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Last active November 24, 2022 17:28
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  • Save karenyyng/506eb67082cb82ea2dbc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save karenyyng/506eb67082cb82ea2dbc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Note: C- means pressing control button, not capital C. By default you are NOT in the insert mode, to enter the insert mode press i

Basic movements in non-insert mode

h   # left by 1 char
j   # down
k   # up 
l   # right 
C-f # next page 
C-b # previous page
gg  # top of page 
G   # bottom of page 
gt  # go to next tab 
gT  # go to previous tab
{i}gt # go to tab with number {i}

Go to definitions

gd   # local definition of variable highlighted under cursor 
gD   # global definition of variable 
C-o  # return to previous cursor location

Keyboard shortcuts to navigate splits:

C-w h  # move left to split
C-w j  # move down to split
C-w k  # move up to split 
C-w l  # move right to split

Swapping split / resizing split

C-w x  # swap split location
C-w =  # resize split to take up equal portion of the screen space
C-w H  # swap split to the left 
C-w J  # swap split to the bottom
C-w K  # swap split to the top
C-w L  # swap split to the right

Vim commands

The : means you are entering Vim commands

:Sex              # search file explorer in new horizontal split
:ol               # list a bunch of most recent files 
:browse old       # browse the recent files
:r                # replace
:!SHELL_COMMAND   # enter shell commands following ! and the command will be executed
:r !SHELL_COMMAND # replace current buffer with outputs of the SHELL_COMMAND
:tabe FILENAME    # open new tab with FILENAME in the new tab
:vsplit FILENAME  # open FILENAME in a vertical split on the left / right
:split FILENAME   # open FILENAME in a upper / bottom split
:tabe | :Sex      # chain command, first execute new tab then use search explorer

reload .vimrc file

:so %

configuring Eclim for Java / Scala autocompletion

some blog

append character / string to end of line



Debug ~/.vimrc

$ vim -u NONE ~/.vimrc

Navigating through large projects with multiple files

  • Ctags
  • taglist

Taglist installation and tips

SO post

Ctrl+] - go to definition
Ctrl+T - Jump back from the definition.
Ctrl+W Ctrl+] - Open the definition in a horizontal split

Add these lines in vimrc
map <C-\> :tab split<CR>:exec("tag ".expand("<cword>"))<CR>
map <A-]> :vsp <CR>:exec("tag ".expand("<cword>"))<CR>

Ctrl+\ - Open the definition in a new tab
Alt+] - Open the definition in a vertical split

After the tags are generated. You can use the following keys to tag into and tag out of functions:

Ctrl+Left MouseClick - Go to definition
Ctrl+Right MouseClick - Jump back from definition

Search and replace

simple search and you can use wild card with this. By default this is case sensitive


search and replace with regex

simple example


the last g tells Vim to replace all instances of a match. There are other options other than g that you can look up.

more complicated example

ref search the http protocol and domain from string and replace with only protocol & domain

Method 1:


use \{-}. Each searched regex pattern is surrounded by \( and \) in this mode. \1 give you the first match, \2

Method 2:

\v(https?):\/\/(.{-})\/.*        <-- Search
:%s,,Protocol:\1 - Domain:\2,g    <-- Substitution

:%s,, tells vim to use the last search results for the replacement.

\v is a magical search with regex with non greedy wildcard and you don't need to escape the () for the regex search group.

Method 3:

:%s/\v^(https?)\://([^/]+)/.*$!/Protocol:\1 \t Domaine:\2/g

\v allows magical regex search again :)

replace the nth pattern match


search current word under cursor

ref In normal mode, move the cursor to any word. Press * to search forwards for the next occurrence of that word, or press # to search backwards.

Using * (also , ) or # (also ) searches for the exact word at the cursor (searching for rain would not find rainbow).

Use g* or g# if you don't want to search for the exact word.

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