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Created April 21, 2010 09:49
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extension of jQuery linkselect plugin to enable { yPosition: 'top' } positioning
* Linkselect jQuery Plug-in
* Copyright 2008 Giva, Inc. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Date: 2009-07-30
* Rev: 1.2.08
// This is an extended version of the original plugin to be able to
// position linkselects by { yPosition: 'top' } thus visible above the
// target anchors (@see the change at line 653).
// set the version of the link select
$.linkselect = {version: "1.2.08"};
$.fn.linkselect = function(options) {
var method = typeof arguments[0] == "string" && arguments[0];
var args = method &&, 1) || arguments;
// if a method is supplied, execute it for non-empty results
if( method && this.length ){
// get a reference to the first linkselect found
var self = $.data(this[0], "linkselect");
// if request a copy of the object, return it
if( method.toLowerCase() == "object" ) return self;
// if method is defined, run it and return either it's results or the chain
else if( self[method] ){
// define a result variable to return to the jQuery chain
var result;
this.each(function (i){
// apply the method to the current element
var r = $.data(this, "linkselect")[method].apply(self, args);
// if first iteration we need to check if we're done processing or need to add it to the jquery chain
if( i == 0 && r ){
// if this is a jQuery item, we need to store them in a collection
if( !!r.jquery ){
result = $([]).add(r);
// otherwise, just store the result and stop executing
} else {
result = r;
// since we're a non-jQuery item, just cancel processing further items
return false;
// keep adding jQuery objects to the results
} else if( !!r && !!r.jquery ){
result = result.add(r);
// return either the results (which could be a jQuery object) or the original chain
return result || this;
// everything else, return the chain
} else return this;
// initializing request
} else {
// create a new linkselect for each object found
return this.each(function (){
new $.LinkSelect(this, options);
$.LinkSelect = function (el, options){
options = $.extend({}, $.LinkSelect.defaults, options);
var self = this, select = el, $select = $(el), shortcuts = {}, disabled = false, current_char_pos = 0, last_char_code, is_open = false;
// store the global properties = $select.attr("id");
// get/set the value of the field
this.val = function (value, doCallback){
// update the selected value
if( arguments.length > 0 ){
setSelectedItem(value, doCallback);
return $a;
else return $input.val();
// set the focus to the field
this.focus = function (){
// place focus asynchronously to avoid click collisions
setTimeout(function(){$a.focus();}, 1);
return $a;
// set the blur to the field
this.blur = function (){
// place focus asynchronously to avoid click collisions
setTimeout(function(){$a.blur();}, 1);
return $a;
// place focus and open the menu = function (callback, bDoFocus){
// if disabled, skip processing
if( disabled ) return $a;
// close any open linkselects
// place focus
if( bDoFocus !== false ) $a.trigger("focus");
// show the options asynchronously to avoid click collisions
setTimeout(function(){ showOptions(callback); }, 1);
return $a;
// disable the link
this.disable = function (status){
disabled = status;
// remove any existing disabled label
$a.parent().find("span." + options.classDisabled).remove();
// show/hide the anchor depending on the disabled status
$a[disabled ? "hide" : "show"]();
// if disabled, add a span
if( disabled ) $a.after('<span class="' + options.classDisabled + '">' + $a.html() + '</span>');
return $a;
// replace the options
this.replaceOptions = function (options, doCallback){
// remove the current options
// add each new item
$.each(options, function (i){
// create the new option
var $option = $("<option/>").attr("value", this.value).html(this.text);
// check to see if the option should be selected
if( this.selected == true ) $option.attr("selected", "selected");
// if any classes were specified, add them
if( this.className ) $option.addClass(this.className);
// add the new option to the array
// we need to repaint the dropdown so the widht/height all get recalculated based on the new properties
// bind the new triggers
// update the selected value
getSelectedItem().trigger("click.linkselect", [true, doCallback]);
var $html = createHtml();
// insert the new html and remove the old stuff
// get the hidden input field
var $input = $html.filter("input");
// get anchor
var $a = $html.filter("a");
// get container
var $container = $html.filter("div");
// get scrollable list
var $scrollable = $html.find(".scrollable");
// get the title
var $title = $html.find(".title");
// get the list
var $ul = $container.find("ul");
// track last event
var lastCurrentEvent;
// copy the class statements to the input field (this is so class based selectors still work)
// store a reference to this link select
$.data($input[0], "linkselect", this);
// move the container to the main body so it can be correctly positioned absolutely
// add the container to the body (this is so we can correctly absolutely position it)
// if user is moving the mouse, we want to make sure to trigger the mouseover event
.bind("mousemove.linkselect", function (e){
lastCurrentEvent = e;
// this function will bind the elements
function bindItems(){
.bind("mouseover.linkselect", function (e){
// if we're moving via the keyboard, then kill processing
if( lastCurrentEvent && lastCurrentEvent.type == "keydown" ) return;
// highlight the current option
lastCurrentEvent = e;
.bind("click.linkselect", function (e, nofocus, doCallback){
// stop the default behavior
// remove the selected class from the previous option
var $previous = getSelectedItem().removeClass(options.classSelected);
// get the currently selected item and remove the class
var $current = $(this).addClass(options.classSelected);
var value = $current.attr("rel") || "";
var text = $current.find("." + options.classValue).html();
// hide the container
// trigger the change callback if it's false, stop processing
if( (doCallback !== false) && (($.isFunction(options.change) && (options.change.apply(self, [this, value, text, doCallback]) === false)) || ($.isFunction($select[0].onchange) && ($select[0].onchange.apply(self, [this, value, text, doCallback]) === false))) ){
// restore the selected classes (since we're not selecting this option)
// update the hidden value
// update the text of the anchor and trigger the focus handler
$a.html(text)[(nofocus !== true)?"trigger":"triggerHandler"]("focus", [nofocus]);
// if the field is disabled, update the disabled label
if( disabled ) $a.parent().find("span." + options.classDisabled).html(text);
// bind events to the list items
$a.bind("click.linkselect", function(e){
// make sure the link has focus for IE6
if( $.browser.msie ){
setTimeout(function (){
}, 0);
.bind("focus.linkselect", function (e, nofocus){
// we need to make sure not to re-add the class for IE6 since we have to reset the focus
if( !$":visible") && (nofocus !== true) ){
.bind("blur.linkselect", function (e){
// if not coming from a live user event, then hide the options
if( isJQueryEvent(e) ) hideOptions();
.bind(($.browser.safari ? "keydown" : "keypress" ) + ".linkselect", function(e, e2){
// if we've passed a copy of an event object, use that instead
if( !!e2 ) var e = e2;
var key = e.keyCode || e.charCode, cur_char = String.fromCharCode(key).toLowerCase();
switch(key) {
case 38: // up
case 40: // down
moveSelect((key == 38) ? -1 : 1);
lastCurrentEvent = e;
case 13: // return
// only select the item if the menu is visible
if( $":visible") ){
$container.find('li.' + options.classCurrent).trigger('click.linkselect');
} else {
case 9: // tab
case 27: // escape
case 35: // end
lastCurrentEvent = e;
case 36: // home
lastCurrentEvent = e;
case 33: // page up
case 34: // page down
var isVisible = $":visible");
// show the container so we can get heights
if( !isVisible ) $;
var iItemsPerPage = parseInt($scrollable.height()/$ul.find("li:first").outerHeight(), 10);
// now hide the container
if( !isVisible ) $container.hide();
// move up/down the total number of items visible
moveSelect((key == 33) ? iItemsPerPage * -1 : iItemsPerPage);
// if we're pressed a different key, then restart the array position
if( cur_char != last_char_code ) current_char_pos = 0;
// store the current character
last_char_code = cur_char;
// check to see if there's a keyboard shortcut configured for the key press
if( typeof shortcuts[cur_char] != "undefined" ){
// if we're outside the bounds of the array, go back to zero
if( current_char_pos >= shortcuts[cur_char].length ) current_char_pos = 0;
// if there is, trigger the click event
$ul.find('#' + + '_li_' + shortcuts[cur_char][current_char_pos]).trigger("click.linkselect");
// increase the array position
// IE6 doesn't register certain keypress events, so we must catch them during the keydown event
if( $.browser.msie ) $a.bind("keydown.linkselect", function (e){
// check to see if a key was pressed that IE6 doesn't trigger a keypress event for
if( ",8,9,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,".indexOf("," + e.keyCode + ",") > -1 ) return $(this).triggerHandler("keypress.linkselect", [e]);
// we need to close the menu if we don't click on it
$(document).bind("click.linkselect", function (e){
if( ( !== $a[0]) && ( !== $scrollable[0]) && $":visible") ){
// make sure we remove the focus class
// move the layer on a resize
$(window).resize(function (){
if( is_open )
anchorTo($a, $container, true)
// create the replacement html
function createHtml(){
var id =;
var title = $select.attr("title");
// get the selected text
var text = select.selectedIndex == -1 ? "" : select[select.selectedIndex].text;
var value = select.selectedIndex == -1 ? "" : select[select.selectedIndex][($.browser.msie && $.browser.version <= 7 && !(select[select.selectedIndex].attributes['value'].specified)) ? "text" : "value"];
// get the current tab index and make sure to copy it
var tabindex = $select.attr("tabindex");
var aHtml = [
'<a href="#' + + '" id="' + + '_link" class="' + options.classLink + '"' + (tabindex ? ' tabindex="' + tabindex + '"' : '') + '>' + text + '</a>'
, '<input type="hidden" name="' + + '" id="' + + '" value="' + value + '" />'
, '<div class="' + options.classContainer + '">'
, (title) ? '<div class="title"><span>' + title + '</span></div>' : ''
, '<div class="scrollable"><ul id="' + + '_list">'
, generateOptions($select.children('option'))
, '</ul></div>'
, '</div>'
// generate and return the new HTML
return $(aHtml.join(""));
function generateOptions($options){
// purge the shortcut list
shortcuts = [];
// an array to store the <li/> tags we're creating
var lis = [];
var $option = $(this);
var bSelected = $":selected");
var label = $.trim($option.text());
var html = '<span class="' + options.classValue + '">' + label + '</span>';
var value = $.browser.msie && $.browser.version <= 7 && !(this.attributes['value'].specified) ? this.text : this.value
// if a special format renderer has been specified, use it (will use original HTML if format function returns false or undefined)
if( $.isFunction(options.format) ) html = options.format.apply(self, [html, value, label, i, $option, options]) || html;
var first_char = (label.length > 1) ? label.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() : "";
// create an array of shortcut keys
if( !shortcuts[first_char] ) shortcuts[first_char] = [];
// push the position into the array
// get the current class statement
var cn = $.trim(this.className + ' ' + (bSelected ? options.classSelected : ''));
lis.push('<li id="' + + '_li_' + i + '" rel="' + value + (cn.length > 0 ? '" class="' + cn : '') + '">' + html + '</li>');
return lis.join("");
function repaint(){
// make sure we re-init the menu width on first show
bFixedWidth = false;
// clear styles that will effect recalculating the width of the drop down
$container[0].style.width = "";
if( $title.length ){
$title[0].style.width = "";
$title.css("float", "");
// re-generate get the html making up all the new options and update the cache
// set the currently selected item
function setSelectedItem(value, doCallback){
// look for the currently selected item
var $selected = $ul.find("li[rel=" + value + "]");
// if nothing is selected, get the first item
if( $selected.length == 0 ) $selected = $ul.find("li:eq(0)");
// return the selected item
return $selected.trigger("click.linkselect", [true, doCallback]);
// get the currently selected item
function getSelectedItem(){
// look for the currently selected item
var $selected = $ul.find("li.selected");
// if nothing is selected, get the first item
if( $selected.length == 0 ) $selected = $ul.find("li:eq(0)");
// return the selected item
return $selected;
// get the currently selected item
function getHighlightedItem(){
// look for the currently selected item
var $selected = $ul.find("li.current");
// if nothing is selected, get the first item
if( $selected.length == 0 ) $selected = getSelectedItem();
// return the selected item
return $selected;
function setHighlightedItem($el){
// remove the currently selected item
// highlight the current row
return $el;
// move the selected item
function moveSelect(step){
// get the currently selected item
var $current = getHighlightedItem();
var pos = parseInt($current.attr("id").replace(/(.+)(_(\d+$))/gi, "$3"), 10);
moveTo(pos + step);
// move the selected item
function moveTo(pos){
var $li = $("li", $container), $next;
// if the options are empty, cancel request
if( !$li || $li.length == 0 ) return false;
// get the currently selected item
var $current = getHighlightedItem().removeClass(options.classCurrent);
// don't go lower than first item
if( isNaN(pos) || pos < 0 ){
$next = $li.eq(0);
// if greater than last position
} else if( pos > $li.length - 1 ){
$next = $li.eq($li.length - 1);
// get the first item
} else {
$next = $li.eq(pos);
// if the container is open
if( $":visible") ){
// change highlighted option
// make sure the item is in the viewable area
} else {
// only trigger the click if we've moved positions
if( $current[0] !== $next[0] ) $next.trigger("click.linkselect");
function moveFirst(){
function moveLast(){
function scrollIntoView($el, center){
var el = $el[0];
var scrollable = $scrollable[0];
// get the padding which is need to adjust the scrollTop
var s = {pTop: parseInt($scrollable.css("paddingTop"), 10)||0, pBottom: parseInt($scrollable.css("paddingBottom"), 10)||0, bTop: parseInt($scrollable.css("borderTopWidth"), 10)||0, bBottom: parseInt($scrollable.css("borderBottomWidth"), 10)||0};
// scrolling down
if( (el.offsetTop + el.offsetHeight) > (scrollable.scrollTop + scrollable.clientHeight) ){
scrollable.scrollTop = $el.offset().top + (scrollable.scrollTop - $scrollable.offset().top) - ((scrollable.clientHeight/((center == true) ? 2 : 1)) - ($el.outerHeight() + s.pBottom));
// scrolling up
} else if( el.offsetTop - s.bTop - s.bBottom <= (scrollable.scrollTop + s.pTop + s.pBottom) ){
scrollable.scrollTop = $el.offset().top + (scrollable.scrollTop - $scrollable.offset().top) - s.pTop;
function toggleOptions(){
if( $":visible") ) hideOptions();
else showOptions();
var bFixedWidth = false;
function showOptions(callback){
// get the currently selected item
var $selected = getSelectedItem();
// add the a class to the anchor showing we're open
// display the options
// fix the width of the container
if( !bFixedWidth ){
// get the width of the anchor link unless inline, then grab width of parent
var aw = ($a.css("display").indexOf("inline") > -1) ? $a.parent().outerWidth() : $a.outerWidth();
// get the original width of the container
var width = options.fixedWidth ? aw : $container.width();
// make sure the width of the drop down is at least as wide as the link
if( width < aw ) width = aw;
// get the list element
var maxHeight = parseInt($scrollable.css("max-height"), 10);
// if IE6, we need to apply max-width/max-height rules (which are not support in IE)
if( $.browser.msie && $.browser.version <= 6 ){
if( (maxHeight > 0) && ($scrollable.height() > maxHeight) ) $scrollable.height(maxHeight);
// if scrolling list, adjust the width for the scrollbars
if( $ul.height() > maxHeight ) width += 25;
// make sure the width of everything isn't greater than the max-width CSS property
var maxWidth = parseInt("0" + $container.css("max-width"), 10);
if( (maxWidth > 0) && (width > maxWidth) ) width = aw = maxWidth;
// adjust the width of the dropdown
// webkit has a bug with detecting "max-width", so we must double check after setting the container width
if( $.browser.safari ){
var cw = $container.width();
if( aw > cw ) width = aw = cw;
// make the title bar the width of the anchor
// adjust the width for any padding in the title bar
if( $title.outerWidth() > aw ) $title.width(aw - ($title.outerWidth()-aw));
// check to see if we should right-align the title
if( options.titleAlign.toLowerCase() == "right" && !options.fixedWidth ) $title.css("float", "right");
// mark that we've fixed the width
bFixedWidth = true;
// anchor the options to the link
anchorTo($a, $container, true);
// if the bgIframe exists, use the plug-in
if( !!$.fn.bgIframe ) $container.bgIframe();
// scroll the selected item into view
scrollIntoView($selected, true);
// highlight the current option
// run the open callback
if( $.isFunction( ), [$container, $a, $selected, $title]);
// run any manual callback
if( $.isFunction(callback) ) callback.apply(this, [$container, $a, $selected, $title]);
is_open = true;
function hideOptions(nofocus){
// tell the anchor we're no longer open
if( nofocus !== true ) $a.addClass(options.classLinkFocus).removeClass(options.classLinkOpen);
if( $.isFunction(options.close) ) options.close.apply(this, [$container, $a, getSelectedItem(), $title]);
is_open = false;
function position($el){
var bHidden = false;
// if the element is hidden we must make it visible to the DOM to get
if ($":hidden")) {
bHidden = !!$el.css("visibility", "hidden").show();
// use offset to get the actual viewport position of the element (and not it's relative position)
var pos = $.extend($el.offset(),{
width: $el.outerWidth()
, height: $el.outerHeight()
, marginLeft: parseInt($.curCSS($el[0], "marginLeft", true), 10) || 0
, marginRight: parseInt($.curCSS($el[0], "marginRight", true), 10) || 0
, marginTop: parseInt($.curCSS($el[0], "marginTop", true), 10) || 0
, marginBottom: parseInt($.curCSS($el[0], "marginBottom", true), 10) || 0
if( pos.marginTop < 0 ) += pos.marginTop;
if( pos.marginLeft < 0 ) pos.left += pos.marginLeft;
pos["bottom"] = + pos.height;
pos["right"] = pos.left + pos.width;
// hide the element again
if( bHidden ) $el.hide().css("visibility", "visible");
return pos;
function anchorTo($anchor, $target){
var pos = position($anchor);
// get the screen dimensions
var sd = getScreenDimensions();
// get the far right edge of the option container
var farRight = $container.outerWidth() + pos.left;
// if we're going to be off the screen, adjust the position
if( farRight > sd.x ){
// adjust to the left by subtracting the list width and then adding the width of the title (which will cover up the anchor text)
pos.left = (pos.left - $container.outerWidth()) + $title.outerWidth();
} else {
// since the container isn't offscreen, see if we need to expand the width of the title bar
var cow = $container.outerWidth(), tow = $title.outerWidth();
// expand the title bar to the width of the container, subtracting the difference in padding
if( cow > tow ) $title.width(cow - (tow - $title.width()));
// NOTE: this is the 'extension' code added for y axis positioning
var topPos = pos[options.yAxis];
if ( options.yPosition == 'top' ) {
topPos -= $target.height() + pos.height;
// END
$target.css({ position: "absolute", top: topPos, left: pos.left });
return pos.bottom;
function getScreenDimensions(){
var d = {
scrollLeft: $(window).scrollLeft()
, scrollTop: $(window).scrollTop()
, width: $("body").width() // changed from innerWidth
, height: $("body").height() // changed from innerHeight
// calculate the correct x/y positions
d.x = d.scrollLeft + d.width;
d.y = d.scrollTop + d.height;
return d;
function isJQueryEvent(e){
return !("bubbles" in e || "cancelBubble" in e);
// invoke the init callback
if( $.isFunction(options.init) ) options.init.apply(this, [$select, $input, $a, $container, $scrollable, $title, $ul]);
$.LinkSelect.defaults = {
classLink: "linkselectLink" // the class to use for the anchor tag
, classLinkOpen: "linkselectLinkOpen" // the anchor's class when the dropdown is shown
, classLinkFocus: "linkselectLinkFocus" // the anchor's class when it has focus
, classContainer: "linkselectContainer" // the class to the container that holds the options
, classSelected: "selected" // the class of the currently selected item
, classCurrent: "current" // the class of the highlighted item
, classDisabled: "linkselectDisabled" // the class used on the text when the linkselect is disabled
, classValue: "linkselectValue" // the class used for each item in the dropdown
, yAxis: "top" // the position of the dropdown relative to the link (can be either "top" or "bottom")
, titleAlign: "right" // location of dropdown's title bar if dropdown is on right edge of the screen (can be either "right" or "left")
, fixedWidth: false // false = dropdown sizes to width of options, true = dropdown uses width of link
, init: null // callback that occurs when a linkselect menu is initialized
, change: null // callback that occurs when an option is selected
, format: null // callback that occurs when rendering the HTML to use for an item in the dropdown
, open: null // callback that occurs when the menu is opened
, close: null // callback that occurs when the menu is closed
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