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Created October 26, 2013 17:19
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Save karenetheridge/7172124 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
too over the top? :)
09:00 < ether> priodev, are you ?
09:00 < ether> and are you really a frog?
09:01 < priodev> ether, yes and yes
09:01 < priodev> .ô/
09:02 < ether> :D
09:02 < priodev> ether, are you really a cat?
09:02 < ether> >o.o<
09:03 < ether> yes, in the non-creepy/furry way
09:04 < ether> I should add you to Acme::CPANAuthors::Nonhuman!
09:04 < priodev> ahhahahaha let me check that distro
09:05 < priodev> hahahahaha nice, I should make a pull request, then!
09:05 < ether> :D
09:09 < priodev> today I've learned that parsing the output of unix date command is not trivial.
09:09 < priodev> s/trivial/easy/
09:10 < priodev> s/easy/possible/
09:24 < priodev> ether, done!
09:25 < priodev> I couldn't get prove or dzil to run tests
09:25 < priodev> but I assume another name on the list wont break it :P
09:27 < priodev>
09:28 < ether> yeah I shipped that dist last night using a trial release of Dist::Zilla, that has encoding fixes, and that dist is now bound to that
09:29 < ether> plus it does a lot of mangling of the content, so there's a lot of developer prereqs :)
09:29 < ether> all for a hash of pause IDs => names! :)
09:29 < priodev> So I've found :P
09:29 < ether> and pretty html!
09:29 < priodev> \o/
10:04 < ether> [@Author::ETHER/UploadToCPAN] POSTing upload for Acme-CPANAuthors-Nonhuman-0.013.tar.gz to
10:05 < priodev> ether, cool, I'm on the club :P
10:11 < ether> it's nice to see more amphibians writing code
10:11 < ether> the community has been too mammal-centric, I feel
10:12 < ether> cats in particular. Looking around, one might conclude this is a cats-only club.
10:15 < priodev> which is probably what scares all other animals from joining.
10:16 < ether> I guess we don't recognize our own privilege
10:17 < ether> we don't *mean* to be exclusive. when we say "hey baby, nice fur" or "fish or GTFO", we're just kidding around, honest!
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