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Created August 22, 2015 17:18
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var Mocha = require('mocha');
var assert = require('assert');
var mocha = new Mocha({ui: 'bdd'});
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// 实现一个函数 sequence,参数是一个数组,是一系列的异步函数,返回一个新的函数,这个新的函数在调用的时候,会顺序的执行之前传递给 sequence 的函数数组,前一个函数的返回值作为下一个函数的参数,新函数的参数前面部分会传递给函数数组的第一个函数,当全部执行完成后,调用 新函数的 callback。
sequence([add1, add2])(1, function (err, res) {
console.log('hahahahah', res) // 4
function add1(input, callback) {
setTimeout(callback.bind(null, null, input + 1), 1000);
function add2(input, callback) {
setTimeout(callback.bind(null, null, input + 2), 1000);
@param array
@return function
function sequence(arrOfFunc){
// 注意参数,测试用例里面的参数是不固定的喔,需要自己判断到底第几个是 callback
// 一般来说我们都会约定一个函数的最后一个参数为 callback,同时 callback 一定是接收两个参数(err, data)
// 测试用例里面也体现了这一点
var tasks =
tasks = flatten(tasks)
return function test(){
var cb = arguments[arguments.length-1]
if(arrOfFunc === undefined ||
arrOfFunc === null ||
arrOfFunc.length === 0){
return cb(null, null)
var params =
var arr = params.slice(0, params.length-1)
if(tasks.length === 0){
return cb.apply(null, [null].concat(arr))
var cur = tasks.shift()
if(typeof cur !== 'function'){
return cb(new Error('input functions invalid'))
var callback = function(err, res){
if(err) return cb(err)
test(res, cb)
cur.apply(null, arr.concat([callback]))
function test(){
return function(){
function test1(){
var a =;
function test2(){
return function(){
// for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){
// setTimeout(function(){
// //console.log('why' , i , 'not 4')
// console.log(i)
// }, 100 * i)
// }
//wow, there's no blocking here
// for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){
// (function(i){
// setTimeout(function(){
// console.log(i)
// }, 100 * i)
// })(i)
// }
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
console.log('for end, now i is ', i)
function flatten(arr){
var result = []
var a = flatten(e)
result = result.concat(a)
return result
function add(num1, num2, callback) {
setTimeout(function () {
callback(null, num1 + num2)
}, 10)
function add1(num, callback) {
setTimeout(function () {
callback(null, num + 1)
}, 10)
function error(num, callback) {
setTimeout(function () {
callback(new Error('oops'))
}, 10)
// Bit of a hack, sorry!
mocha.suite.emit('pre-require', this, 'solution', mocha);
describe('test flatten', function(){
describe('when given a mixed arguments', function(){
it('should return a flatten array', function(done){
assert(flatten([1,[2,[3]]])) === [1,2,3]
describe('sequence', function() {
describe('when input function array is undefined', function () {
it('should callback null', function (done) {
sequence()(function (err, res) {
assert(err === null)
assert(res === null)
describe('when input function array is empty', function () {
it('should callback null', function (done) {
sequence([])(function (err, res) {
assert(err === null)
assert(res === null)
describe('when input functions in arguments', function () {
it('should callback with result', function (done) {
sequence(add, add1)(1, 1, function (err, res) {
assert(err === null)
assert(res === 3)
describe('when input functions in an array', function () {
it('should callback with result', function (done) {
sequence([add, add1])(1, 1, function (err, res) {
assert(err === null)
assert(res === 3)
//hey what should this do???
// dead_horse:这个是我写的么?
describe('when input functions in an array', function () {
it('should callback with result', function (done) {
sequence(add, [add1])(1, 1, function (err, res) {
assert(err === null)
assert(res === 3)
describe('when input functions in an array', function () {
it('should callback with result', function (done) {
sequence([add], add1)(1, 1, function (err, res) {
assert(err === null)
assert(res === 3)
describe('when error happened', function () {
it('should callback with error', function (done) {
sequence([add1, error])(1, function (err, res) {
assert(err.message === 'oops')
describe('when non-function elements in input arrays', function () {
it('should callback with an error', function (done) {
sequence([add, 1, error])(1, 1, function (err, res) {
assert(err.message === 'input functions invalid')
}); {});
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