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Last active December 31, 2015 23:59
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Save karenetheridge/8063581 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cpantesters reports submitted for perl 5.19.7
sending: (, LEONT, ExtUtils-Helpers-0.021, PASS)
sending: (, LEONT, ExtUtils-Config-0.007, PASS)
sending: (, LEONT, ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.010, PASS)
sending: (, LEONT, Module-Build-0.4203, PASS)
sending: (, LEONT, Module-Build-Tiny-0.030, PASS)
sending: (, PETDANCE, File-Next-1.12, PASS)
sending: (, PETDANCE, ack-2.12, PASS)
sending: (, DOY, Try-Tiny-0.18, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Test-Fatal-0.013, PASS)
sending: (, TOKUHIROM, Test-Requires-0.07, PASS)
sending: (, ZEFRAM, Module-Runtime-0.013, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, Module-Implementation-0.07, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, Params-Validate-1.08, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Sub-Install-0.927, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, Params-Util-1.07, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Data-OptList-0.109, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Sub-Exporter-0.987, PASS)
sending: (, FDALY, Test-Tester-0.109, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, Test-NoWarnings-1.04, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Test-Deep-0.112, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Test-Warnings-0.013, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Getopt-Long-Descriptive-0.096, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, List-MoreUtils-0.33, PASS)
sending: (, DOY, Dist-CheckConflicts-0.10, PASS)
sending: (, DOY, Package-Stash-XS-0.28, PASS)
sending: (, DOY, Package-Stash-0.36, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, Class-Load-0.20, PASS)
sending: (, SIMONW, Module-Pluggable-4.8, PASS)
sending: (, MAKAMAKA, JSON-2.90, PASS)
sending: (, CFRANKS, Browser-Open-0.04, PASS)
sending: (, GAAS, URI-1.60, PASS)
sending: (, WYANT, Mac-Pasteboard-0.006, FAIL)
sending: (, PETDANCE, HTML-Tagset-3.20, PASS)
sending: (, GAAS, HTML-Parser-3.71, PASS)
sending: (, CJM, HTML-Tree-5.03, PASS)
sending: (, GAAS, HTTP-Date-6.02, PASS)
sending: (, GAAS, LWP-MediaTypes-6.02, PASS)
sending: (, GAAS, Encode-Locale-1.03, PASS)
sending: (, CJM, IO-HTML-1.00, PASS)
sending: (, GAAS, HTTP-Message-6.06, PASS)
sending: (, GAAS, HTTP-Cookies-6.01, PASS)
sending: (, GAAS, Net-HTTP-6.06, PASS)
sending: (, GAAS, WWW-RobotRules-6.02, PASS)
sending: (, GAAS, HTTP-Daemon-6.01, PASS)
sending: (, GAAS, File-Listing-6.04, PASS)
sending: (, GAAS, HTTP-Negotiate-6.01, PASS)
sending: (, GAAS, libwww-perl-6.05, PASS)
sending: (, GAAS, HTML-Form-6.03, PASS)
sending: (, URI, File-Slurp-9999.19, PASS)
sending: (, RSAVAGE, Tree-DAG_Node-1.18, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Sub-Uplevel-0.24, PASS)
sending: (, CHORNY, Test-Warn-0.24, PASS)
sending: (, FLORA, FCGI-0.74, PASS)
sending: (, MARKSTOS,, PASS)
sending: (, JESSE, HTTP-Server-Simple-0.44, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, WWW-Mechanize-1.73, PASS)
sending: (, HAARG, local-lib-1.008026, PASS)
sending: (, GBARR, CPAN-DistnameInfo-0.12, PASS)
sending: (, TOKUHIROM, cpan-outdated-0.28, PASS)
sending: (, INGY, YAML-0.88, PASS)
sending: (, XAICRON, App-pmuninstall-0.30, PASS)
sending: (, RSAVAGE, Config-Tiny-2.20, PASS)
sending: (, ABH, Mozilla-CA-20130114, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Test-Reporter-1.60, PASS)
sending: (, KWILLIAMS, Probe-Perl-0.03, PASS)
sending: (, BARBIE, Devel-Platform-Info-0.11, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Capture-Tiny-0.23, PASS)
sending: (, CHANSEN, Mac-SystemDirectory-0.06, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, IPC-Run3-0.046, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, Test-Script-1.07, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, File-Which-1.09, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, File-HomeDir-1.00, PASS)
sending: (, GARU, CPAN-Testers-Common-Client-0.07, PASS)
sending: (, ADIE, Test-Exception-0.32, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Data-UUID-1.219, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Data-GUID-0.048, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, IO-Prompt-Tiny-0.002, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Metabase-Fact-0.023, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Metabase-Client-Simple-0.009, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008, PASS)
sending: (, KAWASAKI, Lingua-KO-Romanize-Hangul-0.20, PASS)
sending: (, KAWASAKI, Lingua-ZH-Romanize-Pinyin-0.23, PASS)
sending: (, DANKOGAI, Unicode-Unihan-0.04, PASS)
sending: (, NEZUMI, MIME-Charset-1.011.1, PASS)
sending: (, NEZUMI, Unicode-LineBreak-2013.11, PASS)
sending: (, KAWASAKI, Lingua-JA-Romanize-Japanese-0.23, PASS)
sending: (, SADAHIRO, Lingua-KO-Hangul-Util-0.27, PASS)
sending: (, GREGFAST, Lingua-EN-Syllable-0.251, PASS)
sending: (, BDFOY, Unicode-Tussle-1.05, PASS)
sending: (, BARBIE, Test-CPAN-Meta-0.23, PASS)
sending: (, ANDK, Devel-Symdump-2.11, PASS)
sending: (, RCLAMP, Pod-Coverage-0.23, PASS)
sending: (, PETDANCE, Test-Pod-Coverage-1.08, PASS)
sending: (, GAAS, IO-String-1.08, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Mixin-Linewise-0.103, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Pod-Eventual-0.094001, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Pod-Coverage-TrustPod-0.100003, PASS)
sending: (, TODDR, IPC-Run-0.92, PASS)
sending: (, MSCHILLI, Log-Log4perl-1.42, PASS)
sending: (, MSCHILLI, Archive-Tar-Wrapper-0.18, PASS)
sending: (, CHANSEN, Unicode-UTF8-0.60, PASS)
sending: (, RURBAN, Cpanel-JSON-XS-2.3403, PASS)
sending: (, TODDR, YAML-Syck-1.27, PASS)
sending: (, VPIT, indirect-0.31, PASS)
sending: (, XAOC, ExtUtils-Depends-0.306, PASS)
sending: (, ZEFRAM, B-Hooks-OP-Check-0.19, PASS)
sending: (, ZEFRAM, Lexical-SealRequireHints-0.007, PASS)
sending: (, ILMARI, multidimensional-0.011, PASS)
sending: (, ILMARI, bareword-filehandles-0.003, PASS)
sending: (, HAARG, strictures-1.005002, PASS)
sending: (, LEONT, CPAN-Meta-Check-0.008, PASS)
sending: (, LEONT, Test-CheckDeps-0.010, PASS)
sending: (, FREW, Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001011, PASS)
sending: (, HAARG, Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.12, PASS)
sending: (, BOBTFISH, MRO-Compat-0.12, PASS)
sending: (, FLORA, Sub-Name-0.05, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, Task-Weaken-1.04, PASS)
sending: (, DOY, Eval-Closure-0.11, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, Class-Load-XS-0.06, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, Package-DeprecationManager-0.13, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Moose-2.1005, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Path-Tiny-0.051, PASS)
sending: (, GWYN, File-ShareDir-Install-0.05, PASS)
sending: (, DMUEY, File-Copy-Recursive-0.38, PASS)
sending: (, MJD, Text-Template-1.46, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Test-FailWarnings-0.008, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Data-Section-0.200005, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Software-License-0.103008, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, Class-Inspector-1.28, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, File-ShareDir-1.03, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, IO-TieCombine-1.003, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, String-RewritePrefix-0.007, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, App-Cmd-0.323, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, File-pushd-1.005, PASS)
sending: (, RCLAMP, Number-Compare-0.03, PASS)
sending: (, RCLAMP, Text-Glob-0.09, PASS)
sending: (, RCLAMP, File-Find-Rule-0.33, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, List-AllUtils-0.07, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Config-INI-0.021, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, MooseX-SetOnce-0.200002, PASS)
sending: (, BINGOS, Log-Message-0.08, PASS)
sending: (, BINGOS, Log-Message-Simple-0.10, PASS)
sending: (, BINGOS, Term-UI-0.38, PASS)
sending: (, SARTAK, MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.02, PASS)
sending: (, CHOCOLATE, Scope-Guard-0.20, PASS)
sending: (, CHOCOLATE, autobox-2.82, PASS)
sending: (, GBARR, TimeDate-2.30, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, String-Formatter-0.102084, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, String-Errf-0.007, PASS)
sending: (, VPIT, Variable-Magic-0.53, PASS)
sending: (, BOBTFISH, B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12, PASS)
sending: (, RIBASUSHI, namespace-clean-0.24, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Role-HasMessage-0.006, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, Devel-StackTrace-1.30, PASS)
sending: (, HAARG, Role-Tiny-1.003002, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Class-Method-Modifiers-2.09, PASS)
sending: (, MSTROUT, Moo-1.003001, PASS)
sending: (, MATEU, MooX-Types-MooseLike-0.25, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Throwable-0.200009, PASS)
sending: (, CHORNY, Tie-IxHash-1.23, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Role-Identifiable-0.007, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, namespace-autoclean-0.15, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, MooseX-OneArgNew-0.004, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Config-MVP-2.200006, PASS)
sending: (, STBEY, Carp-Clan-6.04, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, MooseX-Types-0.40, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Sub-Exporter-ForMethods-0.100051, PASS)
sending: (, ANDYA, Perl-Version-1.011, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Config-MVP-Reader-INI-2.101462, PASS)
sending: (, KWILLIAMS, Path-Class-0.33, PASS)
sending: (, THEPLER, MooseX-Types-Path-Class-0.06, PASS)
sending: (, PHAYLON, syntax-0.004, PASS)
sending: (, FREW, Syntax-Keyword-Junction-0.003007, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Moose-Autobox-0.15, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, YAML-Tiny-1.56, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, String-Flogger-1.101244, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, Log-Dispatch-2.41, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Log-Dispatch-Array-1.002, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Sub-Exporter-GlobExporter-0.004, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Log-Dispatchouli-2.008, PASS)
sending: (, OVID, aliased-0.31, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, MooseX-LazyRequire-0.10, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Class-Tiny-0.014, PASS)
sending: (, KENTNL, Test-File-ShareDir-0.4.1, PASS)
sending: (, JSTOWE, TermReadKey-2.31, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, CPAN-Uploader-0.103006, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, MooseX-Types-Perl-0.101342, PASS)
sending: (, GARU, Clone-0.36, PASS)
sending: (, TMTM, Class-Data-Inheritable-0.08, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, Exception-Class-1.37, PASS)
sending: (, TYEMQ, Algorithm-Diff-1.1902, PASS)
sending: (, OVID, Text-Diff-1.41, PASS)
sending: (, OVID, Test-Differences-0.61, PASS)
sending: (, OVID, Test-Most-0.31, PASS)
sending: (, ROKR, Hash-Merge-Simple-0.051, PASS)
sending: (, CHORNY, Hook-LexWrap-0.24, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, Test-SubCalls-1.09, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, Test-Object-0.07, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, File-Remove-1.52, FAIL)
sending: (, DROLSKY, DateTime-Locale-0.45, PASS)
sending: (, BDFOY, Test-Output-1.02, PASS)
sending: (, ABW, Class-Singleton-1.4, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, DateTime-TimeZone-1.63, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, DateTime-1.04, PASS)
sending: (, MIYAGAWA, Term-Encoding-0.02, PASS)
sending: (, LEONT, Devel-FindPerl-0.012, PASS)
sending: (, NEILB, Module-Path-0.09, PASS)
sending: (, PEVANS, List-UtilsBy-0.09, PASS)
sending: (, RSRCHBOY, TAP-SimpleOutput-0.002, PASS)
sending: (, RSRCHBOY, Test-Moose-More-0.022, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, MooseX-Types-Common-0.001012, PASS)
sending: (, RSRCHBOY, MooseX-AttributeShortcuts-0.022, PASS)
sending: (, KENTNL, Path-IsDev-1.000002, PASS)
sending: (, KENTNL, Path-FindDev-0.4.2, PASS)
sending: (, KENTNL, Dist-Zilla-Util-RoleDB-0.001000, PASS)
sending: (, GAAS, Data-Dump-1.22, PASS)
sending: (, KENTNL, Path-ScanINC-0.011, PASS)
sending: (, DCONWAY, Perl6-Export-Attrs-0.0.3, PASS)
sending: (, CTILMES, Pod-Usage-CommandLine-0.04, PASS)
sending: (, PSHANGOV, App-PodPreview-0.002, PASS)
sending: (, DOY, MooseX-NonMoose-0.24, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, File-chdir-0.1008, PASS)
sending: (, PJCJ, Devel-Cover-1.08, FAIL)
sending: (, RSCHUPP, Module-ScanDeps-1.12, PASS)
sending: (, RSCHUPP, PAR-Dist-0.49, PASS)
sending: (, MIYAGAWA, Module-Install-Repository-0.06, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, String-Truncate-1.100601, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Pod-Elemental-0.102364, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Pod-Elemental-Transformer-List-0.102000, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Test-Filename-0.03, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Path-Iterator-Rule-1.006, PASS)
sending: (, CHROMATIC, UNIVERSAL-isa-1.20120726, PASS)
sending: (, CHROMATIC, UNIVERSAL-can-1.20120726, PASS)
sending: (, CHROMATIC, Test-MockObject-1.20120301, PASS)
sending: (, SREZIC, Parse-CPAN-Packages-Fast-0.07, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Version-Next-0.002, PASS)
sending: (, KENTNL, MooseX-Has-Sugar-0.05070422, PASS)
sending: (, EDAVIS, Sort-Versions-1.5, PASS)
sending: (, DSB, Env-Path-0.19, PASS)
sending: (, GENEHACK, Git-Wrapper-0.030, PASS)
sending: (, SAPER, Devel-SimpleTrace-0.08, PASS)
sending: (, PJF, IPC-System-Simple-1.25, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, URI-FromHash-0.04, PASS)
sending: (, RWSTAUNER, Config-MVP-Slicer-0.302, PASS)
sending: (, ABRAXXA, Test-Portability-Files-0.06, PASS)
sending: (, DCONWAY, Lingua-EN-Inflect-1.895, PASS)
sending: (, KENTNL, File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir-0.5.2, PASS)
sending: (, XENO, Pod-Spell-1.13, PASS)
sending: (, SANKO, Readonly-1.04, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, File-Find-Rule-Perl-1.13, PASS)
sending: (, XENO, Test-Version-1.002004, PASS)
sending: (, DARREN, String-Format-1.17, PASS)
sending: (, SHANCOCK, Perl-Tidy-20130922, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Email-Address-1.900, PASS)
sending: (, RURBAN, B-Keywords-1.13, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Exception-Class-TryCatch-1.12, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Getopt-Lucid-1.05, PASS)
sending: (, JTBRAUN, Parse-RecDescent-1.967009, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Pod-WikiDoc-0.20, PASS)
sending: (, SARTAK, Test-Spelling-0.19, PASS)
sending: (, BOBTFISH, Test-NoTabs-1.3, PASS)
sending: (, DAVIDO, Set-Scalar-1.26, PASS)
sending: (, BOBTFISH, Directory-Scratch-0.15, PASS)
sending: (, BBB, File-NFSLock-1.21, FAIL)
sending: (, SWALTERS, autobox-Core-1.27, PASS)
sending: (, MSCHWERN, Exporter-Lite-0.02, PASS)
sending: (, MOTEMEN, Test-Deep-JSON-0.02, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Devel-Declare-0.006014, PASS)
sending: (, RHESA, Method-Signatures-Simple-1.07, PASS)
sending: (, MARKOV, MailTools-2.12, PASS)
sending: (, DSKOLL, MIME-tools-5.505, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Email-Date-Format-1.004, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Email-Simple-2.202, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Email-Abstract-3.006, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Email-Valid-1.192, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, MooseX-Types-Email-0.006, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Devel-PartialDump-0.17, PASS)
sending: (, ILMARI, MooseX-Types-DateTime-0.08, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, MooseX-Types-Structured-0.30, PASS)
sending: (, BOBTFISH, Test-EOL-1.5, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, MooseX-SlurpyConstructor-1.2, PASS)
sending: (, GFUJI, Test-Vars-0.005, PASS)
sending: (, RWSTAUNER, Pod-Markdown-1.500, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, File-Find-Rule-VCS-1.08, PASS)
sending: (, KASEI, Class-Accessor-0.34, PASS)
sending: (, PHRED, Archive-Zip-1.34, FAIL)
sending: (, ISHIGAKI, Test-UseAllModules-0.14, PASS)
sending: (, REYNOLDS, IO-Capture-0.05, PASS)
sending: (, TYPESTER, Array-Diff-0.07, PASS)
sending: (, DOMM, Pod-Strip-1.02, PASS)
sending: (, DOMM, Module-ExtractUse-0.32, PASS)
Deep recursion on anonymous subroutine at /Users/ether/.perlbrew/libs/19.7@std/lib/perl5/App/cpanminus/ line 206, <$fh> line 40846.
sending: (, BRICAS, CPAN-Changes-0.27, PASS)
Deep recursion on anonymous subroutine at /Users/ether/.perlbrew/libs/19.7@std/lib/perl5/App/cpanminus/ line 206, <$fh> line 40930.
sending: (, MSCHWERN, URI-Find-20111103, PASS)
sending: (, DWHEELER, Test-Pod-1.48, PASS)
sending: (, APOCAL, Test-Pod-No404s-0.01, PASS)
sending: (, DSKOLL, IO-stringy-2.110, PASS)
sending: (, BRADFITZ, Unicode-CheckUTF8-1.03, PASS)
sending: (, SYP, Test-Mojibake-0.8, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, File-Remove-1.52, FAIL)
sending: (, HAYASHI, Term-ReadLine-Gnu-1.20, PASS)
sending: (, ROODE, Readonly-XS-1.05, PASS)
sending: (, BBB, File-NFSLock-1.21, FAIL)
sending: (, PHRED, Archive-Zip-1.34, FAIL)
sending: (, ETHER, Test-CleanNamespaces-0.05, PASS)
sending: (, ROKR, Config-Identity-0.0016, PASS)
sending: (, ROBIN, PadWalker-1.98, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, Class-Factory-Util-1.7, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, DateTime-Format-Strptime-1.54, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, DateTime-Format-Builder-0.81, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, DateTime-Format-MySQL-0.04, PASS)
sending: (, FLORA, Algorithm-C3-0.08, PASS)
sending: (, ALEXMV, Module-Refresh-0.17, PASS)
sending: (, MBARBON, Module-Info-0.35, PASS)
sending: (, RKINYON, DBM-Deep-2.0010, PASS)
sending: (, ABIGAIL, Regexp-Common-2013031301, PASS)
sending: (, PHAYLON, Declare-Constraints-Simple-0.03, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, asa-1.03, PASS)
sending: (, NUFFIN, IO-Handle-Util-0.01, PASS)
sending: (, SARTAK, Any-Moose-0.21, PASS)
sending: (, SUKRIA, Test-TinyMocker-0.05, PASS)
sending: (, XSAWYERX, MetaCPAN-API-0.43, PASS)
sending: (, SZABGAB, Parallel-ForkManager-1.05, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, Test-DependentModules-0.17, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, Test-ClassAPI-1.06, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, Pod-Tests-1.19, PASS)
sending: (, XENO, File-chmod-0.40, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, Algorithm-Dependency-1.110, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, prefork-1.04, PASS)
sending: (, JHOBLITT, DateTime-Calendar-Mayan-0.0601, PASS)
sending: (, NUFFIN, Tie-ToObject-0.03, PASS)
sending: (, DOY, Data-Visitor-0.30, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, Params-Coerce-0.14, PASS)
sending: (, LDS, Devel-Cycle-1.11, PASS)
sending: (, PETDANCE, Test-Memory-Cycle-1.04, PASS)
sending: (, RGARCIA, Sub-Identify-0.04, PASS)
sending: (, CHROMATIC, SUPER-1.20120705, PASS)
sending: (, MIYAGAWA, Data-Section-Simple-0.05, PASS)
sending: (, TBONE, Locale-US-2.112150, PASS)
sending: (, DOY, ExtUtils-MakeMaker-Dist-Zilla-Develop-0.02, PASS)
sending: (, RCLAMP, Devel-Caller-2.06, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, MooseX-Params-Validate-0.18, PASS)
sending: (, NUFFIN, Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat-0.03, PASS)
sending: (, NUFFIN, MooseX-Clone-0.05, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor-0.09, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, Specio-0.08, PASS)
sending: (, GFUJI, Test-LeakTrace-0.14, PASS)
ending: (, PETDANCE, ack-2.12, PASS)
sending: (, WYANT, Mac-Pasteboard-0.006, FAIL)
sending: (, ADAMK, File-Remove-1.52, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, PPI-1.215, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Perl-PrereqScanner-1.018, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Dist-Zilla-5.006, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Chrome-ExtraPrompt-0.006, PASS)
sending: (, KENTNL, Dist-Zilla-Role-Bootstrap-0.2.3, PASS)
sending: (, KENTNL, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.04000002, PASS)
sending: (, KENTNL, Dist-Zilla-App-Command-dumpphases-0.6.0, PASS)
sending: (, PSHANGOV, Dist-Zilla-App-Command-podpreview-0.004, PASS)
sending: (, KENTNL, Dist-Zilla-App-Command-dumpwith-0.001000, PASS)
sending: (, KENTNL, Dist-Zilla-App-Command-lsplugins-0.001000, PASS)
sending: (, PJCJ, Devel-Cover-1.08, FAIL)
sending: (, ADAMK, Module-Install-1.06, PASS)
sending: (, FLORA, Module-Install-AuthorRequires-0.02, PASS)
sending: (, BINGOS, Module-Install-ReadmeFromPod-0.22, PASS)
sending: (, BINGOS, Module-Install-GithubMeta-0.26, PASS)
sending: (, BINGOS, Module-Install-AutoLicense-0.08, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckChangesHasContent-0.006, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PromptIfStale-0.015, PASS)
sending: (, BINGOS, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GithubMeta-0.42, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckPrereqsIndexed-0.009, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Pod-Weaver-4.004, FAIL)
sending: (, RJBS, Pod-Elemental-PerlMunger-0.093333, PASS)
sending: (, DOLMEN, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReportVersions-Tiny-1.10, PASS)
sending: (, BBYRD, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Config-Git-0.92, PASS)
sending: (, CJM, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-2.019, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckExtraTests-0.016, PASS)
sending: (, XENO, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Version-0.002004, PASS)
sending: (, RWSTAUNER, Dist-Zilla-Config-Slicer-0.200, PASS)
sending: (, RWSTAUNER, Dist-Zilla-Role-DynamicConfig-1.002, PASS)
sending: (, RWSTAUNER, Dist-Zilla-Role-Stash-Plugins-1.006, PASS)
sending: (, RWSTAUNER, Dist-Zilla-Role-PluginBundle-PluginRemover-0.102, PASS)
sending: (, JQUELIN, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Perl-Critic-2.112410, PASS)
sending: (, RSRCHBOY, Dist-Zilla-Role-RegisterStash-0.002, PASS)
sending: (, BBB, File-NFSLock-1.21, FAIL)
sending: (, XENO, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-OurPkgVersion-0.005001, PASS)
sending: (, WYANT, PPIx-Regexp-0.035, PASS)
sending: (, ELLIOTJS, PPIx-Utilities-1.001000, PASS)
sending: (, THALJEF, Perl-Critic-1.121, PASS)
sending: (, CHORNY, Perl-MinimumVersion-1.32, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Test-MinimumVersion-0.101081, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Compile-2.039, PASS)
sending: (, KENTNL, Dist-Zilla-Util-Test-KENTNL-0.01015824, PASS)
sending: (, KENTNL, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaProvides-1.15000100, PASS)
sending: (, KENTNL, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaProvides-Package-1.15000001, PASS)
sending: (, APOCAL, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Authority-1.006, PASS)
sending: (, DOHERTY, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Portability-2.000005, PASS)
sending: (, DOHERTY, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-MinimumVersion-2.000005, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-InsertCopyright-0.002, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckMetaResources-0.001, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-ReportPrereqs-0.010, PASS)
sending: (, RTHOMPSON, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CopyFilesFromBuild-0.103510, PASS)
sending: (, XENO, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-PodSpelling-2.006002, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-AuthorDeps-0.002, PASS)
sending: (, FAYLAND, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReadmeFromPod-0.21, PASS)
sending: (, APOCAL, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MinimumPerl-1.003, PASS)
sending: (, MARCEL, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bugtracker-1.111080, PASS)
sending: (, FLORA, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-EOLTests-0.02, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-NoTabs-0.06, PASS)
sending: (, DOHERTY, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-InstallGuide-1.200002, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GenerateFile-ShareDir-0.003, PASS)
sending: (, RKITOVER, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-PushInitial-0.02, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckSelfDependency-0.006, PASS)
sending: (, PHRED, Archive-Zip-1.34, FAIL)
sending: (, RWSTAUNER, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Pod-No404s-1.001, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Module-Install-AuthorTests-0.002, PASS)
sending: (, KITANO, Test-LoadAllModules-0.022, PASS)
sending: (, GETTY, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Run-0.020, PASS)
sending: (, DOHERTY, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-CPAN-Changes-0.008, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-Describe-0.003, PASS)
sending: (, SYP, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MojibakeTests-0.5, PASS)
sending: (, DOHERTY, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-UnusedVars-2.000005, PASS)
sending: (, ALEXBIO, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GitHub-0.36, PASS)
sending: (, HAARG, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CopyFilesFromRelease-0.001, PASS)
sending: (, DOHERTY, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-InstallRelease-0.008, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Dist-Zilla-Role-File-ChangeNotification-0.001, PASS)
sending: (, RTHOMPSON, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReadmeAnyFromPod-0.133360, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MakeMaker-Awesome-0.18, PASS)
sending: (, LEONT, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ModuleBuildTiny-0.005, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MakeMaker-Fallback-0.005, PASS)
sending: (, AJGB, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-AutoMetaResources-1.20, PASS)
sending: (, KENTNL, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-Remote-Check-0.1.2, PASS)
sending: (, RJBS, Dist-Zilla-5.006, PASS)
sending: (, DAGOLDEN, Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-DAGOLDEN-0.059, PASS)
sending: (, FLORA, Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-FLORA-0.14, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Dist-Zilla-Role-File-ChangeNotification-0.001, PASS)
sending: (, RTHOMPSON, Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReadmeAnyFromPod-0.133360, PASS)
sending: (, RWSTAUNER, Pod-Markdown-1.500, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-ETHER-0.043, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor-0.09, PASS)
sending: (, DOY, Data-Visitor-0.30, PASS)
sending: (, NUFFIN, MooseX-Clone-0.05, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, MooseX-Params-Validate-0.18, PASS)
sending: (, DROLSKY, Specio-0.08, PASS)
sending: (, DOY, MooseX-NonMoose-0.24, PASS)
sending: (, ETHER, Moose-2.1005, PASS)
sending: (, ADAMK, File-Remove-1.52, FAIL)
sending: (, BBB, File-NFSLock-1.21, FAIL)
sending: (, PHRED, Archive-Zip-1.34, FAIL)
sending: (, PJCJ, Devel-Cover-1.08, FAIL)
sending: (, WYANT, Mac-Pasteboard-0.006, FAIL)
sending: (, WYANT, Mac-Pasteboard-0.006, FAIL)
sending: (, PJCJ, Devel-Cover-1.08, FAIL)
sending: (, RJBS, Pod-Weaver-4.004, FAIL)
sending: (, BBB, File-NFSLock-1.21, FAIL)
sending: (, PHRED, Archive-Zip-1.34, FAIL)
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