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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Ruby on Rails interview questions

#Ruby on Rails Interview Questions

What is CSRF and how do you prevent it?
What are strong parameters introduced in Rails 4 and what is the reasoning behind the change?
Explain how you test your Rails app. Explain the various test levels available out of the box (controllers/integration/mailers/models).
What is a Rails engine?
What are different ways you could modularize a huge Rails app?
What code would you put in app/controllers/concern?
What does “keep your controllers thin and your models fat” mean?
How would you remove logic from your views?
When would you use a class vs instance variables in RoR ?
What are some ActiveRecords callbacks which you are familiar with ?
What are the difference between rails template, sub-templates and view helpers ?
What are the benefits of using active records as opposed to native SQL queries. On which occasion should you be choosing one over the other?
Explain how RoR scaffolding works and why you would want to use them
MVC + rails routing concepts.
Give some examples of RoR conventions over configurations options
Explain Rails DB Migrate, and the benefits that comes along with that
Some knowledge on REST and what it represents
Some knowledge on the SOLID principles or at least what it represents
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