1000 dollars
  • i want to send William 1000 dollars
  • need to give John $500
  • please send $500 to Lisa
  • please send one million dollars to John Jacob
  • can you send one million dollars to John
  • can you send one million dollars to Katy Parrow
  • i want to send a hundred dollars to Karen
  • can i transfer money to John
  • transfer Lisa 600 euros
  • make a transfer Evan $500
  • please transfer Percy a hundred dollars
  • make a transfer John $500
  • can you send a hundred dollars to Katy Parrow
  • i want to send $500 to Evan
  • transfer money to Karen
  • please send a hundred dollars to Kyle
  • please transfer Percy Donald 1000 dollars
  • please transfer John Jacob 600 euros
  • i need to send Karen Lancaster one million dollars
  • can you send John Jacob one million dollars
  • please send Katy Parrow $500
  • can i transfer Evan $500
  • i need to send Katy Parrow 1000 dollars
  • please transfer a hundred dollars to Katy Parrow
  • i need to send one million dollars to Percy
  • i need to send a hundred dollars to Katy Parrow
  • need to give money
  • can you send $500 to Karen
  • need to give John Jacob $500
  • can you send 1000 dollars to Lisa
  • i need to send Kyle Gardner a hundred dollars
  • make a transfer 600 euros to Percy Donald
  • make a transfer $500 to Lisa
  • can i transfer 1000 dollars to William Baker
  • transfer one million dollars to John Jacob
  • i want to send Kyle Gardner 1000 dollars
  • i want to send $500 to Percy
  • make a transfer Percy a hundred dollars
  • please transfer Katy 1000 dollars
  • i want to send Percy Donald $500
  • need to give a hundred dollars to Kyle Gardner
  • need to give $500 to William Baker
  • transfer a hundred dollars to Katy Parrow
  • can i transfer Kyle Gardner $500
  • transfer money to William Baker
  • transfer Karen 600 euros
  • i want to send John Jacob a hundred dollars
  • transfer Evan $500
  • please transfer 600 euros to Evan
  • please transfer Lisa one million dollars
  • can you send Katy 1000 dollars
  • need to give 600 euros to Evan Oslo
  • can you send $500 to Lisa
  • i want to send a hundred dollars to Evan Oslo
  • please transfer Karen Lancaster 600 euros
  • need to give Lisa a hundred dollars
  • i want to send 600 euros to Lisa
  • can i transfer Lisa a hundred dollars
  • i need to send one million dollars to Evan Oslo
  • can you send money to William Baker
  • i need to send a hundred dollars to Kyle Gardner
  • i need to send a hundred dollars to William Baker
  • please send 600 euros to Percy Donald
  • please send 600 euros to William Baker
  • i need to send 600 euros to Katy
  • need to give one million dollars to William
  • transfer Percy Donald 1000 dollars
  • can you send a hundred dollars to John
  • i want to send 600 euros to John
  • please send 1000 dollars to Katy Parrow
  • need to give William a hundred dollars
  • need to give 600 euros to Karen
  • transfer Evan 600 euros
  • make a transfer $500 to Evan Oslo
  • i need to send 600 euros to John
  • i need to send Katy $500
  • transfer Lisa a hundred dollars
  • need to give one million dollars to Evan
  • transfer Evan a hundred dollars
  • can i transfer Kyle 600 euros
  • i want to send a hundred dollars to Evan
  • transfer William a hundred dollars
  • need to give a hundred dollars to William Baker
  • can you send money to Lisa
  • please transfer Karen Lancaster $500
  • need to give Evan 600 euros
  • please transfer John Jacob $500
  • need to give a hundred dollars to John
  • please transfer 1000 dollars to John Jacob
  • can i transfer $500 to John
  • can i transfer 1000 dollars to Evan
  • transfer 1000 dollars to John Jacob
  • please send John Jacob $500
  • make a transfer Kyle Gardner 1000 dollars
  • i need to send $500 to Lisa
  • please send 1000 dollars to William Baker
  • $500 Evan


  • Who can I send money to?
  • Who are my known recipients
  • who can I transfer money to?
  • who's on my list
  • who can I pay then?
  • Who are possible recipients?
  • Can I send money to anyone?
  • Can I transfer to anybody?
  • Who can I transfer to?
  • Who can I can send to people?
  • Can I send money to Ella?
  • Can I transfer to Arjaan?
  • who are the people I can send money to
  • Can Karen accept money from me?
  • What are the list of people that I can transfer money to?
  • who all can i send money to?
  • who can you send money to
  • caan i transfer money to ty?
  • who can I actually send money to?
  • who's on my contact list?
  • is Ty on my contact list?


  • help
  • what can you do?
  • what can I ask you?
  • How can you help?
  • What are you capable of executing?
  • what are you programmed to do?
  • how can you help me?
  • help me
  • help me please
  • i want your help
  • i need your help
  • What can I do with you?
  • What can I ask for help with?
  • HELP
  • I think I am breaking you
  • help me!!
  • i need help!
  • please help me i'm desperate
  • what CAN you help with then
  • HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • what can yuou actually do


  • I want a human
  • can I speak to an agent
  • real agent please
  • give me to a person
  • human
  • i want to talk to a real person
  • please give me an employee
  • let me speak to your manager
  • person
  • I need to speak to agent
  • I want a customer service agent
  • I need somebody else
  • You are not helping me
  • please give me someone else
  • I need a person, not you
  • You are stealing jobs. Give me a person
  • let me speak to someone
  • speak to a human
  • need to speak to a real human
  • I don't think you know how to help me


  • emblm
  • embelm
  • emblum


  • credit card
  • credit cards
  • credit account
  • credit accounts
  • credit credit
  • credit card accounts
  • the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future
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