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Last active July 19, 2019 22:49
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  • Save karenc/3aa056135ad6022954b04a24f7895cf1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save karenc/3aa056135ad6022954b04a24f7895cf1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dump and load a book from server for development
This script attempts to dump a book from the server and load it into a
development database.
1. You need to download this script onto the server, e.g.,
that runs archive.
2. Use `./ dump_book caa57dab-41c7-455e-bd6f-f443cda5519c@19.3` to
dump the prealgebra book.
2.1 If you are not using this on a cnx-deploy'd server, you can either
specify the path to the archive config file using `CONFIG_INI` or the
database connection string using `DB_CONN_STR` environment variables.
2.2 If you want to dump multiple books, just add more book ident hashes to
the end of the command line.
3. Transfer the output file
`book_dump.prealgebra@19.3.tar` to the
development machine.
4. Run `./ load_book book_dump.prealgebra@19.3.tar`
to load the book into a development database.
4.1 If you are not using this on a cnx-deploy'd server, you can either
specify the path to the archive config file using `CONFIG_INI` or the
database connection string using `DB_CONN_STR` environment variables.
4.2 If you want to load multiple files, just add the filenames to the end of
the command line.
**Note**: strictly for development use only.
import base64
import ConfigParser as configparser
except ImportError:
import configparser
import contextlib
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import socket
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
import psycopg2.extras
DB_CONN_STR = os.getenv('DB_CONN_STR')
CONFIG_INI = os.getenv('CONFIG_INI', '/etc/cnx/archive/app.ini')
if not DB_CONN_STR:
if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_INI):
sys.stderr.write('DB_CONN_STR or CONFIG_INI must be set\n')
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
DB_CONN_STR = config.get('app:main', 'db-connection-string')
def db_cursor(db_conn_str=DB_CONN_STR,
with psycopg2.connect(db_conn_str) as db_conn:
with db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=cursor_factory) as cursor:
yield cursor
def execute_sql(sql, params=(), **kwargs):
with db_cursor(**kwargs) as cursor:
cursor.execute(sql, params)
return cursor.fetchall()
def get_latest_version(book_uuid):
return execute_sql("""
SELECT module_version(major_version, minor_version)
FROM latest_modules
WHERE uuid::text = %s""", (book_uuid,), cursor_factory=None)
def get_module_idents_tree_nodes(book_uuid, book_version):
get_module_idents_sql = """
WITH RECURSIVE t(node, path, value, parent) AS (
SELECT nodeid, ARRAY[nodeid], documentid, parent_id
FROM trees tr, modules m
WHERE m.uuid::text = %s AND
module_version(m.major_version, m.minor_version) = %s AND
tr.documentid = m.module_ident AND
tr.parent_id IS NULL
SELECT c1.nodeid, t.path || ARRAY[c1.nodeid], c1.documentid,
FROM trees c1 JOIN t ON (c1.parent_id = t.node)
WHERE NOT nodeid = ANY(t.path)
SELECT DISTINCT value, node, parent
FROM t ORDER BY parent DESC"""
return execute_sql(get_module_idents_sql, (book_uuid, book_version),
def get_abstracts(module_idents):
print('dumping data from abstracts')
return execute_sql("""
SELECT * FROM abstracts
SELECT 1 FROM modules
WHERE modules.abstractid = abstracts.abstractid
AND modules.module_ident IN %s
)""", (tuple(module_idents),))
def get_collated_file_associations(book_module_ident):
print('dumping data from collated_file_associations')
return execute_sql("""
SELECT * FROM collated_file_associations
WHERE context = %s
""", (book_module_ident,))
def get_document_acl(module_idents):
print('dumping data from document_acls')
return execute_sql("""
SELECT 1 FROM modules
WHERE modules.uuid = document_acl.uuid
AND modules.module_ident IN %s
)""", (tuple(module_idents),))
def get_document_controls(module_idents):
print('dumping data from document_controls')
return execute_sql("""
SELECT * FROM document_controls WHERE EXISTS (
SELECT 1 FROM modules
WHERE modules.uuid = document_controls.uuid
AND modules.module_ident IN %s
)""", (tuple(module_idents),))
def get_files(fileids):
print('dumping data from files')
for f in execute_sql("""
SELECT fileid, md5, encode(file, 'base64') AS file, sha1, media_type
FROM files WHERE fileid IN %s
""", (tuple(fileids),)):
f['file'] = f['file'][:]
yield f
def get_licenses():
print('dumping data from licenses')
return execute_sql('SELECT * FROM licenses')
def get_module_files(module_idents):
print('dumping data from module_files')
return execute_sql("""
SELECT * FROM module_files WHERE module_ident IN %s
""", (tuple(module_idents),))
def get_modules(module_idents):
print('dumping data from modules')
for f in execute_sql("""
SELECT * FROM modules WHERE module_ident IN %s
""", (tuple(module_idents),)):
f['created'] = f['created'].isoformat()
f['revised'] = f['revised'].isoformat()
f['baked'] = f['baked'] and f['baked'].isoformat()
yield f
def get_modulestates():
print('dumping data from modulestates')
return execute_sql('SELECT * FROM modulestates')
def get_moduletags(module_idents):
print('dumping data from moduletags')
return execute_sql("""
SELECT * FROM moduletags WHERE module_ident IN %s
""", (tuple(module_idents),))
def get_tags(module_idents):
print('dumping data from tags')
return execute_sql("""
SELECT 1 FROM moduletags
WHERE module_ident IN %s AND moduletags.tagid = tags.tagid
)""", (tuple(module_idents),))
def get_trees(tree_nodes):
print('dumping data from tree')
return execute_sql("""
SELECT * FROM trees WHERE nodeid IN %s
""", (tuple(tree_nodes),))
def get_users(usernames):
print('dumping data from users')
for u in execute_sql("""
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username IN %s
""", (tuple(usernames),)):
u['created'] = u['created'].isoformat()
u['updated'] = u['updated'].isoformat()
yield u
def dump_book(book_ident_hash):
if '@' in book_ident_hash:
book_uuid, book_version = book_ident_hash.split('@', 1)
book_uuid = book_ident_hash
book_version = get_latest_version(book_uuid)[0][0]
except IndexError:
raise Exception('Unable to find book {}'.format(book_ident_hash))
module_idents_tree_nodes = get_module_idents_tree_nodes(
book_uuid, book_version)
if not module_idents_tree_nodes:
raise Exception('Unable to find book {}'.format(book_ident_hash))
module_idents = [i[0] for i in module_idents_tree_nodes]
tree_nodes = [i[1] for i in module_idents_tree_nodes]
book_data = {}
book_data['abstracts'] = get_abstracts(module_idents)
book_data['collated_file_associations'] = get_collated_file_associations(
book_data['document_acl'] = get_document_acl(module_idents)
book_data['document_controls'] = get_document_controls(module_idents)
book_data['licenses'] = get_licenses()
book_data['module_files'] = get_module_files(module_idents)
book_data['modules'] = list(get_modules(module_idents))
book_data['modulestates'] = get_modulestates()
book_data['moduletags'] = get_moduletags(module_idents)
book_data['tags'] = get_tags(module_idents)
book_data['trees'] = get_trees(tree_nodes)
fileids = [a['fileid'] for a in book_data['collated_file_associations']] \
+ [a['recipe'] for a in book_data['modules']] \
+ [a['fileid'] for a in book_data['module_files']]
book_data['files'] = get_files(set(fileids))
usernames = [a['submitter'] for a in book_data['modules']]
for a in book_data['modules']:
usernames += a['authors'] + a['maintainers'] + a['licensors']
book_data['users'] = list(get_users(set(usernames)))
book_title = [m['name'] for m in book_data['modules']
if m['portal_type'] == 'Collection'][0]
slug = re.sub('[^a-z0-9]+', '-', book_title.lower())
if len(slug) <= 5:
slug = book_uuid
output_filename = 'book_dump.{}@{}.tar'.format(slug, book_version)
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
with, output_filename), 'w') as out:
# create one json file per file
for i, file_entry in enumerate(book_data.pop('files')):
filename = 'files-{:04d}.json'.format(i)
with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, filename), 'w') as f:
json.dump(file_entry, f)
out.add(os.path.join(tmpdir, filename), filename)
# create files for other tables
for tablename in book_data:
filename = '{}.json'.format(tablename)
with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, filename), 'w') as f:
json.dump(book_data[tablename], f)
out.add(os.path.join(tmpdir, filename), filename)
if os.path.exists(output_filename):
shutil.move(os.path.join(tmpdir, output_filename), '.')
print('Output in {}'.format(output_filename))
def load_table(cursor, tablename, columns, data):
sql = 'INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({})'.format(
tablename, ', '.join(columns), ', '.join('%s' for c in columns))
for d in data:
with db_cursor(cursor_factory=None) as cursor:
cursor.execute(sql, d)
except psycopg2.errors.UniqueViolation as e:
def load_data(tablename, data):
print('loading data into {}'.format(tablename))
if not data:
columns = list(data[0].keys())
with db_cursor(cursor_factory=None) as cursor:
load_table(cursor, tablename, columns,
(tuple(d[c] for c in columns) for d in data))
def confirm_load():
module_count = execute_sql('SELECT count(*) FROM modules')[0]['count']
if module_count == 0:
return True
hostname = socket.gethostname()
sys.stdout.write('The modules table is not empty. You are on {}. '
'Confirm load. (yes/No) '.format(hostname))
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
confirmation = raw_input()
confirmation = input()
return confirmation.lower() == 'yes'
def load_book(filename):
infile =, 'r')
def get_data(field):
return json.loads(infile.extractfile('{}.json'.format(field)).read()
# Disable all the triggers except ...
with db_cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE modules DISABLE TRIGGER ALL')
cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE module_files DISABLE TRIGGER ALL')
cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE module_files ENABLE TRIGGER '
cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE modules ENABLE TRIGGER '
cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE modules ENABLE TRIGGER '
# first load everything that has nothing to do with modules
load_data('licenses', get_data('licenses'))
load_data('modulestates', get_data('modulestates'))
load_data('tags', get_data('tags'))
# files are divided into one json file per file
for f in sorted(infile.getnames()):
if f.startswith('files-'):
data = get_data(f.rsplit('.', 1)[0]) # remove .json
data['file'] = memoryview(base64.b64decode(data['file']))
load_data('files', [data])
# the "users" schema on staging is different from development
users = get_data('users')
for u in users:
for field in ('website', 'surname', 'firstname', 'id', 'fullname',
if field in u:
load_data('users', users)
load_data('document_controls', get_data('document_controls'))
load_data('document_acl', get_data('document_acl'))
load_data('abstracts', get_data('abstracts'))
# then load everything that depends on modules
# remove parents from modules, can't deal with them atm
modules = get_data('modules')
for m in modules:
m['parent'] = None
m['parentauthors'] = []
load_data('modules', modules)
load_data('module_files', get_data('module_files'))
load_data('moduletags', get_data('moduletags'))
load_data('trees', get_data('trees'))
# Enable the triggers again
with db_cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE modules ENABLE TRIGGER ALL')
cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE module_files ENABLE TRIGGER ALL')
__all__ = ('dump_book', 'load_book')
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1] not in __all__:
'Usage: {name} dump_book book_ident_hash [book_ident_hash ...]\n'
' or {name} load_book filename [filename ...]\n'
if sys.argv[1] == 'load_book':
if not confirm_load():
sys.stderr.write('load_book aborted.\n')
for arg in sys.argv[2:]:
print('Running: {} {}'.format(sys.argv[1], arg))
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